= Joining In = <> <
> If you don't have an IRC client installed, or don't even know what an IRC client is then you might want to try connecting to the channels using a web browser. ~+ Click [[http://webchat.freenode.net/?channels=ubuntu-classroom%2Cubuntu-classroom-chat|here]] to join in the discussion directly in your browser+~ Use your IRC client (such as xchat, irssi or mIRC) to connect to the Freenode IRC network at irc.freenode.net. You can do this manually by typing: {{{/server irc.freenode.net}}} Then join #ubuntu-classroom for the time and date of the session you want to attend. You can manually join the channel by typing: {{{/join #ubuntu-classroom}}} To quiet various noise that happens in the IRC channels during the talk use this command (in supported clients only): {{{ /ignore #ubuntu-classroom CRAP NOTICES SNOTES CTCPS JOINS PARTS QUITS KICKS MODES WALLOPS NICKS DCC DCCMSGS CLIENTNOTICES CLIENTCRAP CLIENTERRORS HILIGHTS }}} You should also join #ubuntu-classroom-chat which is the general discussion channel for the session. Questions should be posted there. You should prefix your questions with "QUESTION:" to make them easier to spot. Most sessions last for around an hour. Contact the #ubuntu-classroom-backstage channel on IRC if you have any problems. For instructions on how to use the various IRC clients, see [[https://help.ubuntu.com/community/XChatHowto|XChatHowto]], [[https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Pidgin|Pidgin]], and [[https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Irssi|Irssi]], respectively. General information about IRC is locate at InternetRelayChat. For Windows users just getting started finding out about Ubuntu, you can use XChat for Windows from http://silverex.info/download/ or Pidgin from http://www.pidgin.im/ (both free). For Ubuntu users of course these come from the repositories.