||<>|| = Intro = Ubuntu Tweak is an application which makes configuring Ubuntu easier for everyone. It allows tweaking of many useful desktop and system configuration options which are unavailable via native system tools. = Get Started = == Get the source code == If you want to contribute code to Ubuntu Tweak, you should start from [[https://code.launchpad.net/ubuntu-tweak ]], the project uses Bzr as the SCM tool. == Play with source code == After checkout the latest source code, you may want to [[UbuntuTweak/HowToWritePlugins|Write Plugin for Ubuntu Tweak]] How to see the changes? It's easy! Just run the "ubuntu-tweak" script in the top-level folder, you can always get the changes you've made. == Testing == If you are not a programmer, don't worry, you can help to test Ubuntu Tweak. You should know how to use PPA. * Alpha version: https://launchpad.net/~tualatrix/+archive/next * Beta version: https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-tweak-testing/+archive/ppa * Stable version: https://launchpad.net/~tualatrix/+archive/ppa == Document == * Write wiki * [[UbuntuTweak/Bugs|Common Bugs]] = Roadmap = == 0.6 (current focus of development) == This is the first version targeting to be the "Power Users Tool" and try to get into Ubuntu repository. The major changes will be: * '''Safety feature (TODO)''': API set to backup/restore the settings, * '''Pluggability (TODO, half-done)''' * Support install and load plug-ins from $HOME/.local/ubuntu-tweak/plugins * Separate "Application/Source Center" as a plug-in (Install from PPA, package name: ubuntu-tweak-community-plugins) * '''Janitor (TODO)''': The previous "Package Cleaner" will be renamed to "Janitor", to instead the "Computer Janitor", it will support plug-in too. === Tech === * Based on PyGObject instead of PyGTK, so it will work under Ubuntu 11.10 Oneiric with GTK+3.0 smoothly * [[UbuntuTweak/BackupRestoreAPI|BackupRestoreAPI]] * [[UbuntuTweak/JanitorPlugin|JanitorPlugin]] * More specific PolicyKit API (non-block) * get_cruft should use call back make UI smooth == Future == * Cover all parts of Ubuntu which can be configured (keep the core simple, extend with plugins) * Time line based view with all settings done by user, so that user can always know what he did before and easy to revert(try the Zeitgeist) = References = * '''Project Homepage''': https://launchpad.net/ubuntu-tweak * '''Source Code''': https://code.launchpad.net/ubuntu-tweak * '''[[PowerUsers/PowerUserTool|PowerUserTool]]''':https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PowerUsers/PowerUserTool