Ubuntu needs to be translated into Inuktitut (the language of the [[http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Inuit|Inuit]]). For this to happen, we need some pieces. == Font == * Pigiarniq font is what the Government of Nunavut uses. [[http://www.tiro.com/syllabics/resources/index.html]] * Emailed inquiring under which license it is released. * [[http://www.gov.nu.ca/font.htm]] - Here is a font, but unknown licence * Emailed Nortext about the Nunacom font, said it was pretty much obsolete now. * "The font is pretty much public domain - never had anybody ask us about the license before. If we had to choose one, I would say CCO - [[http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/legalcode]]" - Fred Jansen, Nortext. Regarding the Nunacom font * ACTION ITEM - contact the Nunavut goverment as ask to relicence under a DFSG-free licence, for inclusion in main. The best licence would probably be the GPL * This may also work - [[http://rpmfind.net/linux/RPM/mandrake/10.1/i586/media/main/locales-iu-2.3.3-8mdk.i586.html]] * The [[http://packages.debian.org/unstable/main/ttf-lg-aboriginal|ttf-lg-aboriginal]] font package in Debian would work since it has Syllabics coverage. The fonts are originally from [[http://languagegeek.com|Languagegeek.com]]. It is currently in Debian unstable and will be synced with Intrepid. == Collect existing translations == * There are a number of exisiting translations out there. Find them and get them into Rosetta * ACTION ITEM - search and contact existing translators == Contact new translators == * There are a fair number of Inuktitut speakers/profs out there. Find them. * ACTION ITEM - visit your local University's language faculty and ask around == Find out where Microsoft is at == * They started last May * [[http://canadaonline.about.com/b/a/075557.htm]] - News story * [[http://www.microsoft.com/presspass/press/2004/mar04/0317LLPQS.asp]] - The MS propaganda * [[http://www.pirurvik.ca/]] - They are working with these people, we should contact them * ACTION ITEM - contact MS and ask them about buying a copy of windows in Inuktitut == Randomly useful links == * [[http://attavik.ca/en_index.html]] - These people may also be able to help us * [[https://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/dapper/+lang/iu|Rosetta translations in IU]]