<> <> = Workflows = || '''OBSOLETE - workflows are being redesigned || The Ubuntu Studio workflows, audio, graphics, video, publishing and photography all need to be researched, updated, documented, etc. This page is for all of that. [[UbuntuStudio/PackageListSaucy|List of Applications and their categorizaties under Saucy]] [[UbuntuStudio/WorkflowCategories|Ubuntu Studio Workflow Categories]] - These categories are used as motivation for what applications to include, and how to organize our menu, among other things [[UbuntuStudio/FreedesktopCategories|Freedesktop Categories]] - These are the Freedesktop categories, which we should use for our Ubuntu Studio workflow categories as much as possible. These will categories hopefully be used to auto-populate the menu system in the future. [[UbuntuStudio/Debtags|Debtags]] - These are the Debtags we should use for tagging Debian packages so that Ubuntu Studio users can search for, and find, other applications that will assist them in their workflows. [[UbuntuStudio/WorkflowsBrainstorming|Workflows Brainstorming]] - older page, written by Scott on the subject