= Ubuntu Magazine Question Index = Created by Gord Campbell All issues of Full Circle can be downloaded from http://fullcirclemagazine.org All questions, topics covered in Full Circle Magazine '''Issue 1''' Directory Structure MythTV Scribus (series) Gramps (genealogy) (Q&A) how to get Sun Java encoding DVDs '''Issue 2''' setting up a VPN (Q&A) change username and password OpenGL support Bling: compiz '''Issue 3''' Xubuntu eyecandy encoders (Q&A)install Windows after Ubuntu Adding menu items installing Wine Software index is broken jittery touchpad '''Issue 4''' Edubuntu launchpad account safe ubuntu miro blog tools (Q&)login as root sharing (firefox) settings between Ubuntu and Windows repair X '''Issue 5''' Fluxbuntu launchpad bug reporting virtualbox strategy games (Q&A) racing games dual boot gnome and KDE web sites for eyecandy best dock '''Issue 6''' Upgrade ubuntu photoshop plugins in gimp samba ubuntu tutorials web site racing games (Q&A) registered user file browsing over SSH trash icon on desktop set Windows as default OS '''Issue 7''' audio/video programs Ubuntu Studio SSH setup terminal on desktop converting from Windows WUBI installer linux in library (Q&A) disable IPV6 more than 4 GB RAM GUI on server Linux commands web site '''Issue 8''' Christmas apps mythbuntu wubi install multi-boot tomboy (Q&A) Christmas '''Issue 9''' Download managers opengeu directory service (primary domain controller) create a server (series) gimp video tutorials making DVDs usplash Issue 10 chess games Mint compile from source tuxpaint rip DVD eee PC (Q&A) sidebar program like dreamweaver multiple monitors desktop system monitor '''Issue 11''' truecrypt ipod with amarok latex (Q&A) multiple OSes at the same time delete a file whose name contains an asterisk thmbnails in nautilus monitor resolution too low '''Issue 12''' disk usage analyzers create deb files using gimp (series) partimage wiki on a stick (Q&A) install from within Windows greyscale printing as default new mail notification MP3 in amarok video screen captures devede sound distorted '''Issue 13''' unusual consoles demo day TV feast (Q&A) disk usage analyzer size wrong wubi vs dual boot flash player in Firefox desktop is home directory '''Issue 14''' space games command and conquer (series) install from network pictures on ipod (Q&A) BIOS "before cutoff" troubleshooting sound problems installing KDE '''Issue 15''' slim web browsers create a separate home partition grub 101 (Q&A) copying files to Windows no video in Firefox fsck died with exit status 8 running shell scripts '''Issue 16''' twitter clients make your own buntu gnome-look (Q&A) installing niwbillmanager Novatel 3G card installed Windows after Ubuntu playing aac files (bad answer!) '''Issue 17''' email notifiers nano and vim program in C (series) irc scan to PDF (Q&A) change MP3 tags in rhythmbox screen resultion fragged enable visual effects sigmatel 92xx sound card '''Issue 18''' Mind mapping package management from command line secure network drive (Q&A) dual boot suse and ubuntu googling full circle triple boot '''Issue 19''' virtualization apps (CC) finding files create wifi access point multimedia on cell phone automount internal hard drive network manager fubar partitions and speed '''Issue 20''' backup programs web development (series) (Q&A) fixing broken link in grub what is gvfsd-http zeroing a hard drive '''Issue 21''' torrent tools (CC) formatting output change video aspect ratio making a bootable USB with unetbootin FCM survey (Q&A) what programming languages newsgroup ext3 to ext4 installing themes '''Issue 22''' DVD rippers bulk resizing images spread ubuntu (series) cruncheee (Q&A) screen resolution too small starting wubi making a file executable OCR '''Issue 23''' Task managers (CC) troubleshooting (Q&A) alt to photoshop keeping settings on new install need swap? dialupmodemhowto '''Issue 24''' (CC) bash script Inkscape (series) MAME (arcade machine) (Q&A) install on Mac mini data vs music CDRs (???) Logitech STX webcam Update - lose files? ltsp server (terminal server) mapping shared folder memtest86 '''Issue 25''' (CC) selecting a shell Virtualbox (Q&A) USB Startup, format? No sound (bad answer) updates not happening lost grub out of space '''Issue 26''' Ubuntu as a guest apt cacher letter from me - pulseaudio (Q&A) which Virtualbox? disable one wifi card acpi - old computer '''Issue 27''' Screenshot tools Program in python (series) scanning documents associating a file type air-cooled home server amarok 1.4 (Q&A) permissions for external ext3 drive finding a file containing words list of commands program quietly aborts '''Issue 28''' Top 5 sip clients (CC) help and man pages LAMP server (series) SSH networking squid tellico database (Q&A) transparent background in Virtualbox installing tar files playing video slowly move menus to bottom '''Issue 29''' Physics games (CC) key bindings setting up a VPN Kompozer (Q&A)how to start an open-source project sound in Skype VPN to SBS 2003 using squid '''Issue 30''' Writers' tools eBook and Calibre (CC) disk cleanup apps for bookworms openoffice.org base recording from Internet radio (Q&A) joining a domain no sound HP printer Netbeans for Java development '''Issue 31''' SVN clients Perfect server (series) (CC) laptop power management for hard drives audio players/organizers (Q@&A) deleted essential files Windows Media Player plugin PHP coding flash drive not automounting '''Issue 32''' Top 5 media centers (CC) GNU Screen (series) installing Chromium offline package installation (Q&A) webcam upside down deleting duplicate pictures Karmic network problems watermark in GIMP logout command '''Issue 33''' Top 5 sync clients Boxee on a Revo Exaile music organizer (Q&A) youtube videos Windows 7 and Ubuntu Adding a hard drive with XP installed bittorrent speed '''Issue 34''' Research tools (CC) more terminals retouch pics in GIMP (series) (Q&A) files created at lgin limiting kids' Internet use cellphone controlling computer upgrading '''Issue 35''' Android apps (CC) more shells Google sketchup (Q&A) Update failed bluetooth dongle "session lasted for less than 10 seconds" Seg fault '''Issue 36''' Ubuntu manual scanning apps (CC) terminal colours using Google (Gord's Q&A) restoring grub acrobat reader find files choosing a wireless card hardware identification '''Issue 37''' tiling window managers (CC) secure connection screenlets streaming media Lubuntu (Q&A) max/min/close button position blu-ray display upside-down name of computer is a package installed? recording voice using Google '''Issue 38''' (CC) diff Virtualization (series) Browser blogging (Q&A) list of installed apps using dial-up grub on external hard drive execute permission Toshiba overheating Future Releases '''Issue 39''' (CC) Curl and wget Virtual memory stats iRobot aPad review (Q&A) download apps using a different computer eliminate Kubuntu Command line resources 256 MB of memory entering unicode WUSB54GC wireless permissions on external drive Songbird and M4A files *** documentation sites *** help.ubuntu.com help.ubuntu.com/community ubuntu-manual.org ubuntuguide.org manpages.ubuntu.com '''Issue 40''' (CC) ping ifget dhclient ifconfig wpa_supplicant (connecting from the command line) Installing Open Solaris ADSL modem as a switch SOFA statistics dpkg ubuntuvideotutorials (Q&A) Backup from a LiveCD gnustep-devel multiple kernels reducing memory requirement Dell 1450 USB wireless zapping clearing a hard drive Inspiron N4010 ethernet Simple answers: wireless driver and Windows Share. Top 5 photo management apps '''Issue 41''' (CC) fdisk mkfs find locate whereis freebsd writing for Full Circle Ubuntu for a photographer Tuxguitar Streaming to PS/3 and media server downloading all issues Gish (game) (Q&A) saving streaming audio HP G62 wireless using USB sound card Inspiron 9400 video shimmer Samba complaint Sopcast channel server nVidia Xserver doesn't recognize monitor Triple boot with odd Linux version Four primary partitions running Windows apps '''Issue 42''' (CC) essential commands: man vi ls cd ping iwconfig halt alias rsysnc cp mv cat rm su locate ln echo pwd mkdir touch grep find installing Arch Shotwell to organize photos write for Full Circle puppy vs slax reader survey 2010 moonOS Kubuntu 10.10 pinyin input playonlinux business programs penumbra overture (Q&A) editing a file in /usr secure delete LiveCD - locked folders U3 autoinstaller on flash drive ATI 9550 Asus A8AE-LE motherboard viewing raw images fixing video settings Sansa Fuze Sansa e260 compiling to a .deb default OS in grub No Sound flicker with ATI X1200 Top 5 alternatives to gnome '''Issue 43''' (CC) SCIM and ibus Debian Xen server Raw Therapee Lucid Puppy and Slax on flash drive Conky Untangle router reconfigure display And yet it moves game (Q&A) double-click to view text file Windows 7 viewing Share Converting 3GP to Xvid default terminal window size lm-sensors Top 5 backup ideas '''Issue 44''' (CC) more Conky link shortening Slitaz tazndis (ndiswrapper replacement) unetbootin QGIS (letter) more backup ideas Quake live (Q&A)sharing a printer Ubuntu daily build wake from sleep NFS mount nvidia 96 and 173 in 10.10 running a closed laptop alsa-base options webcam in 10.10 router blocking shares stopping automatic login playing DVDs in 10.10 freeing space in external drive playing swf files top5 bittorrent clients '''Issue 45''' askubuntu.com (CC) conky scripts virtualization programs m23 to admin multiple computers multi-boot USB flash drive kde 4.5 (Q&A) apt-get update doesn't work list of shares security in Linux? TL-WN727N wireless router setup no grub menu turn off ipv6 video for ipod windows disappears from grub router doesn't accept password (top 5) music notation apps '''Issue 46''' (CC) To-do list Zenity Libre Office (series) install Mythbuntu File systems part 1 Boxee Box (Q&A) gimp docs "places" don't open properly CBS news video radio streams in Windows format installation fails - community docs "who are you" can't go forward opensuse and grub no icons for running tasks (spotify) slow SSD Ubuntu for PowerPC can't grab window borders nvidia wrong screen resolution audio optical output (Top 5) guitar apps '''Issue 47''' (CC) Conky and lua ucubed ebook software: calibre piano booster (review) Vendetta Online (Q&A) text to speech Canon Lide 110 scanner Updates available error? IR blaster for Mythbuntu dual-boot disappeared Dell thermal issues portable apps menubar damaged dummy packages in the repositories install to external drive (Top 5) School tools '''Issue 48''' (CC) Asian language support Finding ebooks Arduino hardware and software Swapiness part 1 Remastersys Copy and paste from Full Circle No Internet in Firefox/10.x (Q&A) Format for external drives Share access issues Virtualbox: image or fresh install? Sound delays Copying a VCD Elusive netgen Sharing an external drive 3 TB external drive Webgl videos To keep up to date or not Xubuntu themes Video card driver disk (Top 5) Project management tools '''Issue 49''' (CC) graphicsmagick Ubuntu Development (series) gmail in Thunderbird Unity opinions Virtualbox (Q&A) Gnome in 11.04 .doc differences in Open/Libre Office 11.04 CPU usage Wine expectations kworker start a process before login German keyboard Wireless disconnects when playing video USB device identification TRIM in 11.04 MSI U135 wireless Natty or not? (Top 5) Web development apps '''Issue 50''' (CC) LaTeX KDE 4.6 Gnome Shell vs. Unity PAM facial recognition Kindle for PC and Google Earth (Q&A) Asus laptop too hot BIOS update without Windows Blue videos 11.04 window maximize Unity hardware Soundtrack for Libre Office presentation Adding a hard drive, also Moving /home Remote desktop file transfer IP addresses on local network Conky configuration Converting video to H.264 Using floppy drives Sun Java Converting audio to aac Two monitors GTK File ownership (Top 5) USB installers '''Issue 51''' (CC) Xmonad with dzen2 KDE effects Private repository Which distro Gramps review (series) (Q&A) Kernel cleanup Sound issues (two approaches) skinny scroll bars Truecrypt / file encryption video with multiple languages Fixing Grub default program is deleted private files Unity mouse cursor local web server Conky temperature display (Top 5) VOIP clients '''Issue 52''' (CC) CJK Latex Zoneminder (series) (my opinion) Install Microsoft Office Chromebook review (Letter) compiled wireless driver (Q&A) Permission denied in root Xbox controller Deleted synced folders RPM lowfat linux CPU speed seems low Home file server Can't afford to lose my files Removing dependent packages Sis video Broadcom wireless Combine MP3s Sharing NTFS drive Switchable graphics/Nvidia Optimus Crash when DSL cable is not plugged in '''Issue 53''' (CC) Message of the day Backup Strategy (series) Ubuntu in my classroom Mint 11 review (Q&A) jumpy video Truecrypt trash 3G modem MySQL forgotten password installing Blender sharing an optical drive WEP key not stored converting video how to compile Server error message Editing community docs '''Issue 54''' (CC) Vim and Gvim Freemind Apt-cacher-NG Synergy review (Q&A) Not junk mail Backports find and replace paragraph breaks Unity no panel or launcher monitors Huawei E1691 rocket stick current Ubuntu too slow video card fan always on scanning with HP B110A not enough space on boot partition '''Issue 55''' (CC)Vim advanced Deja Dup Audacity for podcasts WLX-652 NAS VOIP at home Upgrade vs fresh install Backtrack vs Backbox (Q&A) gnome panel lex what to do after installing groups in 11.10 speed up web browsing Android development Upgrading Wubi FSOSS (Game) Frozen Synapse '''Issue 56''' 11.10 Classic look SpiderOak Persistent USB Connect to IRC XBMC Ubuntu in the Office Puppy Linux 5.2.5 MySQL to SQLite (Q&A) Customizing Gnome Classic Nvidia driver affecting performance Convert mkv for iPad Unetbootin and NTFS Unity alternatives CD opening file manager Resume from suspend without password Oneiric tweaks SSH to encrypted home folder Backlight going off with Intel Mobile 4 chip Thinkpad X120 no grub English to Arabic Custom login screen Scandisk Changing video card Freezy Linux (Games) Multiwinia Bobby Ronnie's computer '''Issue 57''' (CC) SSH and Rsync Enlightenment Dropbox Encrypted flash drive Varnish web cache Mana World server Network and wireless settings OpenArtist Using Garmin datalogger Keyboard shortcuts Screensaver in 11.10 (Q&A) Uninstall iplist/peerguardian Password reset after old password forgotten Microsoft Office 2010 DVDstyler Firefox bookmarks to new install Intel GMA500 Package availability Drupal7 UEFI, SSD and large hard drives Startup Disk Creator Gtkpod (Games) Crayon Physics Deluxe Jamestown Installing Minecraft Issue 58 (CC) Trivialibre Ubuntu One screencast with recordmydesktop scan with gscan2pdf system information: hardinfo, lsh, lspci, dmidecode, df, disk usage analyzer (CW) format a USB flash drive (Q&A) vdpau suspend can't resume two monitors moving unity launcher icons downloading Firefox ATI 9100 Launcher hide-and-seek compiling C programs server protection eboard chess duplicate files Issue 59 Portable Linux disk size in vbox greeting cards foremost data recovery (CW) task manager myunity bodhi with e17 (enlightenment) (Q&A) RAM and disk space anomalies ripperx to flac mdb plop boot manager no hard drive block program version upgrades java list of computers on the network brightness adjustment software update says another package manager is running compile to the dash boot from CD - Toshiba Satellite drivers (games) snes emulation Issue 60 (CC) Japanese conky colors prey for stolen laptops GIMP - beanstalk (series) Inkscape (series) serial connection RS-232 (CW) sound settings doit, evernote, moneydance, dropbox iPod davmail for Exchange (office365) (Q&A) gnome classic in 12.04 intel and nvidia switchable video network monitor: ntop image thumbnails nvidia second monitor conky in xubuntu headless server saving to network drive new computer, old hard drives HD video on Ion graphics night and day with f.lux sharing just works Issue 61 top - CPU and memory usage Virtualbox networking DVD ripping (CW) adding and removing software epub creation FCM table of contents redshift (Q&A) make a backup! Ubuntu boot process Nautilus background sound in VLC/Mint drive missing message at boot up partition alignment functions keys on Lenovo Skydrive Belkin F5D8053 N wireless Android phone as a VLC remote video playback on underpowered CPU weather applet wireless to Beagleboard free music (series) Issue 62 (CC) where to put scripts Unison file synch astronomy (series) tweet screen (continued in 64) (CW) equivalent applications installing software: sites and programs promoting Ubuntu (Q&A) unsupported graphics cards webcam in Skype Software Center doesn't run inhibit Shotwell Wacom tablet sharing a printer Sopcast log files Nvidia drivers program list playing .rm files (real media) shutdown doesn't external monitor on netbook installing TTF fonts Visual Basic in Ubuntu quiet headphones environment variables SSD plus hard drive libre kernel Why Mint Issue 63 (CC) Multi-user documents Retro photo in GIMP Web development (series) (CW) Folder sharing gpodder running from a DVD (Q&A) Sopcast in Mint HDMI sound slow wireless running on battery install Openshot editing PDF WEP wireless remove a program and its files UEFI and secure boot overlay scrollbars multiple VPN connections sound on HP DV6 many icons on desktop grads McPixel Issue 64 (CC) IDEs (Integrated development environment) Kivy in Python Libre Office macros Davmail kdenlive (series) webdev: config mysql, php and Couchdb autostart a program wallpaper and themes flirc laptop speedup (Q&A) black screen at boot audio fixes from Canonical moving to a larger hard drive mouse stuck in Unity hotspot converting video files Intel 64-bit crop video in Openshot restoring dual boot after reinstalling Windows dual boot time conflicts lvm in Ubuntu server virus scanning Windows partition Issue 65 Guild wars in WINE Libre office slide transitions Encryption Inkscape gradients Webdev: crud Mapping a network drive Ubuntu manuals FVWM installation (Q&A) changing wallpaper Keep or lock a program in the launcher Libre office Present to Windows users finding files grub boot repair open clip art laptop cooling, Jupiter monitor cables HP wireless printer, static IP address Irfanview in WINE MSN photo sharing read-only system upgrade, Firefox Issue 66 (C&C) wunderlist and airdroid latex Libre office database planning painless (?) reinstalls credits in kdenlive Inkscape paths file associations UEFI Nexus 7 Peppermint three Dark screen after suspend Inactive dark screen shutdown fails Windows program, doesn't work in WINE Sigil on old CPU Launching a second instance of a program in Unity connect to remote server network simulator plop, boot from USB Issue 67 (C&C) Linux/windows cohabitation Python for Android Thief-proof computer (encryption, two-factor authentication) kdenlive video effects customize the desktop adding fonts PGP encryption (Q&A) shrunken screen, no panel Flash drive size Shotwell doesn't start turn off sleep mode wirenet trojan installing MS Office RAID and backups battery display VLC no audio Installing a .deb old computers and video cards Linux stickers podcasts and iTunes distro testing Issue 68 (C&C) NAS setup Libre office Base input forms 12.10 on EEE netbook Blender (series) Phoronix benchmarks Startup applications Raspberry Pi (Q&A) Copy text from FCM 12.10 minimum memory screenshots partial upgrade -- to command line papersize portable performance USB 3 mouse vulnerable VLC getting softwware, no CD drive switching dual-boot lirc Dell crummy wireless performance Celsius table Didier Roche: Ubuntu development Steam Certification (series) Issue 69 (C&C) Google music Ubuntu looking like Gnome 2 The Cloud Tomato router firmware Chinese in Libre Office (Q&A) Print to PDF Kindle for PC Two USB flash drives Partition setup ATI 4670 (old video card) Lock the screen Flicker in XFCE Remove PPA Slow format Xubuntu folder sharing Specifying DNS server Issue 70 (C&C) Record guitar Barcode scanning Transfer photos wirelessly Cable management Cron Watching videos DVD ripping speed tests Laptop too hot (Q&A) Restoring the /tmp folder Retina display LibreOffice build databases (12.10) Static IP address Wireless firmware missing Mute Mac Mini Rocketraid controller File Types