Sept 14 Agenda

please add to, and revise this agenda

  1. Call to order 7am UTC #ubuntu-meeting on
  2. Discussion of Agenda (ammend if needed)
  3. Jack in Main
    • is it possible to do for Karmic?
    • state of libffado MIR
    • Dropping Celt
    • Jack MIR (is it needed?)
    • timeline
  4. New additions to Meta packages
    • font-meta refinement?
    • others?
    • Desktop meta includes this line: * update-notifier # Re-visit for karmic
  5. New Art Lead - Dashua
    • is an approval process needed or is Cory's word god? Smile :)

  6. Advertising of Koala
    • campaign
    • publicity manager?
  7. Website Maintenance
  8. Freezes
    • features are frozen, do we need any exceptions?
    • beta freeze is on its way...
  9. Bugs/Issues
    • how's the kernel
    • testing plan

UbuntuStudio/Meetings/2009Sept14 (last edited 2009-09-14 05:52:42 by S01060013d49e13f6)