<> ||<>|| Ubuntu-mx is a local community composed by rookies and expert users that use, develop and spread GNU/Linux Ubuntu. We try to promote Ubuntu and assist the newcomers into this Operating System. Our vision is to show to our mexican fellows the potential of GNU/Linux Ubuntu, for it is a suitable option for schools and universities, workcenters and for the household usage. We also want to show that no one is alone by using Free Software, for we are many in Ubuntu-mx willing to help and offer support. Respect to the fellow's ideas and work is vital for our development as a community. == Key Details == * Date - May 8th; 2010 * Team Contact - Arturo Hernández Cortés * Membership - 2,281 forum members as of 12th February 2010; 188 launchpad members * Mailing List - ubuntu-mx on lists.ubuntu.com * IRC - Channel #ubuntu-mx on irc.freenode.net == Roadmap == * Enhancement of the #Ubuntu-mx supybot. In order to improve the feel of the IRC channel, we are planning to translate part of the commands of our supybot to Spanish, in order to get a bilingual tool, more helpful to our fellow partners. * Ubuntu-mx's guide to Ubuntu for newcomers. We are currently gathering resources that might be useful to newcomers (specially from Windows), in order to make the transition to Ubuntu as easy as possible (after all, Ubuntu is Linux for human beigns, not for superusers), as well as providing our community with the solutions of common bugs or inconveniences* that might be stressful or confusing to the newest members. There's a thread in our forum where we are getting the ideas together, but we plan on releasing a formal document with them once we believe we have enough to create a really helpful guide. We also include a newcomer section in our podcast, as well as a series of visual tutorials (via screencasts) that may be useful for the new user in trouble. * Podcast. We talk about applications, news and tricks on Ubuntu. This month we have released Episode 3 and are now working on a Special Episode about Ubuntu 10.04 Lucid Lynx. We will also recruit new people for the project. http://podcast.ubuntumexico.org/ * IRC channel. We provide Technical support to anyone who logs in #ubuntu-mx at freenode. We provide space for OT and socialization in a respectful way, too. We plan on using the channel for activities such as The Ubuntu Day, or newcomer-targetted tutorials. * Code of Conduct. Based on the non-official spanish translation made by ubuntu-es to help mexican people how to behave in the forum, and other related projects. * Forum. It is opened to all spanish-talking people looking for help on Ubuntu, Kubuntu, Xubuntu. We also include news about the Linux kernel, Ubuntu and other distributions. We are currently undergoing a complete visual makeover of the Forums and the main website of the Community. http://ubuntumexico.org/ * We are currently undergoing a series of adjustments in the overall user experience, by changing our CMS and improving the look and feel of our mainsite and forums * We have some teams under inactivity, we must activate them with new members == Experience == * Festival Latinoamericano de Software Libre "FLISoL" 2008 (Latin American Free Software Install Fest), site at the Universidad Autonoma de la Ciudad de México (Autonomous University of Mexico City). Photo gallery available through this link: http://ubuntumexico.org/mediagallery/album.php?aid=1&page=1 * Presence on Festival Latinoamericano de Software Libre "FLISoL" 2008 (Latin American Free Software Install Fest), site at the Uniterra University (Universidad Uniterra) at Oaxaca. Photo gallery available through this link: http://ubuntumexico.org/mediagallery/album.php?aid=2&page=1 * Conferencia Internacional sobre Tecnologías de la Información y Comunicaciones "WCITC", December 2008 (World Conference about Information Technologies and Communication). A magisterial conference and a workshop adressed to all the presents. Photo gallery here: http://ubuntumexico.org/mediagallery/album.php?aid=3&page=1 * Festival de Software Libre "FESoL" Chiapas 2009 (Free Software Festival at the State of Chiapas). magisterial conference * Ubuntu CD Distribution: Users distribute CD's of Ubuntu and other derivates (kubuntu, xubuntu) in our region. The list is available [[UbuntuMxTeam/Marketing/Distribuidores|here]] * Presence in the Festival Latinoamericano de Instalación de Software Libre "FLISoL" 2010 Organization Comitee and Guest Lecturing (Latin American Free Software Install Fest), on several sites: Indesol, a goverment instance; UACM Campus Del Valle, and the School of Engineering at the UAEM, both universities. * Ubuntumexico.org , our main site and Forum has a new face, consistent with the new Brand and Philosophy of Ubuntu. We have worked hard on revamping our site in both looks and usability. * We have a mentoring team, we are looking for members on the team, sadly is inactive, right now. More info https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuMxTeam/Mentores