<> == Unknown languages == The following languages don't have language-packs, because they don't have locale codes yet. The UTC team needs to get in touch with those who care about those languages ask them to create a locale and to submit it to upstream glibc. Also, if they need help, we should assist them with doing so. || '''Language code''' || '''Language''' || '''Contact person/team''' || '''Status''' || || ace || Achinese || || Request for removal in LP, [[https://answers.edge.launchpad.net/rosetta/+question/83585 |Question #83585]] || || ak || Akan || || || || ang || English, Old (ca. 450-1100) || || || || arn || Mapudungun; Mapuche || || || || ba || Bashkir || || || || bal || Baluchi || || || || bem || Bemba || || || || bho || Bhojpuri || || || || bua || Buriat || || || || ce || Chechen || || || || ceb ||Cebuano || || || || ckb || Kurdish, Central || || || || co || Corsican || || || || cv || Chuvash || || ([[Bug:451204]])|| || dsb || Lower Sorbian || || || || ee || Ewe || || || || frm || French, Middle (ca. 1400-1600) || || || || frp || Franco-Provençal || || || || gn || Guarani || || || || grc || Greek, Ancient (to 1453) || || || || guc || Wayuu || || || || haw || Hawaiian || || || || hil || Hiligaynon || || || || io || Ido || || || || jbo || Lojban || || || || jv || Javanese || || || || kab || Kabyle || || || || kbd || Kabardian || || || || kok || Konkani || || || || ksh || Kölsch || || || || lb || Luxembourgish; Letzeburgesch || || || || ln || Lingala || || || || mo || Moldavian; Moldovan || || ([[Bug:296751]]) || || mus || Creek || || || || my || Burmese || || || || nap || Neapolitan || || || || oj || Ojibwa || || || || os || Ossetian; Ossetic || || || || pam || Pampanga; Kapampangan || || || || pms || Piemontese || || || || ps || Pushto; Pashto || || || || qu || Quechua || || || || rm || Romansh || || || || rom || Romany || || || || sco || Scots || || || || sm || Samoan || || || || sml || Sama, Central || || || || sn || Shona || || || || son || Songhai languages || || || || sw || Swahili || || || || syr || Syriac || || || || szl || Silesian || || || || tet || Tetum || || || || trv || Taroko || || Locale done; submitted to upstream || || udm@cyrillic || Udmurt || || || || xal || Kalmyk; Oirat || || || || zza || Zaza; Dimili; Dimli; Kirdki; Kirmanjki; Zazaki || || || ---- CategoryTranslations