#REDIRECT SecurityTeam Ubuntu Hardened is a project dedicated to offering ProactiveSecurity features for Ubuntu users, ensuring its deployment and development within the Ubuntu Linux distribution. As a result of a key decision within the HardenedDebian project, Ubuntu Hardened is the result of the will for collaborating between different developers from different fields and projects. == Mailing list == An official [[http://lists.ubuntu.com/mailman/listinfo/ubuntu-hardened|Ubuntu Hardened mailing list]] is available. If you'd like to collaborate on hardened security concepts in Ubuntu please join this list. == Launchpad == This project also has a group organized on the [[http://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-hardened|Ubuntu Hardened]] Launchpad page. If you'd like to work on this project please register there. == IRC Channel == It can be found at #ubuntu-hardened in FreeNode network. == Ubuntu 7.10 == The current goals of this newly resurrected project is SELinux deployment within Ubuntu. The information below is outdated and will need updating. == Breezy Main goals == || Task || Description || Status || || SSP || Deployment of the IBM Stack Smashing Protector (aka ProPolice), using libssp || || || SELinux kernel || Provide SELinux capable kernel || Done || || SELinux userland || modify relevant userland bits for SELinux || || || ELF Markings for PaX control || This requires a patch to binutils, and will be invisible to non-PaX users || || == Breezy Universe == Hardened Kernel supporting * PaX * grSecurity == Postponed == * Deployment of Position Independent Executables. == Areas of development == * UbuntuHardenedToolchain * UbuntuHardenedKernel * SELinux == See also == * SELinux *ProactiveSecurity * USNAnalysis * [[http://wiki.debian-hardened.org|Hardened Debian wiki]] * [[http://wiki.tuxedo-es.org|tuxedo-es.org wiki]]