<> <> <> = Ubuntu Studio Policy = == The Purpose of Ubuntu Studio == ||1.||'''Provide a desktop base suitable for multimedia production work'''|| ||2.||'''Optimize system performance needed for multimedia applications'''|| ||3.||'''Include relevant and up to date applications that cover all digital arts workflows'''|| ||4.||'''Provide documentation for users that covers every aspect of digital arts creation on Linux'''|| ||5.||'''Provide various tools (applications/documentation) to make system management easy for non-hackers'''|| ||6.||'''Report/adress bugs/issues/ideas upstream to Ubuntu -> Debian -> Software Developers to improve applications and packages'''|| == Vote for new project lead == See [[UbuntuStudio/ProjectLeadVote]] == Selecting preinstalled packages == ==== Cover all workflows ==== The aim for Ubuntu Studio is to cover all possible workflows in the range of digital arts production, which includes audio, graphics, video and writing. ==== No duplication of tools ==== If two applications do the same exact thing, only one of them should be included. ==== Deciding between two of the same ==== When deciding between two of the same type of applications, we usually choose the more common and popular one, since that is what most of our users will like to use, as well as being the best maintained. ==== Pro Tool vs Beginner Tool ==== Sometimes two applications will do the same things, but one is targeted at beginners and one at pros. In this case we prefer to include both, unless one application is friendly both to pros and beginners. = Inherited Policies = == Ubuntu == === General Terms and Policies === [[http://www.ubuntu.com/legal/terms-and-policies]] === Contributors === [[http://www.ubuntu.com/legal/contributors]] - Contributors to Ubuntu development (including contributors to Ubuntu Studio) must sign a contributor agreement. === Mailing Lists === [[http://community.ubuntu.com/contribute/support/mailinglists/]] - Includes a section about mail list etiquette. === Packaging === Debian packages must conform to Debian Policy. See below. == Debian == === Packaging === [[https://www.debian.org/doc/debian-policy/]]