
  1. In This Issue
  2. General Community News
    1. Ubuntu Edge breaks crowd-sourcing record
  3. Ubuntu Stats
    1. Bug Stats
    2. Ask Ubuntu Top 5 Questions this week
      1. Most Active Questions
      2. Top Voted New Questions
  4. LoCo News
    1. Fosscon 2013 – all done til 2014
  5. Ubuntu Cloud News
    1. Juju Ecosystem Status for 14 August
  6. The Planet
    1. Matt Fischer: Hacking the initrd in Ubuntu Touch
    2. Ubuntu Women: The First Ubuntu Women Survey
    3. Didier Roche: Release early, release often, release every 4h!
    4. Kubuntu: KDE Plasma, Applications 4.11 & Amarok 2.8
    5. Jorge O. Castro: Official Ubuntu Server Book 3rd Edition Now Available
    6. Benjamin Kerensa: Firefox To Remain Default…. Very Nice!
    7. Jono Bacon: Mir Update and Testing Mir in Ubuntu 13.10
    8. Canonical Design Team: Usability testing: how do we design effective tasks
    9. Nicholas Skaggs: Feature freeze coming? Let's test!
  7. Other Community News
    1. Sunsetting Ubuntu Friendly
  8. In The Press
    1. Why Ubuntu's creator still invests his fortune in an unprofitable company
    2. Canonical On Why They Chose Indiegogo Over Kickstarter For The Ubuntu Edge
  9. In The Blogosphere
  10. Featured Audio and Video
    1. Ubuntu Ohio - Burning Circle: Burning Circle Episode 126
    2. Ubuntu Podcast from the UK LoCo: S06E25 – Night of the Living Ubuntu
  11. Weekly Ubuntu Development Team Meetings
  12. Monthly Team Reports: July 2013
  13. Upcoming Meetings and Events
  14. Updates and Security for 10.04, 12.04, 12.10 and 13.04
    1. Security Updates
    2. Ubuntu 10.04 Updates
    3. Ubuntu 12.04 Updates
    4. Ubuntu 12.10 Updates
    5. Ubuntu 13.04 Updates
  15. Subscribe
  16. Archives
  17. Additional Ubuntu News
  18. Conclusion
  19. Credits
  20. Glossary of Terms
  21. Ubuntu - Get Involved
  22. Feedback


Welcome to the Ubuntu Weekly Newsletter, Issue 330 for the week August 12 - 18, 2013.

In This Issue

General Community News

Ubuntu Edge breaks crowd-sourcing record

This week the Ubuntu Edge campaign broke the crowd-sourcing highest amount record, leading to another flurry of posts from news sites and blogs alike, the following are a sampling collected by our editors:

Ubuntu Stats

Bug Stats

As always, the Bug Squad needs more help. If you want to get started, please see

Ask Ubuntu Top 5 Questions this week

Most Active Questions

Top Voted New Questions

People Contributing the best questions and answers this week: Ivan Dokov (, Germar (, Braiam (, Mitch ( and Rinzwind (

Ask (and answer!) your own questions at

LoCo News

Fosscon 2013 – all done til 2014

Jim Fisher reports on the success of the Ubuntu Pennsylvania’s participation in Fosscon. Fisher writes, “The Ubuntu Local Community Team always sponsors an Installfest at Fosscon. This year, we had an open Installfest. Any distro that wanted, could represent themselves and be part of the Installfest.” He goes on to say, “Many Ubuntu-Us-PA members, alumni and friends were among the attendees at Fosscon. Some were speakers.”

Ubuntu Cloud News

Juju Ecosystem Status for 14 August

Jorge O. Castro reports on the latest Juju ecosystem updates and includes a breakdown of the current goals of the various team members.

The Planet

Matt Fischer: Hacking the initrd in Ubuntu Touch

Matt Fischer shares his experience working with some of the initrd scripts in Ubuntu Touch. He walks through getting, unpacking, hacking, and repacking the initrd, then rebuilding the boot image, and finally flashing and testing it.

Ubuntu Women: The First Ubuntu Women Survey

Elizabeth Krumbach Joseph writes that at the last virtual Ubuntu Developer Summit, it was decided to conduct a survey of the community to learn what people expected from the Ubuntu Women project. She tells us that the anonymous survey is now online and that the results will be used to better determine how team members spend their time, what projects should be promoted, and what projects should receive focus.

Didier Roche: Release early, release often, release every 4h!

Didier Roche shares news about modifications to the daily release of changes to components of Ubuntu, writing: “I'm happy to announce that now, we are capable of releasing every 4h to distro! Time for a branch proposed to trunk to the distro is drastically reduced thanks to this. But we still took great care to keep the same safety net though with tests running, ABI handling, and not pushing every commit to distro.”

Kubuntu: KDE Plasma, Applications 4.11 & Amarok 2.8

The Kubuntu team announces the release of packages for KDE SC 4.11 and Amarok 2.8. They advise for which Kubuntu releases the new software are available, where to find them, and where to report bugs.

Jorge O. Castro: Official Ubuntu Server Book 3rd Edition Now Available

Jorge O. Castro writes that Prentice Hall has just released the 3rd Edition of “The Official Ubuntu Server Book” authored by Kyle Rankin and Benjamin Mako Hill. Jorge provides a link to a sample chapter and adds that Prentice Hall will be pleased to ship a free copy to approved LoCo teams. He provides guidance as to how the free copies can be obtained.

Benjamin Kerensa: Firefox To Remain Default…. Very Nice!

Benjamin Kerensa writes that Jason Warner, who leads the Ubuntu Desktop Team, has announced that Firefox will continue to be the default browser for Ubuntu 13.10. Benjamin says "I urge Mozillians in the Ubuntu Community to take part in the upcoming vUDS and share your opinion on what the default browser should be in Ubuntu 14.04" and adds that he thinks it is very important that Ubuntu continues to ship a browser which is backed by an organization like Mozilla which helps power the open web and champions user privacy.

Jono Bacon: Mir Update and Testing Mir in Ubuntu 13.10

Jono Bacon reports that Mir is now available in the Ubuntu 13.10 Saucy archive and also points out a few caveats. Jono gives the terminal commands to enable Mir, lists some of the discussions with those that are interested in utilizing Mir, and directs us to a wiki page that he has created to track how Mir works on different graphics cards.

Canonical Design Team: Usability testing: how do we design effective tasks

Tingting Zhao explores work done by the Canonical Design team around usability testing by focusing on “tasks” that users need to complete on the desktop. She breaks up the methodology for this into stages and explains each stage.

Nicholas Skaggs: Feature freeze coming? Let's test!

Nicholas Skaggs writes that feature freeze for Ubuntu 13.10 is approaching, so the next few weeks are rather important to the testing community. Nicholas summarizes what needs to be done and when it needs to be done. He provides links to instructions the tests and a video that demonstrates using a virtual machine booting into a live session to run through the tests.

Other Community News

Sunsetting Ubuntu Friendly

Ara Pulido writes that in October 2011 the beta of Ubuntu Friendly was launched, but its success since then has been minimal. She says that the cost of Ubuntu Friendly's infrastructure is high and cannot be justified looking at its current usage and advises that the service will close on 15th of September.

In The Press

Why Ubuntu's creator still invests his fortune in an unprofitable company

Jon Brodkin of Ars Technica begins with statistics around Ubuntu and Canonical related to the amount of money Mark Shuttleworth has invested over the past 10 years, writing that the company is still not profitable and today “he continues funding Canonical from his own fortune.” Brodkin continues discussing the new mobile strategy, quoting Shuttleworth’s “I think the desktop on its own will die” rationale for coupling Ubuntu with the mobile market. The article then explores various other methods Canonical has employed to become profitable and their competitors in this space.

Canonical On Why They Chose Indiegogo Over Kickstarter For The Ubuntu Edge

Charles Luzar of Crowdfund Insider covers the Ubuntu Edge kickstarter campaign in a different way by reaching out to Canonical to learn why they chose to use Indiegogo over Kickstarter. Luzar shares comments from Canonical’s Christine Tran who cites audience and focus as the reasons. “While Kickstarter has a track record of higher funding achieved for individual projects, Indiegogo was also attractive because of their wider international reach. Ultimately, Ubuntu Edge is all about technology. This is an area that fully aligns with Indiegogo strategic direction, while Kickstarter is focused on other topics. This was the main decider in favour of Indiegogo.”

In The Blogosphere

Ubuntu Ohio - Burning Circle: Burning Circle Episode 126

"In this week's episode we touch upon letting go, XMir, UbuCon, and reference an article of interest from New Scientist. Some sort of commercial for a music festival airs at the start of the program. Said commercial will be airing on terrestrial radio closer to the festival site from August 20th through August 24th."

Ubuntu Podcast from the UK LoCo: S06E25 – Night of the Living Ubuntu

Alan Pope, Mark Johnson, Tony Whitmore, and Laura Cowen are back for the twenty-fifth episode of Season Six of the Ubuntu Podcast from the UK LoCo Team!

In this week’s show:

Weekly Ubuntu Development Team Meetings

Monthly Team Reports: July 2013

See here for the team report for July 2013:

If your team is not producing monthly reports, see this page to get your team started:

Upcoming Meetings and Events

For upcoming meetings and events please visit the calendars at

Updates and Security for 10.04, 12.04, 12.10 and 13.04

Security Updates

Ubuntu 10.04 Updates

End of Life - April 2015 (Server)

Ubuntu 12.04 Updates

End of Life - April 2017

Ubuntu 12.10 Updates

End of Life - April 2014

Ubuntu 13.04 Updates

End of Life - January 2014


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Additional Ubuntu News

As always you can find more news and announcements at:



Thank you for reading the Ubuntu Weekly Newsletter.

See you next week!


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Glossary of Terms

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Ubuntu - Get Involved

The Ubuntu community consists of individuals and teams, working on different aspects of the distribution, giving advice and technical support, and helping to promote Ubuntu to a wider audience. No contribution is too small, and anyone can help. It's your chance to get in on all the community fun associated with developing and promoting Ubuntu.


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Except where otherwise noted, this issue of the Ubuntu Weekly Newsletter is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution ShareAlike 3.0 License CCL.png

UbuntuWeeklyNewsletter/Issue330 (last edited 2013-08-21 00:12:44 by lyz)