<> <> ||<>|| = Ubuntu Leadership = ## Removed, "In the Ubuntu Community we not only have a [[http://www.ubuntu.com/community/conduct | Code of Conduct]]., but we also have a [[http://www.ubuntu.com/community/leadership-conduct | Leadership Code of Conduct]] that outlines what is expected of leaders within the Ubuntu Community". The Ubuntu Leadership Team aims to be a community resource that helps gather, build, and form a leadership training forum within the Ubuntu Community. Open source Leadership requires different leadership styles, while the skills needed to become a successful and efficient leader are universal. Leading any all volunteer group has its own unique challenges, and using open collaboration with leaders throughout the community the Ubuntu Leadership Team strives to offer resources to help grow and nurture leaders thus creating an even better inclusive Ubuntu Community experience through its leadership. A goal of the Ubuntu Leadership Team is help our current, new, and those individuals interested in becoming leaders in the Ubuntu community understand the Leadership Code of Conduct in order to better understand the expectations surrounding leadership. == Training Resources == As we move forward with building and growing our leadership training resources some of the topics we will be covering will include but not be limited to: * Conflict Resolution * Leadership Code of Conduct * Leading a Team * Leading a Community * Leading by Following * and many many more We have [[https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuLeadership/Guides|a page]] that contains guides on how to lead within a team. == Getting Involved == * [[https://launchpad.net/~ubuntuleadership|Launchpad]] - the launchpad home for the team. * [[https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuLeadership|Wiki]] - the wiki homepage for the team. * [[https://lists.ubuntu.com/mailman/listinfo/ubuntu-leadership| Mailing List]] - the team mailing list - the primary means of communicating to the whole team at once. * [[http://webchat.freenode.net/#ubuntu-leadership|IRC]] - a web link to the #ubuntu-leadership IRC Channel on the Freenode network. * More Ways to get involved will be added as they become available We are just getting started. If you would like to help build this Community please, stop by #ubuntu-leadership on freenode. = Sub-pages = ||'''This Team page contains the following sub-pages:'''|| ||<>||