
Welcome to the Ubuntu Weekly Newsletter, Issue 384 for the week September 15 - 21, 2014.

In This Issue

General Community News

Call for nominations to the LoCo Council

Pablo Rubianes of the Ubuntu LoCo Council puts out a call to the community to restaff a seat on the council. Requirements for this post include:

More details about the role and the council at:

Ubuntu Stats

Bug Stats

As always, the Bug Squad needs more help. If you want to get started, please see

Ask Ubuntu Top 5 Questions this week

Most Active Questions

Top Voted New Questions

People Contributing the best questions and answers this week: Sylvain Pineau (, muru (, Oli (, G_P ( and Jacob Vlijm (

Ask (and answer!) your own questions at

LoCo News

New SubLoCo Policy

Pablo Rubianes of the LoCo Council announces a new policy refined by the LoCo Council to make it easier for teams to know how they should be organized on a regional and country level.

The Planet

Thomas Ward: NGINX in Ubuntu, PPAs, and Debian: naxsi packages to be dropped by the end of the month.

Thomas Ward describes the changes for the nginx-naxsi packages as a result of his report on the outdated version to naxsi in Debian.

José Antonio Rey: 3 years and counting…

José Antonio Rey reflects on the three year anniversary of his Ubuntu Membership. José is thankful for the community that he has been working with and for and looks forward to the future.

Elizabeth K. Joseph: Ubuntu at Fossetcon 2014

Elizabeth summarizes her Ubuntu-related experiences at Fossetcon 2014 in Orlando, Florida. She covers the Ubucon on ‘day zero’, before the actual conference, with a run down of the talks she attended and shares a photos from the Ubucon and of the Ubuntu booth.

Jorge Castro: Juju Ecosystem Team Sprint Report

The recent Juju Ecosystem Team Sprint in Dillon, Colorado is highlighted by Jorge. This sprint included progress on Automated Charm Testing, Review Queue and Cloud Foundry. The Developer workflow includes focusing on the five “flagbearer” charms and improvements to author tools.

Other Community News

Final Beta 9/22 - 9/25

Nicholas Skaggs of the Quality team notifies the community that the final Beta is coming up this week and encourages people to help test the images as the show up in the tracker. His post wraps up with details for how to do testing.

In The Blogosphere

Ubuntu Podcast from the UK LoCo: S07E25 – The One Where the Monkey Gets Away

Just Laura Cowen and Alan Pope are in Studio L for Season Seven, Episode Twenty-Five of the Ubuntu Podcast!

Apologies for the terrible audio quality in this episode. It turns out one of the channels on the compressor is broken and we didn’t realise until much later on.

We’ll be back next week, when we’ll have some interviews from JISC, and we’ll go through your feedback.

Weekly Ubuntu Development Team Meetings

Upcoming Meetings and Events

For upcoming meetings and events please visit the calendars at

Updates and Security for 10.04, 12.04 and 14.04

Security Updates

Ubuntu 10.04 Updates

End of Life - April 2015 (Server)

Ubuntu 12.04 Updates

End of Life - April 2017

Ubuntu 14.04 Updates

End of Life - April 2019


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Additional Ubuntu News

As always you can find more news and announcements at:



Thank you for reading the Ubuntu Weekly Newsletter.

See you next week!


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Glossary of Terms

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UbuntuWeeklyNewsletter/Issue384 (last edited 2014-09-23 00:27:38 by lyz)