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Revision 10 as of 2006-06-11 17:35:53
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Revision 13 as of 2006-09-16 05:59:19
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Do you have any ideas for the newletter? Let us know what you would like to see in future issues of the Ubuntu Weekly Newsletter by adding your idea to the Ideas page. ||<tablestyle="float:right; font-size: 0.9em; width:40%; background:#F1F1ED; margin: 0 0 1em 1em;" style="padding:0.5em;">'''Contents'''[[BR]][[TableOfContents]]||
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---- Do you have any ideas for the newletter? Got some news for us? Drop it all here
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Hi guys = News items =
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I had another thought about something cool for Ubuntu Weekly News. There are a ton of features in Dapper that people don't know about. And of course there will be a bunch of new features in Edgy. Many, if not most of these are listed as specs. Let us know what is going on in the Ubuntu world. Please do not use this as a place to get hits on your website, as we do not pimp for google ads. Sorry. -- sign your name
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It would be cool, each week, to have a paragraph on a Dapper feature (implemented) perhaps with some commentary from the guys who did the work. And of course, to also cover a feature-in-development for Edgy, partly as a heads-up "what's coming down the pike" and partly as a way of getting developers interested in helping deliver that new feature.  * MartinPitt: An IRC seminar about [ "How to patch source packages"] has been held in the [ MOTU school]. This has been turned into a nice wiki page (PatchingSources) for future reference.
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Thoughts?  * ColinWatson: The venerable infrastructure used for setting up the keyboard and fonts on text consoles has been supplemented in Edgy with the brand new console-setup, by Anton Zinoviev. This allows the text console keyboard maps to be generated from X keymaps, which should produce much better results for people whose keyboards have not been well-supported at the console up to now (particularly those which are very different from "standard" US keyboards). You can configure it using the file `/etc/default/console-setup`. Please report teething problems in Launchpad (
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Mark = Ideas =
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---- == General Ideas ==
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Agreed. This may also be a good way to help inspire some kind folks to
document some of these features, since there are some shiny features that
aren't necessarily discoverable.
 * Add a Team of the Week section
 * Tip of the Week
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Some examples off the top of my head: == Feature of the Week Ideas ==
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- The OEM installation mode (new in 5.10)
- Translating menu entries using Rosetta and language packs (new in 6.06)
- Booting from USB devices (new in 6.06)
In an effort to have the feature of the week be useful and relevant to the widest possible audience here are some guide lines to follow when writing your proposal.
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Perhaps it would be a good idea to create a wiki page to pool ideas for
future editions of these various "<foo> of the week" categories. I'd gladly
add new bullets there when I think of them, and someone could select an
interesting one from the list each week.
 1. Try to use applications that are available via Applications -> Add/Remove... (GAI) or secondly Synaptic. These are easier for users to find.
 1. We would like to try to stay away from features that require users to use the command line or edit sensitive configuration files. This is not a strict rule, but more friendly GUI apps are easier for newer users to try. There is a greater chance of someone following your directions and making use of the app if it is easy to install.
 1. We like to focus on good apps/features that are simply lesser known. We like to give these lesser known gems there time in the lime light too.
 1. Try to provide links to the app main web site where readers can find additional information about the app.
 1. Tell the readers why the feature is so useful, maybe how it has helped you. This helps readers understand the reason the app is so great and will increase the likely hood of the reader giving it a try for themselves.
 1. Try to use simple language. This is a newsletter, not a technical API reference ;) .
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App of the week  * The OEM installation mode (new in 5.10)
 * Translating menu entries using Rosetta and language packs (new in 6.06)
 * Booting from USB devices (new in 6.06)
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 Highlight an interesting application in main. Write a one-paragraph
 introduction to an app you love, with a link to more information for
 interested users. This would be a good way to help users discover new
 applications and make the most of their Ubuntu systems.
= Major proposals =
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 Suggestion to get things started: update-manager (specifically the
 Breezy->Dapper upgrade functionality, which is already documented)
Add things that require major structural changes to the way UWN operates or looks
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Team of the week = Implemented Stuff =
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 Introduce a new or existing Ubuntu team, describe its purpose, provide
 contact information, instructions for joining the team in Launchpad, etc.
 Invite people to join if they are interested in helping the team pursue
 its goals.

 Suggestion to get things started: ubuntu-printing (tired of complaining
 about printing bugs? here's how to help! one of the existing members can
 provide a blurb)

Both of these would be accompanied by an invitation for users to submit a
team or app for a future week. These can be very short blurbs, and I think
we would get a steady flow of contributions once the newsletter is widely


 - mdz


Hey Matt,

I think this is a great idea! It will allow us to learn about other
fellow Ubunteiros and understand what they're doing. It would also
allow us to share some of our methods for doing [insert task here],
which could be helpfull to somebody else.

Three loud Brazilian-style cheers from me!
Og B. Maciel


We actually planned for something for the 1st Edubuntu newsletter like
a Tip of the Week for LTSP deployment - it should be community
contributed as much as possible.

The printing problem is a good issue to tackle as well, not to mention
mounting drives (if needed) and even some non-trivial stuff like
bluetooth which are not properly documented.

Yes its workable =)


It might be a good idea to logically aggregate the list based on the
disk set, i.e. desktop, server and alternate install. That way any
specific features can also be highlighted in-turn attracting writers who
specialize in a "type" of install. For example, I do much more work with
server installs and a good writeup on the new integrated LAMP setup
would be interesting (oops did I just volunteer to do that?!?!).



Another idea for a recurring item would be a tip, FAQ or solution to a
common problem. The folks who do a lot of support on IRC and the forums
would probably be glad to contribute ideas for that, to help cut down on
their own workloads.


The first thing that comes to mind is I'd like to be able to read the
Ubuntu weekly news via liferea/bloglines with all the rest of my news.
Considering the weekly news is being wikified, is it possible to get it
as an RSS/Atom feed?

Another thing that comes to mind is: Great work guys, thank you :)

Andy Price


Does this have to be limited to main repo? I know there's support (and potentially stability) issues in universe, but there are a lot of useful & stable apps in universe...

Either way, I'll look at getting some short blurbs written; I always enjoy this sort of 'my pet app' things in other publications!



We want the audience to be as broad as possible, including users who choose
not to use unsupported or non-free software. Indeed, we should prefer to
highlight software which is immediately available via Add/Remove, as that is
the most accessible to the most users.
- Hide quoted text -

 - mdz


Hey, I love the weekly newsletter. We've been needing one for quite some time!

As far as suggestions, most of my ideas have been mentioned one way or another by others, but I'll touch on them and add my input:

 * Tips/Tricks section: I think it'd be great to have a tip or "cool software" every week, highlighting on some aspect of Ubuntu or Linux that readers may not know about.
 * Community News: How about some news about the work done by the Ubuntu community? There are people maintaining updated Xgl packages and unofficial Rufus debs, etc. Sure they are unsupported and experimental in nature, but it'd still be cool to hear about it.
 * Common Questions: A dynamic weekly FAQ would be nice. Just focusing on a common problem (whether in development or stable)
 * Package Updates: I like the updated package section. When Edgy starts getting updated packages for Backports packaging, I'd also like to be able to announce those in the newsletter.

 - JohnDong
 * Feature of the Week
 * RSS feed: see

Do you have any ideas for the newletter? Got some news for us? Drop it all here

News items

Let us know what is going on in the Ubuntu world. Please do not use this as a place to get hits on your website, as we do not pimp for google ads. Sorry. -- sign your name


General Ideas

  • Add a Team of the Week section
  • Tip of the Week

Feature of the Week Ideas

In an effort to have the feature of the week be useful and relevant to the widest possible audience here are some guide lines to follow when writing your proposal.

  1. Try to use applications that are available via Applications -> Add/Remove... (GAI) or secondly Synaptic. These are easier for users to find.

  2. We would like to try to stay away from features that require users to use the command line or edit sensitive configuration files. This is not a strict rule, but more friendly GUI apps are easier for newer users to try. There is a greater chance of someone following your directions and making use of the app if it is easy to install.
  3. We like to focus on good apps/features that are simply lesser known. We like to give these lesser known gems there time in the lime light too.
  4. Try to provide links to the app main web site where readers can find additional information about the app.
  5. Tell the readers why the feature is so useful, maybe how it has helped you. This helps readers understand the reason the app is so great and will increase the likely hood of the reader giving it a try for themselves.
  6. Try to use simple language. This is a newsletter, not a technical API reference Wink ;) .

  7. The OEM installation mode (new in 5.10)
  8. Translating menu entries using Rosetta and language packs (new in 6.06)
  9. Booting from USB devices (new in 6.06)

Major proposals

Add things that require major structural changes to the way UWN operates or looks

Implemented Stuff

UbuntuWeeklyNewsletter/Ideas (last edited 2019-04-09 01:49:36 by bashing-om)