
Bun Venit la Săptămânalul de Ştiri Ubuntu, Numărul 20 pentru săptămâna Oct 22 - 28, 2006. În acest număr acoperim Ubuntu 6.10, Firefox 2.0, subiecte alese pentru Mountain View, ultimele upload-uri pentru Edgy şi multe altele.

Puteţi găsi numerele mai vechi ale acestei reviste la:

În acest număr

  • Lansarea Ubuntu 6.10
  • Lansarea Firefox 2.0, Ubuntu 6.10 prima distribuţie Linux ce integrază acest pachet.
  • Subeictele pentru Mountain View
  • Ultimele schimbări/modificări Edgy
  • Noutăţi Launchpad
  • În presă
  • Update-uri de Securitate
  • Statistici despre Bug-uri

Noutăţi Generale din Comunitate

Lansarea Ubuntu 6.10

Cu multă fanfară in 26 Octobrie,noua versiune Ubuntu, 6.10 "Edgy Eft" a fost lansată.

Această nouă include noi trăsături precum mult discutatul Upstart (care înlocuieşte vechiul sistem init) iar pentru cei mai puţini tehnici , noul Gnome 2.16 şi Firefox 2.0. Mai multe detalii desre noile trăsături pot fi găsite la

Anunţul lansării poate fi găsit la iar instrucţiuni pentru update la pentru a vedea metoda recomandată.

Lansarea Firefox 2.0, Ubuntu 6.10 prima distribuţie Linux ce integrază acest pachet

Cum deja a fost menţionat mai sus, Firefox 2.0 a fost lansat şi este inclus în mod implicit în ultima versiune a Ubuntu , 6.10. Ubuntu 6.10 este prima distribuţie Linux ce integrază acest pachet , în urma negocierilor cu Mozilla care au permis folosirea în Ubuntu a numelui şi logo-ului oficial.

Firefox 2.0 are o multitudine de noi trăsături precum un mai bun management a tab-urilor, salvarea sesiunilor, spell-checking instant şi multe, multe altele . O listă completă poate fi vazută la

Subiectele de discuţie pentru Mountain View au fost alese

Înainte de întâlnirea de la Mountain View, Matt Zimmermann a făcut un apel pentru subiecte. Aceste subiecte au fost alese. Acestea variază de la noul techboard şi Consiliul Comnunităţii până la accelerarea şi eliminarea bugurilor din X . O listă completă poate fi găsită la

Jono Bacon, Managerul Comunităţii de la Canonical are un blog în care vorbeste despre diversele subiecte legate de coimunitate , inclusiv o mai bună organizare a echipelor "loco" . Citiţi mai multe la

Ubuntu 5.04 a ajuns la "Sfârşitul vieţii"

Ubuntu 5.04, a doua versiune a Ubuntu, a ajuns la "Sfârşitul vieţii" . Asta înseamnă suportul pentru securitate (prin update-uri) din partea Canonical a încetat. Puteţi citi mai multe la

Dacă încă folosiţi 5.04 puteţi face upgrade. Detalii privind această operaţie pot fi găsite la

Schimbări în Edgy

Odată cu lansarea finală a Ubuntu 6.10 se renunţă la numele de Edgy (acesta fiind folosit doar în timpul deyvoltării sale). Următoare săptămână ne va aduce primele schimbări în Feisty ! Dar pentru început să amintim ultimele upload-uri dinainte de lansare .

Ultimele update-uri privind partea vizuală au fost incluse , ele fiind upload-ate de Daniel Holbach cu human-icon-theme 0.7 (iconuri noi şi unele mici modificări), Oliver Grawert şi edubuntu-artwork 0.1.0 (update la usplash) şi Tollef Fog Heen cu usplash-theme-ubuntu 0.5 (temă 640x480 centrată).

Matt Zimmermann a upload-at noul Firefox 2.0, care prezintă o multitudine de noi funcţii. Una ditre schimbările notabile este aceea că acum Ubuntu foloseşte în mod implicit logo-ul oficial , drept urmare a continuării colaborării cu Mozilla. Astfel Ubuntu 6.10 devine prima distribuţie care este livrată cu noul Firefox 2.0.

Ultimele două aplicaţii Java au fost upload-ate de către Mattias Klose. Utilizatorii Eclipse vor fi fericiţi să vadă versiunea 3.2.1 şi popularul Azureus la versiunea

Nesatisfăcut de faptul că Xubuntu are destul de mult cod edgy în el , Jani Monoses a decis să update-ze xfdesktop4, care se pare că repară destul de multe probleme.

Launchpad News

Christian Reis provided us with a nice, comprehensive Launchpad update.

This has been a great Launchpad rollout -- there are so many cool changes that I'm going to have a hard time summarizing the highlights; be sure to read the detailed changelog because it contains many interesting tidbits that won't make it here!

You can use Launchpad to track Specifications too

I'd like to start out by pointing out a Launchpad feature that users may not be as familiar with. Most people already know that Launchpad hosts a bug tracking system, and a web translation interface; did you know we also offer a complete specification management system?

The Launchpad spec tracker lets you track metadata related to a document: what product or distribution it's about, who is the drafter, who's going to implement it, and what the current status is. The document itself can live anywhere; for instance, an Ubuntu specification that talks about Accelerated X, is housed in Launchpad at:

The Launchpad page has a summary of the spec, a dependency graph and a breakout of the metadata. The actual specification text lives at:

Note that the specification text can be kept anywhere -- it's just a URL associated with the metadata. Any upstream product can register specifications and manage them through Launchpad. This system can be used to track any software-related text, ranging from implementation proposals (like the Python PEP process) to hardcore technical specifications.

Bazaar branching

James Henstridge delivers in this rollout a cool feature that I've always been wanting to announce: it's now possible to use URLs to check out software using bzr! To fetch the latest version of Bazaar itself, for instance, just issue:

This works for any product in Launchpad that has a bzr branch associated to it, including upstream SVN or CVS imports. So to fetch a Bazaar branch for Gaim, the instant messaging software:

Is that cool or what? James blogged about how this was done at:

I shouldn't tell you (but I will anyway) that these URLs will get even shorter and simpler Real Soon Now -- so stay tuned.

Bug Tracking Enhancements

On the Malone front, Bjorn landed a first change to the process of adding upstream bugwatches that will make a lot of users smile: you now register bug watches entering URLs instead of picking from a list of trackers and adding a bug id. This should make it a lot faster to register watches, and this is just a first step, because the next rollout will include more extensive bug forwarding improvements.

Brad fixed a long-standing bogosity in our subscription system: people implicitly subscribed (those that appear as Also Notified: in the subscriptions portlet) to duplicates are no longer implicitly subscribed to the main bug, and if you are receiving bugmail because of a duplicate subscription, you can unsubcribe anyway and Malone will just Do the Right Thing.

Other Improvements

Other work worth noting: for the first time we enabled build failure notifications for Soyuz, which means that uploaders now get emailed when packages they sent off fail to build. A Soyuz sprint was held out in Brazil and both cleanups and PPA work were furthered.

Matthew Thomas had an ingenious solution to the problem of those meta-characters in Rosetta to indicate whitespace (those dots and carriage return symbols), using images that conveniently behave as expected when cutting-and-pasting in the browser.

Guilherme Salgado implemented a feature that allows us to track why a person was first registered in Launchpad when it is done via an automatic process (such as a Rosetta translation import); this rationale is now recorded and displayed when visiting the person's page. Activating that page into a Launchpad account is now easier than ever, too.

The full set of Launchpad changes for this rollout is detailed at

Please register your Ubuntu Mirror!

Guilherme Salgado put a lot of hard work into getting the Launchpad mirror prober in shape, and this last rollout includes FTP support and some reliability enhancements, which were the last items necessary to allow us to start using the mirror management system in production.

If you are a mirror administrator, please help us out by registering your Ubuntu mirror in Launchpad:

The currently registered mirrors are at the following URLs:

Once registered, we'll include your mirror in our official listings, and it will be regularly probed for content and freshness. You'll also be automatically notified if something goes wrong with your mirror. With good listings, Ubuntu users will be properly directed to the nearest, fastest and most current mirror, improving accessibility throughout.

In The Press

The Ubuntu 6.10 was in the press a great deal this week, being released and all. Due to time constraints this week, next week will have a full accounting of all various blogs post and the usual.

The BBC interviewed Mark, with a title "Space tourist promotes open source", Mark talks about briding the digital divide, how Ubuntu can help do that, the Shuttleworth Foundation (which the article incorrectly says funds Ubuntu) and more. You can listen to the whole interview at

Security Updates

USN 369-1 postgresql-8.1 vulnerabilities -

USN 368-1 qt-x11-free vulnerability -

Ubuntu 6.06 LTS Updates

There were no updates to 6.06 this week. Next week this section will be split to include 6.10, as it is now stable as well.

Bug Stats

# Open (17976) - 1041 extra bugs since UWN #19

# Critical (16) - 1 extra bug since UWN #19

# Unconfirmed (9259) - 647 extra bugs since UWN #19

# Unassigned (13236) - 905 extra bugs since UWN #19

# All bugs ever reported (62564) - 1591 extra bugs since UWN #19

As always, the Bug Squad needs more help. If you want to get started, please see

Check out the bug statistics:

Additional Ubuntu News

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As always you can find more news and announcements at:



Thank you for reading the Ubuntu Weekly Newsletter. See you next week!


This weeks Ubuntu Weekly Newsletter is brought to you by:

  • Corey Burger
  • Christian Reis
  • Mellisa Draper
  • Eldo Varghese
  • And many others


This document is maintained by the Ubuntu Marketing Team. Please feel free to contact us regarding any concerns or suggestions by either sending an email to or by using any of the other methods on the Ubuntu Marketing Team Contact Information Page.

UbuntuWeeklyNewsletter/Issue20/Romanian (last edited 2008-08-06 16:19:58 by localhost)