This page reflects the current official Ubuntu Studio 8.04 artwork. If you are a user who would like to post your art please do so in our [[UbuntuStudio/Artwork/UserContributed|User Art]] section.
== Logo ==
== Install Splash ==
== Usplash ==
{{attachment:usplash.resized.png}} <
Logo fills from left to right to show progression. The Debian Usplash does this.
== GDM/Logon ==
{{attachment:gdm.resized.png}} <
== Wallpaper ==
{{attachment:desktop.resized.png}} <
== Menu ==
{{attachment:svmenu.resized.png}} <
== Theme ==
{{attachment:theme.resized.png}} <
== Icons ==
{{attachment:nautilus-icons1.resized.png}} <
[[attachment:nautilus-icons1.png|BIG]] Pretty much the same set as always. Mimetype and app icons added. (Places Hidden)
== Colour Palette ==
||'''Please do not edit these pages as they reflect solid info about the project. If you have questions please look [[|HERE]] to contact us.'''||