= WSJT Setup = The wsjt package is used for weak-signal amateur radio communications. == Configuring Audio Devices == Wsjt allows configuration to select your sound card device, but there is insufficient information presented in the GUI interface to troubleshoot problems. Start wsjt from a command line, and during startup, a list of all available audio devices will be printed. You can then select a device number from the "Audio Device" column, and enter it in the setup dialog of wsjt. After changing the configuration, you must restart wsjt for changes to take effect. == Known Issue with audio sample rate == Wsjt requires that the audio stream be opened at a single, fixed sample rate. If the Audio device does not support that sample rate, wsjt will fail with the following error: {{{ Error opening input audio stream. Errortext: Invalid sample rate Number: -9997 Error opening output audio stream. Errortext: Invalid sample rate Number: -9997 Error 3 in JTaudio, you will only be able to work offline. }}} In order to provide a resampled audio stream that can support the rate requested by wsjt, you can create a .asoundrc file in your home directory, and add the following to it: {{{ pcm.SignalLink-USB { type hw card 1 device 0 } pcm_slave.SignalLinkIn { pcm SignalLink-USB rate 44100 } pcm.SignalLinkOut { type rate slave SignalLinkIn } }}} Once you create this file, you'll have to restart the pulse audio system: {{{ sudo service pulseaudio –restart }}} Now, reconfigure wsjt to use the audio device named "SignalLinkOut", and it should work. (Thanks to [[http://foxgulch.com/WordPress/?p=557|LarryJ2]] for documenting this workaround)