<> <> = Team Structure = This page is the official structure for the Ubuntu Studio [[http://launchpad.net|launchpad]] teams. It will reflect the current state of the teams and clearly define the roles of each member. It is to be used as a reference for current and new members. Want to become a team member? Want to help out with development? Check out [[UbuntuStudio/JoinTheTeam|This Page]]. The organization of the teams is related to the design of launchpad, which we use for keeping track of planning and development, in the form of [[https://code.launchpad.net/ubuntustudio|source]], and [[https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntustudio|blueprints]]. Only active members are listed here, and only for those teams where it is useful to do so (ubuntustudio-user and ubuntustudio-bugs are two open teams that do not require any participation). = Ubuntu Studio Leadership = Lead positions that may or may not correspond with any of the teams. A lead will have special duties and responsibilities. || '''Name''' || '''Location''' || '''IRC Nick''' || '''Title''' || '''Duties''' || '''Time Commitment''' || || [[SetHallstrom|Set Hallstrom]] || Sweden || sakrecoer || Project Lead || Overall Quality Assurance and last say || Until April 2018|| || [[Currently undefined (zequence?)]] || -- || -- || Art Lead || Lead the artwork design for Ubuntu Studio || At least until April 2016 || || Ross Gammon || Denmark || || Testing Lead || Release manager and organizes application testing || At least until April 2016 || = Ubuntu Studio Teams = ||'''Open Teams''' <
>Anyone can join||'''Moderated Teams'''<
>Need confirmation to join||'''Restricted Teams'''<
>Invitations only|| || '''Team '''||'''Launchpad Team'''||'''Description'''|| ||<#A0D9A4> [[UbuntuStudio/UbuntuStudioTeamPage|Ubuntu Studio User Team]] || [[https://launchpad.net/~ubuntustudio|~ubuntustudio]] || Open team for Ubuntu Studio users that acts as a portal for information. Members of this team are allowed to comment on posts at the website. || ||<#A0D9A4> [[UbuntuStudio/TestingTeamPage|Testing Team]] || [[https://launchpad.net/~ubuntustudio-testing|~ubuntustudio-testing]] || Team that does testing and QA insurance. May include test development and writing documentation. || ||<#A0D9A4> [[UbuntuStudio/DocumentationTeamPage|Documentation Team]] || [[https://launchpad.net/~ubuntustudio-documentation-team|~ubuntustudio-documentation-team]] || Writes user and developer documentation for the website and wikis. Maintains [[http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuStudio]] and [[http://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuStudio]] || ||<#A0D9A4> [[UbuntuStudio/UbuntuStudioBugsTeamPage|Bugs Team]] || [[https://launchpad.net/~ubuntustudio-bugs|~ubuntustudio-bugs]] || A team which is subscribed to Ubuntu Studio related bug reports || ||<#A0D2D9> [[UbuntuStudio/ContributorTeamPage|Contributor Team]] || [[https://launchpad.net/~ubuntustudio-contributors|~ubuntustudio-contributors]] || moderated team for those wanting to become Ubuntu Studio developers || ||<#A0D2D9> [[UbuntuStudio/PRSupportTeamPage|Public Relations and Support team ]] || [[https://launchpad.net/~ubuntustudio-public-relations|~ubuntustudio-public-relations]] || Makes announcements on social channels and mail lists. Also handles support and has experience in common user problems. Forwards possible bugs. || ||<#A0D2D9> [[UbuntuStudio/ArtTeamPage|Art Team]] || [[https://launchpad.net/~ubuntustudio-art|~ubuntustudio-art]] || Collects and creates art for Ubuntu Studio. || ||<#A0D2D9> [[UbuntuStudio/ReleaseTeamPage|Release Team]] || [[https://launchpad.net/~ubuntustudio-release|~ubuntustudio-release]] || Maintains and executes the release process in [[UbuntuStudio/ReleaseProcedure|a specific wiki page]].|| ||<#A0D2D9> [[UbuntuStudio/DevTeamPage|Development Team]] || [[https://launchpad.net/~ubuntustudio-dev|~ubuntustudio-dev]] || Packaging and bug fixing. Maintenance of Ubuntu Studio sources. Application development and maintenance. || ||<#A0D2D9> [[UbuntuStudio/KernelTeamPage| Kernel Team]] || [[https://launchpad.net/~ubuntustudio-kernel-team|~ubuntustudio-kernel-team]] || Maintenance and development of Ubuntu Studio kernels. Currently, linux-lowlatency. || ||<#A0D2D9> [[UbuntuStudio/WebsiteTeamPage|Website Team]] || [[https://launchpad.net/~ubuntustudio-website|~ubuntustudio-website]] || Design and administration of [[http://ubuntustudio.org|ubuntustudio.org]] || ||<#A0D2D9> [[UbuntuStudio/IRCUbuntuStudioOpsPage|IRC Ubuntu Studio Ops]] || [[https://launchpad.net/~irc-ubuntustudio-ops|~irc-ubuntustudio-ops]] || Operators for the Ubuntu Studio IRC channels. || ||<#DEC292> [[UbuntuStudio/CoreTeamPage|Core Team]] || [[https://launchpad.net/~ubuntustudio-core|~ubuntustudio-core]] || Owns and administers all the official Ubuntu Studio teams || <> <> <> <> <> <> <> <> <> <> <> <> <> ---- CategoryUbuntuStudio CategoryUbuntuStudioTeams