|| '''Task Description''' || Makes announcements on social channels and mail lists. Also handles support and has experience in common user problems. Forwards possible bugs.|| ||'''Launchpad Team'''|| [[https://launchpad.net/~ubuntustudio-public-relations|~ubuntustudio-public-relations]] || ||'''Team Wiki'''|| [[UbuntuStudio/PRSupportTeamPage|PR/Support team Page]] || ||'''Blueprint'''|| [[https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntustudio/+spec/ubuntustudio-public-relations|PR Blueprint]] || ||'''Mail Lists'''|| [[https://lists.ubuntu.com/mailman/listinfo/Ubuntu-Studio-devel|ubuntu-studio-devel]] || ||'''IRC Channels''' || '''#ubuntustudio''' and '''#ubuntustudio-devel''' at irc.freenode.net || || '''Schedules''' || [[UbuntuStudio/DevelopmentReleaseSchedule]] || || '''Name''' || '''Location''' || '''IRC Nick''' || '''Time Commitment''' || '''Title''' || || cfhowlett || japan || cfhowlett || || Team-Member || || [[SetHallstrom | Set Hallstrom]] || Sweden || sakrecoer || April 2018 || Project Lead || || [[Ttoine]] || France || ttoine || || currently unavailable || ---- ---- CategoryUbuntuStudio CategoryUbuntuStudioTeams