== Running Ubuntu One in Headless Mode == 1. Install ubuntuone-client package: {{{ $ sudo apt-get install ubuntuone-client }}} 2. Setup the user directories: {{{ $ mkdir -p ~/.config/ubuntuone ~/bin }}} If you had no ~/bin directory, you will need to update your PATH or relogin: {{{ $ export PATH=$HOME/bin:$PATH }}} 3. Obtain OAuth key for your account: {{{ $ cd /tmp $ wget http://people.canonical.com/~roman.yepishev/us/ubuntuone-sso-login.py $ python ubuntuone-sso-login.py Ubuntu SSO Login: **your Ubuntu SSO Login** Password: **your Ubuntu SSO Password** oauth=hPQWPsH:rhOokmNiRuuoiHe... }}} 4. The line starting `oauth=` will be made of four separate colon-separated sections like `aaaa:bbbb:cccc:dddd`. Take the `cccc:dddd` part and add to `~/.config/ubuntuone/syncdaemon.conf` as the `oauth` parameter under ```__main__``` section (this is ini-style file): {{{ [__main__] oauth=hPQWPsH:rhOokmNiRuuoiHe... }}} 5. Download the u1sdtool wrapper which will start dbus when needed. By default Ubuntu adds ~/bin/ to your path, so when you run u1sdtool, you will be running the wrapper. {{{ $ wget http://people.canonical.com/~roman.yepishev/us/u1sdtool-wrapper -O ~/bin/u1sdtool $ chmod +x ~/bin/u1sdtool }}} 6. Start Ubuntu One, check Ubuntu One status and connect (starting from Oneiric Ubuntu One is connecting automatically when started): {{{ $ u1sdtool --start $ u1sdtool --status State: READY connection: Not User With Network description: ready to connect is_connected: False is_error: False is_online: False queues: IDLE $ u1sdtool --connect }}} 7. Start adding files to ~/Ubuntu One directory and use [[../u1sdtool|u1sdtool]] to add UDF, publish the files etc.