||<>|| ## This document contains numerous comments to help make getting ## involved with the UWN easy and to help set some guidelines/standards. ## By contributing, you understand that your contribution may be appended to, ## modified, deleted, moved, copied, and redistributed without further ## consultation. Please feel free to add comments to help explain changes ## and/or additions to the UWN to other editors. ## Final revision will be approved and mailed by Corey Burger (Burgundavia) ## or Cody A.W. Somerville (somerville32). ## For more information, please contact ubuntu-marketing@lists.ubuntu.com or ## visit #ubuntu-marketing on irc.freenode.net ## Good Luck from Cody Somerville, Corey Burger, and Melissa Dapper. ## Edit the following to include issue number, date info, and a short list ## of the top articles in this release. Welcome to the Ubuntu Weekly Newsletter, Issue #32 for the week March 11th - 18th, 2007. In this issue we cover Ubuntu's new Website redesign, Breezy Badger's end of the road and Ubuntu's involvement in the year's Google Summer of Code. Feisty is also going into Beta, so everyone can feel the excitement in the air. Translations: [[https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuWeeklyNewsletter/Issue32/ES|Español]] [[http://ubuntu-fr.org/lettre/lhu32.html|Français]] == In This Issue == * New Ubuntu Website * Feisty Fawn (7.04) Beta Freeze * Bye bye Breezy! * Ubuntu in Google's 2007 Summer of Code * New ISO Testing Team * Ubuntu-PH in First Conference FOSS in eGovernance * Ubuntu-be.org spreads Ubuntu Love ## In this section, list major topics of interest using bullets. ## Format: * ## Ex: * Ubuntu overtakes Microsoft with 90% market share == General Community News == === New Ubuntu.com look unveiled === The website team at Canonical have been hard at work on a new look for the Ubuntu website and this week, that new look was unveiled. Based on Drupal, the old website was based on a customized MoinMoin engine, the new website also sports a shiny new theme. Matthew Nuzum, Ubuntu.com webmaster, said the Drupal theme is already ready to download and themes for other CMS and Wikis would be made available soon. You can see the new look at http://www.ubuntu.com and read Matthew's email at https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/loco-contacts/2007-March/001196.html === Bye bye Breezy! === 0n October 13th, 2005, Breezy Badger (5.10), the third Ubuntu release was announced. On Friday April 13th 2007, it will reach its end-of-life and at that time, Ubuntu Security Notices will no longer include information or updated packages for Ubuntu 5.10. Breezy Landmarks: * Edubuntu was first implemented - http://www.edubuntu.org/ * Ubuntu for servers * OEM installer support * Graphical startup process with progress bar (USplash) * Add/remove menu If you are still running Breezy, it is recommended to upgrade to Dapper Drake (6.06 LTS, Long Term Support release). From Dapper, you can then upgrade to Edgy Eft (6.10, current stable release). Read the full announcement here:https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-announce/2007-March/000099.html So, bye bye, Breezy, and welcome Feisty! === Forum Council Notes, March 13th, 2007 === The following points were covered: * The Jail will not be viewable by Forum Members. Members will be able to see their own posts in the event a post is jailed. Matthew is going to revise the Current Forum Guidelines. * The Council is searching for a new Team Leader for the Hardware team. The leader will be decided at the Next FC meeting. * Ubuntu Forums will support an ISO testing team within the forums, and promote ISO testing. * Ubuntu Forums staff hiring process will not change. Matthew will put pen to paper and write out the process and send it to the other FC members for approval. * Ubuntu Forums will no longer honor a members request to delete their account. Members who add multiple accounts will be handled in the following manner. First duplicate account, the member will receive an infraction. Second duplicate account, the member will be banned. * Ubuntu Forums will have a forum for Desktop-Effects. Finally a place for all those “Beryl broke my compooter” threads. * Next meeting will be held on Wednesday, April 11th, 2007, 20:00 UTC You can read the full log of the meeting here: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MeetingLogs/ForumCouncil/2007March13/Logs and notes from Vorian, the FC secretary, on the forum thread: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=383549 === Ubuntu participates in Google's 2007 Summer of Code === Slightly older news, but Ubuntu has been accepted as a mentoring organization in the 2007 Google Summer of Code, a program to help students with a summer job while working on various Open Source projects. Some ideas are beginning to be collected at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/GoogleSoC2007 and you can read the announcement, including how to participate at https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-devel-announce/2007-March/000260.html === Ubuntu-Women Training Session for GNOME Bug Day === The GNOME Bugsquad will have a Bug Day from Wednesday, March 21, 16:00 UTC to March 22, 05:00 UTC in #bugs on irc.gnome.org. In order to encourage more ubuntu-women to get involved in the upcoming GNOME Bug Day, ubuntu-women is hosting a little session on how to start triaging for GNOME in #ubuntu-women on March 20th starting at 21:00 UTC. Everyone welcome to join! Read the full emails from Susana on Ubuntu-Women mailing list here (you will also find relevant links to the GNOME Bug Day events): https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-women/2007-March/000680.html https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-women/2007-March/000681.html Ubuntuforums thread: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=2316719 === New ISO Testing Team === In the past, the Distro Team, formed by ubuntu-core-devs, tested all the ISOs, in all the supported architectures, with a lot of testing cases, as you can see here: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Testing/Matrix But there is a big problem with that: the developers can't focus in fixing bugs, as they would do if they shouldn't have to test the ISOs. To improve this situation, we would like to make a Community effort, and form a Community Team which would test the ISOs, letting the devs concentrate in fixing bugs, and improving Ubuntu! We are going to start with the Ubuntu and Kubuntu Live CDs in x86 architectures. If you can help us out, just mail us to iso.testing@gmail.com (instructions in: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=383067). ## Make each article a subsection, via === ## These are big articles that don't fit within another section == LoCo News == === Ubuntu-PH participates in First Conference FOSS in eGovernance === The FOSS fiesta in eGovernance was held at EDSA Shangri-La last March 7-8, 2007. With the active participation of the Ubuntu-ph team on the said event, with Yolyne Medina, Zak B. Elep and Juan Carlos Torres taking charge of the Ubuntu-PH table. http://ubuntu-ph.org/node/104 === Ubuntu-be.org spreads Ubuntu love at VLOD education conference === Flemish education conference, the Ubuntu-be.org volunteers spread their Edubuntu enthusiasm around the directors and ict-responsibles of all Belgium schools. The VLOD-conference is the biggest education conference in Flanders which about 8000 people, mainly decisionmakers attend. People were interested to discover this system everybody was talking about.Ubuntu-be.org showed them the possibilities and advantages of 'free software', and gave them a demo of thin clients. https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BelgianTeam/VLOD_2007/Report ## Make each article a subsection, via === Section name === ## Add notes about new locoteams, changed ones, meetings, etc. == New in Feisty Fawn == ## This list is pulled by Corey Burger and dumped here in raw form for parsing. ## Choose a something you wish to write about a write a short piece about what ## has changed since the last version in Ubuntu. This might mean several upstream ## releases. To find this data, use the changelog in the package and look on the web. ## If you cannot find a usable changelog, simply drop that package. Try and group packages ## together logically, such as X, the kernel or GNOME. ## After all the package sections are written, organize them logically, based ## on desktop or server, GNOME, KDE, or Xfce4, etc. ## Sometimes bigger changes, such as a new development policy or a major new ## thing will be mentioned under a seperate heading === Feisty Fawn (7.04) Beta Freeze === According to Tollef Fog Heen on the Ubuntu developers announcement list, the freeze for uploads has taken effect in order to anticipate the beta release of Feisty. The freeze took effect on Thursday and means that "During the freeze, all uploads to main [repository] must be approved by a member of the release team." Any changes that need to be taken into effect should go to the release team as soon as possible. These are exciting times for the whole Ubuntu community as it means the Feisty Fawn in very close to release. https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-devel-announce/2007-March/000262.html === Feisty translations now open! === Launchpad team have imported existing translations both from Ubuntu 6.10 (Edgy) and directly from upstream projects. Each language remains untranslated on the Feisty translations overview page. There are some problems converting from Open Office language pack format to the .po format used by Launchpad. This means that Open Office isn’t yet available to translate. http://fridge.ubuntu.com/node/817 https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/feisty/+translations == In The Press == ## Things Ubuntu-specific are great, but general Linux goings-on are good to, to an extent. ## We don't need to replicate Digg & Slashdot, but certain things are of special interest. ## Just pulling one example from my memory, the story about Indiana schools piloting ## a classroom Linux deployment, a portion of which was Ubuntu, are good. Ubuntu ## release reviews are also common items in this section. iDart (Intelligent Dispensing of Antiretroviral Treatment) is a Java GPL application used by antiretroviral (ARV) pharmacies to treat over 8500 HIV patients. Cell-Life has created an iDart-in-a-box solution running Ubuntu where the iDart database can be backed up securely over the cellular network, making it useful in areas where there is no Internet connectivity. Read the full article: http://www.tectonic.co.za/view.php?id=1407 Mercian Labels, a UK security label printer, is in the process of migrating from Microsoft to Ubuntu and other open source technologies. Because of the lack of case studies for small companies to use open source, Mercian is blogging their transition at http://www.selfadhesivelabels.com/blog. Read the full article: http://www.prbuzz.com/mercian-labels-blogs-case-study-1268.html. Ed Moltzen blogs about Mark Shuttleworth's [[http://www.markshuttleworth.com/archives/100|post]], which discusses issues and solutions arising from widespread interest of pre-installed Linux in Dell's [[http://www.dellideastorm.com/|IdeaStorm]]. Read the post: http://www.crn.com/software/198000735 Canonical announced its Partner Programme to stimulate awareness and adoption of open source platforms. This will help partners that use Ubuntu as part of their solutions and help Canonical build relationships with vendors. Read the full article: http://www.ubuntu.com/news/Global-Partner-Program OS News has a glowing review of Feisty. The article states Ubuntu has a found a good middle ground between hard core Linux users and new users coming from Windows and OS X. Read the full article: http://www.osnews.com/story.php/17505/Ubuntu-Feisty-Fawn-Desktop-Linux-Matured/ Frank Koehntopp posts about installing Ubuntu on 16 computers at a primary school in Germany. Read the full post: http://www.gadgetguy.de/2007/03/12/primary-school-goes-ubuntu/ == Meetings and Events == ## Data pulled from mailing lists and http://fridge.ubuntu.com ## Either use bullets or sub-headings to organize content. ## Format: ## ## === Friday, March 16, 2007 === ## ## ==== MOTU Council Meeting ==== ## * Start: 10:00 ## * End: 12:00 ## * Location: IRC channel #ubuntu-meeting ## * Agenda: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MOTU/Council/Meetings === Monday, March 19, 2007 === ==== Kernel Team Meeting ==== * Start: 15:00 * End: 16:00 * Location: IRC channel #ubuntu-meeting * Agenda: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/KernelTeam/Meeting === Tuesday, March 20, 2007 === ==== Community Council Meeting ==== * Start: 18:00 * End: 20:00 * Location: IRC channel #ubuntu-meeting * Agenda: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommunityCouncilAgenda === Wednesday, March 21, 2007 === ==== Edubuntu Meeting ==== * Start: 12:00 * End: 14:00 * Location: IRC channel #ubuntu-meeting * Agenda: https://wiki.edubuntu.org/EdubuntuMeetingAgenda === Thursday, March 22, 2007 === ==== Ubuntu Development Team Meeting ==== * Start: 16:00 * End: 18:00 * Location: IRC channel #ubuntu-meeting === Sunday, March 25th, 2007 === ==== Ubuntu-Women Meeting ==== * Start : 11:00 UTC * End : 12:00 UTC * Location : IRC channel #ubuntu-women === Tuesday, March 27, 2007 === ==== MOTU Meeting ==== * Start: 08:00 * End: 10:00 * Location: IRC channel #ubuntu-meeting * Agenda: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MOTU/Meetings ==== Technical Board Meeting ==== * Start: 20:00 * End: 22:00 * Location: IRC channel #ubuntu-meeting * Agenda: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/TechnicalBoardAgenda === Wednesday, March 28, 2007 === ==== Edubuntu Meeting ==== * Start: 20:00 * End: 22:00 * Location: IRC channel #ubuntu-meeting * Agenda: https://wiki.edubuntu.org/EdubuntuMeetingAgenda ==== Xubuntu Meeting ==== * Start: 22:00 * End: 23:59 * Location: IRC channel #ubuntu-meeting * Topic: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Xubuntu/Meetings === Thursday, March 29, 2007 === ==== Ubuntu Development Team Meeting ==== * Start: 21:00 * End: 23:00 * Location: IRC channel #ubuntu-meeting === Saturday, March 31, 2007 === ==== Ubuntu Conference in Croatia ==== * Start: 00:00 * End: 23:59 * Location: Zagreb, Croatia * For more info: http://www.ubuntu-hr.org/konferencija/index.en.php == Community Spotlight == ## Specification Spotlight ## This section highlights an approved specification that is going to be implemented ## in Feisty. See the list at https://blueprints.launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/feisty ## In general, choose user visible features, as the audience are mostly end users. ## Also try and group specs together that belong together, such as network or X. ## Feature of the week ## Pick a feature, piece of software, or package that you'd like to feature. ## Give a brief description, whats so special about it, who works on it, ## where to find it/install it, etc. === Team of the Week: Mozilla Team === The Mozilla Team is focused on raising the quality of the Mozilla Foundation's application in Ubuntu. The Mozilla Team takes into account the many packages that interact with Mozilla products, such as Flash, Java, and extensions. The Mozilla Team is strongly committed to upstream and relations. By analyzing crash reports, the Mozilla Team has found several master crash cases which are in progress. The Mozilla Team can be found at #ubuntu-mozillateam on irc.freenode.net. == Updates and security for 6.06 and 6.10 == === Security Updates === ## http://www.ubuntu.com/usn ## List all security advisories since last UWN. ## Format: * USN-###-#: vulnerability - http://www.ubuntu.com/usn/usn-###-# ## Ex: * USN-389-1: GnuPG vulnerability - [WWW] http://www.ubuntu.com/usn/usn-389-1 * USN-432-2: GnuPG2, GPGME vulnerability - http://www.ubuntu.com/usn/432-2 * USN-436-1: KTorrent vulnerabilities - http://www.ubuntu.com/usn/436-1 * USN-435-1: Xine vulnerability - http://www.ubuntu.com/usn/435-1 === Ubuntu 6.06 LTS Updates === ## https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/dapper-changes ## List all uploads since last UWN. ## Format: * - ## Ex: * lvm2 2.02.02-1ubuntu1.2 - https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/dapper-changes/2006-November/012305.html * vmware-player-kernel-2.6.15 - https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/dapper-changes/2007-March/012376.html * xine-lib 1.1.1+ubuntu2-7.6 - https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/dapper-changes/2007-March/012373.html * ktorrent 1.2-0ubuntu5.1 - https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/dapper-changes/2007-March/012378.html * gpgme1.0 1.1.0-1ubuntu0.1 - https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/dapper-changes/2007-March/012379.html === Ubuntu 6.10 Updates === ## https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/edgy-changes ## List all uploads since last UWN. ## Format: * - ## Ex: * lvm2 2.02.06-2ubuntu3.2 - https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/edgy-changes/2006-November/008083.html * cacti 0.8.6h-3ubuntu0.1 - https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/edgy-changes/2007-March/008248.html * xine-lib 1.1.2+repacked1-0ubuntu3.4 - https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/edgy-changes/2007-March/008249.html * ktorrent 2.0.3+dfsg1-0ubuntu1.1 - https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/edgy-changes/2007-March/008250.html * gnupg2 1.9.21-0ubuntu5.3 - https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/edgy-changes/2007-March/008251.html * gpgme1.0 1.1.2-2ubuntu0.1 - https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/edgy-changes/2007-March/008252.html * update-manager 0.45.2 - https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/edgy-changes/2007-March/008253.html * mldonkey 2.8.1-1ubuntu0.1~proposed1 - https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/edgy-changes/2007-March/008254.html * bluefish 1.0.6-1ubuntu0.1~proposed1 - https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/edgy-changes/2007-March/008255.html * mod-mono 1.1.17-3edgy1~proposed1 - https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/edgy-changes/2007-March/008256.html == Bug Stats == ## Bug stats only take a second to do. ## Data can be found at: http://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+bugs ## See last week's UWN to calculate change over last week. ## NOTE: To be done ONLY on the release date of the UWN (or latter if late). * Open (24292) +444 # over last week * Critical (17) +0 # over last week * Unconfirmed (11896) +206 # over last week * Unassigned (17925) +395 # over last week * All bugs ever reported (83170) +1566 # over last week As always, the Bug Squad needs more help. If you want to get started, please see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HelpingWithBugs Check out the bug statistics: http://people.ubuntu-in.org/~carthik/bugstats/ == Archives and RSS Feed == You can always find older Ubuntu Weekly Newsletter issues at: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuWeeklyNewsletter https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuWeeklyNewsletter/Issue32?action=diff&rev=35 You can subscribe to the Ubuntu Weekly News via RSS at: http://fridge.ubuntu.com/uwn/feed == Additional Ubuntu News == As always you can find more news and announcements at: http://www.ubuntu.com/news and http://fridge.ubuntu.com/ == Conclusion == Thank you for reading the Ubuntu Weekly Newsletter. See you next week! == Credits == The Ubuntu Weekly Newsletter is brought to you by: ## The following list is in chronological order. * Martin Albisetti * Rj Ian S. Sevilla * Isabelle Duchatelle * Freddy Martinez * Corey Burger * And many others == Feedback == This document is maintained by the Ubuntu Marketing Team. Please feel free to contact us regarding any concerns or suggestions by either sending an email to ubuntu-marketing@lists.ubuntu.com or by using any of the other methods on the Ubuntu Marketing Team Contact Information Page (https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MarketingTeam). If you'd like to contribute to a future issue of the Ubuntu Weekly Newsletter, please feel free to edit the appropriate wiki page.