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[[https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuGNOME/Testing | Testing - ALT du trenger å vite og lære om Testing er her]] ## 1. [[https://wiki.ubuntu.com/TrustyTahr/Alpha1/UbuntuGNOME | Release Notes For Trusty Tahr Alpha 1]] ## 1. [[http://ubuntugnome.org/ubuntu-gnome-trusty-tahr-14-04-alpha-1 | Trusty Tahr Alpha 1]] ## 1. [[http://ubuntuforums.org/forumdisplay.php?f=427 | Technical Discussion on Ubuntu Forums]] ## 1. [[https://launchpad.net/~ubuntugnome-qa | Ubuntu GNOME QA Team]] ## 1. [[https://launchpad.net/~ubuntugnome-qa | Mailing List]] ## 1. [[https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs | How to Report Bugs]] = Seksjon F: Nyttige Lenker (På Engelsk) = 1. [[http://distrowatch.com/search.php?desktop=GNOME | Andre distribusjoner med GNOME]] 1. [[http://www.gnu.org/software/grub/ | Hva er GRUB?]] 1. [[https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2 | GRUB2]] 1. [[https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Boot-Repair | Boot Repair]] 1. [[http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1664134 | GRUB Customizer]] 1. [[http://bootinfoscript.sourceforge.net/ | Boot Info Script]] 1. [[http://unetbootin.sourceforge.net/ | UNetbootin]] 1. [[http://www.plop.at/en/bootmanager/index.html | Plop Boot Manager]] 1. [[https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo | Root sudo]] 1. [[http://psychocats.net/ubuntu/graphicalsudo | Running sudo Graphically]] 1. [[http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Master_boot_record | Master Boot Record (MBR)]] 1. [[http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Disk_partitioning | Disk Partitioning]] 1. [[https://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowtoPartition | How to partition]] 1. [[https://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowToMD5SUM | How to MD5SUM?]] 1. [[https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuHashes | Ubuntu Hashes]] 1. [[http://www.desktopwallpapers.ro/main.php | Very nice Wallpapers for your Desktop]] 1. [[http://wallpaperswide.com/ | HD Wallpapers]] 1. [[http://linux.oneandoneis2.org/LNW.htm | Linux is not Windows]] 1. [[http://www.linuxatemyram.com/ | Linux ate my RAM]] 1. [[http://www.googlubuntu.com/ | Google Ubuntu]] - Search Engine for Ubuntu = Seksjon G: Ubuntu Smaker = 1. [[http://www.ubuntu.com/ | Ubuntu]] 1. [[http://www.kubuntu.org/ | Kubuntu]] 1. [[http://www.xubuntu.org/ | Xubuntu]] 1. [[https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Lubuntu | Lubuntu]] 1. [[http://ubuntustudio.org/ | Ubuntu Studio]] 1. [[http://www.edubuntu.org/ | Edubuntu]] 1. [[http://www.mythbuntu.org/ | Mythubuntu]] 1. [[http://www.ubuntukylin.com/ | UbuntuKylin]] = Seksjon H: GNOME = 1. [[http://www.gnome.org/ | GNOME Website]] 1. [[https://wiki.gnome.org/Home | GNOME Wiki]] 1. [[https://news.gnome.org/ | GNOME News]] 1. [[https://projects.gnome.org/ | GNOME Projects]] 1. [[http://art.gnome.org/ | GNOME Art]] 1. [[https://developer.gnome.org/ | GNOME Development]] 1. [[http://www.gnome.org/get-involved/ | GNOME Community]]