
Welcome to the Ubuntu Weekly Newsletter, Issue 428 for the week July 27 - August 2, 2015.

In This Issue

General Community News

Wily Werewolf Alpha 2 Released

Martin Wimpress, on behalf of the Ubuntu Release Team, announces the second alpha of Wily Werewolf, which will become Ubuntu 15.10. He informs us of the flavors that took part in the release, where to download the images, and links to sites from where further information about the release can be found.

DMB Election Results

Micah Gersten announces the result of the recent Developer Membership Board [DMB] election which took place due to the resignation of Scott Kitterman. Micah congratulates Adam Conrad and welcomes him to the board, and thanks Scott for his years of service.

Ubuntu Stats

Bug Stats

As always, the Bug Squad needs more help. If you want to get started, please see

Ask Ubuntu Top 5 Questions this week

Most Active Questions

Top Voted New Questions

People Contributing the best questions and answers this week: A.B. (, heemayl (, Charles Boling (, Rinzwind ( and Pilot6 (

Ask (and answer!) questions at

LoCo News

Goodness Gracious Me

Miles Sharpe reports that the Africas Group, coordinating Ubuntu Local Community Teams in Africa, recently held a meeting. He summarizes what he classifies as a “rip roaring success” and said he struggled to keep up with the pace and excitement of the meeting at times.

LoCo Events

Want to learn whether there is an event upcoming in your area? Visit the LoCo Team Portal to browse upcoming events around the world:

The Planet

Xubuntu: Artwork Project for 15.10: Making LibreOffice look integrated

The Xubuntu team reports that it has started work to integrate the look of LibreOffice with the rest of the desktop. 15.10 will be the first Xubuntu version to include LibreOffice out of the box.

Unity Team: What’s new in Mir 0.14

Cemil Azizoglu announces the new features for Mir 0.14, including preparation work for new buffer semantics, MirEvent-2.0 related changes and unifications, the replacement of InputDispatcher in favor of SurfaceInputDispatcher, numerous bug fixes and more.

Dustin Kirkland: Appellation of Origin: FROM ubuntu

Dustin Kirkland responds to concerns about the use of Ubuntu in Docker images, writing: “I am speaking for my employer, Canonical, when I say you are not violating our policies if you use Ubuntu with Docker in sensible, secure ways. Some have claimed otherwise, but that’s simply sensationalist and untrue.” He goes on to explain in further detail how Ubuntu can be used in Docker and how to go about working with Canonical if any permission for usage is required, concluding: “Believe it or not, we’re really quite reasonable people! Canonical has a lengthy, public track record, donating infrastructure and resources to many derivative Ubuntu distributions. Moreover, we’ve successfully contracted mutually beneficial distribution agreements with numerous organizations and enterprises. The result is happy users and happy companies.”

Launchpad News: Improved filtering options for Gmail users

Colin Watson writes that some email clients including Gmail have a problem filtering email from Launchpad effectively. He says that a new option is available on the Launchpad personal details page to include filtering information in email footers, and shows us how Gmail users should set up their filters to read this information.

Nicholas Skaggs: Opportunity: Automated Installer Testing

Nicholas Skaggs reports that after some of the automated tests stopped working, a community member discovered that the CI team within Canonical can no longer run these tests. As such, Daniel Chapman and Daniel Kessel have been involved with handling tests and getting a community-driven test infrastructure up, but they need help. He concludes his post by saying that diverse skills are needed and asks “Are you interested in helping make flavors better? Do you have some technical skills in writing tests, the web, python, or running a jenkins server? Or perhaps you are willing to learn? If so, please get in touch!”

Ubuntu GNOME: Help needed to test 14.04.3

Ali Linx appeals on behalf of the Ubuntu GNOME team for help testing 14.04.3 which is due for release on 6th August 2015. He provides links to the testing tracker, the new testing procedures, and concludes his post with: “As always, your endless help and continuous support are highly appreciated.”

Ubuntu Cloud News

Ubuntu Phone News

Easily port mobile HTML5 games to Ubuntu Phone

With the aid of screenshots, Alan Pope guides us through the entire process of creating a game called Don’t Crash from a starting point of licensing it from Code Canyon through porting, creating a manifest, creating a security profile and desktop file, and building a click package. He then shows us how he tested and tweaked the app before uploading the game to the store.

Alan’s article was translated into Spanish by Marco Costales:

In The Press

Ubuntu defibrillates 14.10 for one LAST patch

Richard Chirgwin of The Register informs us that despite Ubuntu 14.10 reaching end-of-life on July 23rd, the release received one last kernel patch to cover several severe vulnerabilities. Richard says that Canonical advises that an upgrade to Ubuntu 15.04 is the preferred course of action.

In The Blogosphere

Ubuntu MATE Is Dropping The Ubuntu Software Center

Michael Larabel of Phoronix relays the news that the Ubuntu Software Center will be removed from the default install of Ubuntu MATE 15.10. He says that the application has already been removed from the daily images, and that developer Martin Wimpress has said that a replacement has already been lined up but that it is not the Debian Synaptic UI.

Entroware Now Sells the Ubuntu-Powered Proteus with a New Card

Silviu Stahie of Softpedia writes that the Entroware Proteus, which only ships with Ubuntu or Ubuntu MATE, will now ship with a video card. He says that the card, aN Nvidia GTX 960M with 2GB of RAM, is available for new orders at no extra cost.

In Other News

Full Circle Issue #99

Full Circle - the independent magazine for the Ubuntu Linux community are proud to announce the release of our ninety-ninth issue.

This month:

plus: News, Arduino, Q&A, and soooo much more.

Get it while it's hot!

Ubuntu Community Q&A - 28th July 2015

David Planella is joined by Michael Hall for another regular Ubuntu On Air! Q&A session in which they answer questions put to them on IRC.

Juju Office Hours - 30th July 2015

Jorge Castro and Marco Ceppi introduce another live Juju Office Hours session. This time they are joined by Matt Bruzek, Charles Butler, Cory Johns and Jay Wren who each update us on what they are currently working on.

Ubuntu Podcast from the UK LoCo: S08E21 – United Passions

It’s Episode Twenty-one of Season Eight of the Ubuntu Podcast! Mark Johnson, Laura Cowen, Martin Wimpress, and Alan Pope are all together again!

In this week’s show:

We look at what’s been going on in the news:

We also take a look at what’s been going on in the community:

That’s all for this week, please send your comments and suggestions to:

Weekly Ubuntu Development Team Meetings

Upcoming Meetings and Events

For upcoming meetings and events please visit the calendars at

Updates and Security for 12.04, 14.04 and 15.04

Security Updates

Ubuntu 12.04 Updates

End of Life - April 2017

Ubuntu 14.04 Updates

End of Life - April 2019

Ubuntu 15.04 Updates

End of Life - January 2016


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Additional Ubuntu News

As always you can find more news and announcements at:



Thank you for reading the Ubuntu Weekly Newsletter.

See you next week!


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UbuntuWeeklyNewsletter/Issue428 (last edited 2015-08-03 23:47:24 by lyz)