|| [[UbuntuStudio/Meetings|Ubuntu Studio Meetings Schedule]] || [[UbuntuStudio/Meetings/Minutes|Old Meeting Logs]] || <
> || The meeting has already occurred. Please do *NOT* edit agenda. You can find the 2010May16th Meeting logs at [[http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/2010/05/16/%23ubuntustudio-devel.txt|the Ubuntu IRC Logs.]] || ||<>|| === Agenda === * Begin Meeting * Call to order in #ubuntustudio-devel at [[http://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/fixedtime.html?month=5&day=16&year=2010&hour=19&min=0&sec=0&p1=0|7pm (19:00) UTC May 16 2010]] * Note attendees * Agenda amendments * LV2 Packaging: * continue LV2 packaging plan - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuStudio/TaskLV2Inclusion * might focus on getting these into Debian first * quadrispro has already commented he wanted to do the vocoder, perhaps he can help with others * any others with packaging experience and want to help? * can Debian Multimedia Team also help? * JACK2 / Pulse Audio Integration: * this is looking good already because JACK2 is in Debian already (per TheMuso on IRC) * TheMuso is apparently tracking this * crimsun, TheMuso, and persia have talked on IRC about how to proceed and might discuss this at UDS with Free * Network Manager * user's troubles was a bug in gnome-network-admin that left options not shown or changeable * Ricardo (rlameiro) reported it: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gnome-system-tools/+bug/570828 * how soon can a fix be expected for users? * Is it possible to do a ISO re-spin, if the bug is corrected? * however, we still might consider testing NetworkManager again * whatever the decision going forward, we should document it and post to the -user mailing list * Ubuntu Studio Controls Update and Redesign * update ubuntustudio-controls for rtpri and memlock settings * JACK now handles rtpri and memlock in /etc/security/limits.d/audio.conf * see http://linuxaudio.org/mailarchive/lau/2010/3/5/166428 for background * Ricardo (rlameiro) is proposing a redesign of ubuntustudio-controls * see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuStudio/ControlsRedesign * rtirq script for avoid irq conflicts (especially for firewire) * enable Ubuntu Studio PPA for -rt kernels and "backported" applications * install -lowlatency/-preempt/-rt kernel from PPA * install ubuntu-restricted-extras * user in audio group (perhaps check box to add and remove) * remove nice setting? see: http://www.pubbs.net/201003/linuxaudio/10007-re-lau-changing-for-editing-etcsecuritylimitsconf-in-debiantesting-ubuntu-lucid.html * is there anything else someone probably does routinely to a Ubuntu Studio install that we could incorporate? * Ubuntu Studio Applications Backporting * discussion between John Dong and myself after Jussi poked me: https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-studio-devel/2010-May/002364.html * John suggested using "official" Ubuntu Studio backporting PPA because: * it's like kubuntu * it allows us to maintain control * it doesn't overload the already overworked backports team * provides proving grounds that backported apps have quality * then can be included in official Ubuntu backports repository * if we don't want to use Ubuntu Studio backports PPA then we need small group to test and provide vocal feedback in backport bugs * Update Website * good summary of previous discussion at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuStudio/Sandbox#Notes%20from%20IRC%20Logs * a good direction appears to be using Word Press * detrate is really engaged with this task, we should focus on supporting him * you can find the available information at UbuntuStudio/TaskWebRevamp * Reduce Delta Between Ubuntu Studio and Debian * information about this can be found at: http://qa.ubuntuwire.com/multidistrotools/ubuntustudio.html * push patches back to Debian Multimedia where applicable for the local changes * this would reduce work for Ubuntu Studio team because hopefully the packages will autosync in future releases * see: http://qa.ubuntuwire.com/multidistrotools/ubuntustudio.html#sameversionbutlocalinB * see: http://qa.ubuntuwire.com/multidistrotools/ubuntustudio.html#outdatedandlocalinB * this will also hopefully increase and improve our relationship with the Debian Multimedia Team (note: quadrispro is a member) * Testing Procedures * in order to help (and encourage) our users to test we should develop testing procedures * since stochastic is lead of [[https://launchpad.net/~ubuntustudio-testers|ubuntustudio-testers group]] can he help develop procedures * ScottL offers to assist develop the procedures and document it on help.ubuntu.com * Ubuntu Studio Documentation * establish uses for help.ubuntu.com vs. wiki.ubuntu.com * suggested direction: * help.ubuntu.com is community facing documentation * wiki.ubuntu.com is for developers and contributors to organize for release * document this decision and email users === Minutes === * Begin Meeting - Attendance: ScottL, rlameiro, astraljava, crimsun, andyzweb, guitarman * Agenda Amendments: none * LV2 Packaging * quadrispro is heading up the lv2 packaging but wasn't at the meeting * but had previously mentioned that he had at least one other person helping * zynjacku/lv2rack is already in debian new * JACK2/Pulse Audio Integration * before the meeting, TheMuso had mentioned that JACK2 is already in Debian and hopes to have it working for Maverick * crimsun said in Lucid Pulse Audio relies on udev for @audio permissions, therefore users should *NOT* be added to the @audio if Pulse is used * cirumsun also mentions that Connor Curran may have resources this cycle to investigate one-click enablement of JACK from indicator-sound * according to crimsun, the user doesn't need to be in @audio because the active user has the "active seat" and therefore access to @audio * also, plug-in devices like USB and firewire should have transparent usage if correct permissions are assigned in the udev rule * Network Manager Bug * gnome-network-admin had a patch applied to it that disables the interface since network-manager is being used on vanilla Ubuntu desktop * it was noted that there was a bug report filed for gnome-network-admin to remove the patch * crimsun discussed that we definitely want to get the fixed package into lucid-proposed * rlameiro and ScottL talked about testing network-manager, but nothing definitive was concluded * Ubuntu Studio Controls Update and Redesign * ubuntu-studio-controls needs an update to moderate /etc/security/limits.d/audio.conf instead of /etc/security/limits.conf * rlameiro has some redesign ideas but wants to wait until other items are decided * ScottL says that we should still update ubuntustudio-controls for the audio.conf vs limits.conf * the "nice" setting was questions and crimsun thinks that renicing will not provide benefit * ScottL questioned if there is any other setting or application installation that is routinely done by users that could be included, but no significant suggestions were made * astraljava suggested including only things that did not have a relatively easy GUI * rlameiro asked about including a Perl script found on http://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/Pro_Audio that helps tune audio systems * Ubuntu Studio Applications Backporting * ScottL asked for thoughts on including an "official" Ubuntu Studio backports PPA which would include backports for users before (and if) they go into the official Ubuntu -backports repository * astraljava showed interest in working with backports, and even integrating into the Ubuntu -backports team * ScottL also demonstrated interest in working with backports * crimsun adviced partitioning the backports into at least "stable" and "development", noting anything in "stable" should be in Debian as well * Website Update * detrate is working on it, but was unavailable for the meeting * however, detrate has someone working with him to help development * it appears that at this time the website update is progressing in WordPress * guitarman mentioned he believes that most new people coming to Ubuntu Studio are doing so through the website * as such, guitarman suggested that a 'Help' tab and 'Developer' tab on the new website to clearly direct new persons appropriately * Reduce Delta Between Ubuntu Studio and Debian * ScottL noted that it is to the Ubuntu Studio developers benefit to reduce the delta between Debian and Ubuntu Studio applications * this benefit mainly includes less manual maintenance for Ubuntu Studio developers * existing local (Ubuntu) changes should be reviewed and if found still necessary then try to push those back "upstream" to Debian if applicable (some will not be applicable) * astraljava offered to start tracking this, mentioning that he has talked to quadrispro about working closer with Debian Multimedia * Testing Procedures * stochastic is team leader for the ubuntustudio-testers team but was unavailable for the meeting * ScottL suggested a small team of those interested get together and develop guidelines for testing and noted that we have nothing right now therefore anything would be better * rlameiro and astraljava showed interest in developing procedures * rlameiro also committed to getting in touch with stochastic * ScottL has numerous wiki pages bookmarked and will send them to rlameiro and astraljava * Ubuntu Studio Documentation * the general consensus was that help.ubuntu.com should be to document how to *use* Ubuntu Studio * and wiki.ubuntu.com should be to document how Ubuntu Studio is *created* * guitarman suggested that help.ubuntu.com could be funneled into the ubuntustudio.org website