Ubuntu Unity 22.10

The Ubuntu Unity Remix Team is proposing that the Ubuntu Unity 22.10 release be supported for 9 months as an official Ubuntu flavor release.


Support Plan

Members of the ~ubuntu-unity-devs and ~unity7maintainers teams on Launchpad (probably to be merged to form the ~ubuntuunity-dev team after flavor status is reached) will continue to maintain the Ubuntu Unity packages.

Meeting the criteria for becoming a flavor

Release Schedule and Management

The Ubuntu Unity team will continue to follow the Ubuntu release schedule and release Point Releases when necessary. We will also get in touch with the QA team to add a tracker/testcases on iso.qa.ubuntu.com.

List of Proposed Packages/Applications

Unity7 desktop components

Packages specific to Ubuntu Unity

UbuntuUnity/22.10/Proposal (last edited 2022-08-31 14:07:27 by rs2009)