## page was copied from UbuntuGlobalJam/LucidTrainingLogs/HowToRunATranslationJam-2010-03-05 <> <> = Training - How to run a Packaging Jam, dpm 2010-03-16 = {{{#!IRC so, good morning/afternoon/evening everyone! hi, dpm hey happyaron :) I'm going to be running the next in the series of training sessions for the Ubuntu Global Jam, featuring Translations The aim here is that this is useful for teams which have never run a jam before, and also for experienced teams to share their experiences. Feel free to ask questions at any point during the session, or later on, as I'm usually here on this channel or on #ubuntu-translators any kind of jam? or any specific type? jarlen, we are going to be talking of translations jams today, but every LoCo can choose which one they'd like to run some teams run only one type, some teams several... There might be a guy or 2 on my team interested in tips about translation jams ... it's up to each team jarlen, ok, so you are at the right place today :) when is it? nah, I'm fine, we've ran jams before but I guess he'd like to know, his a first-timer jarlen, the session on translation jams is right now :) oh, too bad hello Damascene: hi jarlen, they can still read the logs https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuGlobalJam#TrainingSessions or the existing documentation -> https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Jams/Translations Daviey, mhall119|work: I'll un-milestone all bugs now, and we just milestone them when we're sure they'll make it for the next "release" Daviey, mhall119|work: so from bug wishlist, we'd get to a "changelog" or sorts of sorts Anyway, before starting, are there any translations people around? Who is going to run a translations jam in here? hello happyaron dpm: I think our loco is actually running something like that, heh dpm: translating is active now. eleanor: hi happyaron: hi dpm: hi happyaron, cool, glad to hear that hey eleanor Anyway, let's start with the basic info as a reminder for the Jam You've probably heard that we are running the Ubuntu Global Jam (UGJ) very soon :) * WHAT: Ubuntu Global Jam * WHEN: weekend of 26th to 28th March 2010 * WHERE: all over the world! You'll find all the info you need (and more!) on: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuGlobalJam There you'll find links for every type of jam we are proposing (translations, packaging, documentation, upgrade, testing, etc.) Remember that the idea is not that each LoCo runs all types of jams. The idea is that there are several options each team can consider, and then decide the type or types of jams that you'd like to run when you are getting together In the case of translations jams, you'll also find more info here: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Jams/Translations The important thing here is also to add your details on the UGJ event on the LoCo Directory here: http://loco.ubuntu.com/events/global/3/detail/ There you can see which other teams are running jams and which type That is a very useful place to encourage or inspire other teams to run jams Also importantly, it will give visibility to your team and more people might be interested in coming along to the local events. and it's also good for planning your own event Any questions so far? yes was there any active Arabic loco team ever * Damascene said some thing wrong? Damascene: we need to check, :) Damascene, yes, there are Arabic LoCos. I know of the Libya team (http://fridge.ubuntu.com/node/1984) and of the Arabic translators team, which might encompass people from different LoCos -> https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-l10n-ar Damascene, you can also check the list of teams here: http://loco.ubuntu.com/teams/ ok thanks brb ok, so moving on to translations jams: Translations jams allow you making your favourite OS accessible for thousands of people in your language I always have to think that when I'm doing translations for some people it even means it's the only OS available in their language GOOOOOD MORNING! hey, good morning Daviey dpm: \o Translations in Ubuntu are done by the awesome people in Ubuntu Translation teams, which you can see here: https://translations.launchpad.net/+groups/ubuntu-translators They are the ones responsible for submitting and reviewing translations in each language But do not worry: everyone can submit translation suggestions without having to be in one of the translation teams, so that you can contribute easily since day 1. The members of the translation team will act as reviewers to see that your suggestion is ok, doesn't contain any typos, etc. So it's important to get in touch with them once you've done a bunch of suggestions, so that they are aware of them, and they can give you some feedback. This feedback will greatly help you on your way to becoming an Ubuntu translator, if you are not one already :) Before or after the Jam is a good time to get involved in those teams, and perhaps apply to join them. It is always a good thing to make sure there is at least a member of the Launchpad translation team at the Jam, be it physically or remotely, so that he or she can accept translation suggestions on the spot, or provide some feedback on improvement. The other useful thing in translation jams is to set goals: For example, before the jam you could decide you want: * To have ubuntu-docs or kubuntu-docs fully translated after the jam * To have the Ubuntu Slideshow in the installer fully translated after the jam * To have all the applications in the first page of http://translations.launchpad.net/ubuntu translated * To translate the package descriptions of the Featured category in Software Center * etc. Basically, it's up to you and your team which goals you want to set Since generally each team will know best which areas of the translation need more work I'll also mention this again: you should definitely check out Nightmonkey if you are setting a goal for translations of package descriptions. I talked about it some days ago: http://davidplanella.wordpress.com/2010/02/26/translating-software-descriptions-with-nightmonkey/ During the jam you can use several tools to coordinate these goals, assign translations, keep track on who's translating and reviewing what, etc Gobby (apt-get install gobby) and the Ubuntu wiki will come to your rescue you can, for example, prepare these goals in the wiki before the jam and then use gobby for real-time communication. This can be useful in either case: if you are running a jam somewhere where you are physically together, or remotely One important note on the goals, though: It's fantastic to achieve them, but sometimes in jams you get a lot of new people coming along, and you spend quite a lot of time telling them about Ubuntu, about how the translations process goes, etc. So you just have to remember that this training part is also very important. It is very rewarding to get new contributors to your translation team and help better localizing Ubuntu in your language And it is fun as well ;) Regarding new contributors, Another tip is to prepare some short presentation on how the translation process works, so that you don't have to explain it every time all over again You can run the presentation at the beginning of the jam or put it somewhere and point people to it when they've got questions As you'll see that people come at any time during the day And might not have seen your presentation if you are running it e.g. in the morning Another thing you can do during translation Jams is to prepare translation guidelines for your team As you all or part of the team will be together in one place, it is a great opportunity to put the guidelines in writing and make the translation process a lot easier You'll find more info on translation guidelines on: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Translations/KnowledgeBase/TranslationGuidelines Anyway, I think that's mostly what I wanted to cover for today Does any of you have any questions? Or anything you'd like to share on past jams? (it doesn't have to limit on translation jams, as the experiences are oftern similar in all kind of jams) * dholbach just wants to share that dpm is a rockstar. :) +1 * happyaron +1 as well * dpm hugs dholbach, the true rockstar ok, so if there aren't any right now, the only thing left is to thank you for coming and remind you you can ask any questions later, either here or on #ubuntu-translators pffft :) see you all around! :) thanks dpm thanks~ * dholbach hugs dpm * dpm hugs dholbach maiatoday, eleanor, you're welcome }}} ---- CategoryJam