
The Ubuntu Hams Team exists to bring together Amateur Radio Operators and developers of Amateur Radio packages who use Ubuntu to:

We hang out on IRC in #ubuntu-hams on irc.libera.chat

How to get the latest updates to Ubuntu ham packages

The Ubuntu-hams team maintains a PPA with updated versions of a number of ham packages, which are scheduled to appear in future versions of Ubuntu. The team tests these packages, and in most cases it is desirable for hams using Ubuntu to subscribe to this PPA.

If you are having problems with a package in Ubuntu and there is a more recent version in the PPA, please try the PPA version before filing a bug.


General Ham Radio information

Team Page

The Launchpad page for the team is here:


(i) Please join the Launchpad team and also the associated mailing list.

How To Join

  1. Join the team on the Launchpad Team Page

  2. Sign up for the mailing list on that page.
  3. Add your information to the Members Wiki Page

  4. Introduce yourself on the IRC channel: #ubuntu-hams on irc.freenode.com

Once you are done with these steps, you can order a slick Ubuntu Hams callsign badge as described below:

Expected courtesies on the mailing list and IRC

The ubuntu-hams community strives to be a collaborative community open to people with all levels of experience and knowledge, consistent with the greater Ubuntu community.

Any question of what is and is not appropriate content for the mailing list and chat room must be addressed in those public channels or in private communications with the admins. Critical personal responses (via off-list email or private chat) are inappropriate.

Use the Ubuntu Code of Conduct as your guide.

In a situation where there is a question or comment that may not belong on the list, or an individual receives off-list communication which diminishes their contributions in any way, please contact one of the administrators as listed on the ubuntu-hams launchpad page.  We will review it and take appropriate action.

Team Badges

After completing the steps above, you are eligible to order your very own Ubuntu Hams callsign badge from here.


Developer Team Page

There is also a launchpad team for developers, packagers, and people interested in helping to process bugs against ham packages:


On Air Activities

UbuntuHamsNets - a page listing our on-air nets

Member and Package Information

UbuntuHamsMembers - All members are encouraged to update their names, call signs, and information. This page also includes information on our special callsign badges.

UbuntuHamsPackages - a list of amateur radio packages, with links to upstream and bug reports.

UbuntuHamDevelopersBugSubscriptions - a list of packages for which the dev list gets bug reports

Configuration and Troubleshooting

Eventually we'll have some configuration and troubleshooting pages specific for ham packages.

The artwork for the UbuntuHams/Logo UbuntuHams/ubuntu-hams_14.png is available.

Sub-pages :

UbuntuHams (last edited 2022-02-07 01:49:29 by robbinespu)