
Welcome to the Ubuntu Weekly Newsletter, Issue 487 for the week November 7 - 13, 2016.

In This Issue

General Community News

Ubuntu Online Summit coming up 15-16 Nov

Daniel Holbach reminds us that the next Ubuntu Online Summit is being held on 15th and 16th November 2016. He says that to be discussed are achievements in 16.10 and the plans for 17.04. Daniel also says that the chance to add a session will be closing soon.

Ubuntu Budgie - It's official!

The budge-remix team announces their distribution will now be known as Ubuntu Budgie after being granted official community status by the Ubuntu Technical Board. They list what the change will mean, advise that their first release will be Ubuntu Budgie 17.04, and say: "We would like to give huge thanks to 16.04 and 16.10 budgie-remix users for continuing to support us – we have exciting changes lined up over the next few months – chief among these will be budgie-desktop 11."

The news about the flavor being made official was covered by several blogs and news outlets, including:

Ubuntu Stats

Bug Stats

As always, the Bug Squad needs more help. If you want to get started, please see

Ask Ubuntu Top 5 Questions this week

Most Active Questions

Top Voted New Questions

People Contributing the best questions and answers this week: Serg (, Anwar (, Zanna (, Gautam Vashisht ( and ThatGuy (

Ask (and answer!) questions at

LoCo News

Install party ubuntaire a Barcelona (3/12/2016)

Walter Garcia informs us of an upcoming install party which will take place at an old chocolate factory in Barcelona on 3rd December. He confirms the address of the event and the itinerary for the day. Forum post is in Catalan.

Ubuntu Conferences in November

José Antonio Rey reminds us of two Ubuntu related events that he is attending in November: SeaGL in Seattle, and UbuCon Europe in Germany. He links to sites from where information about the events can be found and says: “If you are going to be at any of those conferences, make sure to come by and say hi – I’d love to see you.”

LoCo Events

The following LoCo team events are currently scheduled in the next two weeks:

Looking beyond the next two weeks? Visit the LoCo Team Portal to browse upcoming events around the world:

The Planet

Sean Davis: SGT Puzzles Collection - Introduction

Sean Davis tells us new features are a rarity in Xubuntu but there are some new games such as the SGT Puzzles collection which is launched through sgt-launcher and is a wrapper for Simon Tatham's Portable Puzzle Collection. Sean shares some screenshots of the collection and advises that he has created a PPA for 16.10 and 17.04 where fixes will be published.

Svetlana Belkin: Steam Controller on Ubuntu 16.10

Svetlana Belkin writes that she has now received her Steam controller and tells us what she needed to do to make it work in Ubuntu 16.10.

Sean Davis: Xfce Settings 4.13.0 Released

Sean Davis writes that Xfce settings 4.13.0 has been released and that while many Xfce components have been ported to GTK+ 3, others have not as work progresses towards Xfce 4.14. He says not to expect new features though; the change was porting from GTK+ 2 to GTK+ 3. Sean includes some screenshots, download links and advises some known issues.

Canonical Design Team: Yakkety Yak (artwork)

Tom Macfarlane reveals the Yakkety Yak 16.10 animal artwork, including origami, t-shirt and how the final shape was achieved.

Canonical News

In The Blogosphere

Xubuntu 16.10 Yakkety Yak - A breath of fresh air

Dedoimedo reviews the latest release of Xubuntu, 16.10 Yakkety Yak. They evaluate several aspects, including various parts of the Live Session, the installation and package updates, default applications and customization. As part of the conclusion, they write: “It would seem that Xubuntu is recovering gently. Perhaps it is still too early to tell, but Yak is much, much better than Xerus. And it deserves 8/10.”

Ubuntu Releases IoT Core Platform

Jack M. Germain of LinuxInsider takes a look at the recently released Ubuntu Core 16 which uses Ubuntu’s snap packages to ensure that Internet of Things [IoT] applications access only necessary data. In his summary he writes: “The new Ubuntu Core delivers confined security with read-only, tamper-proof application images. They are digitally signed. That adds a critical importance to the integrity of IoT devices.”

Applications Missing From Ubuntu

Matt Hartley, writing for Datamation, runs through some applications that are missing from Ubuntu such as Microsoft Word, Adobe Photoshop and QuickBooks. He suggests some Open Source alternatives and says that while not perfect they are completely usable and that some are powerful enough to handle most daily tasks. .

Enterprise Linux Showdown: Ubuntu Linux

Carla Schroder, writing for, writes an enterprise-level evaluation of Ubuntu. She goes through some the history, talks about the flavor ecosystem, and covers lifecycle and support.

Can Linux containers save IoT from a security meltdown?

Eric Brown of HackerBoards includes Snappy Ubuntu Core in an article about Internet of Things (IoT) security. In this article he relays details from a discussion with Canonical’s Oliver Ries, VP Engineering Ubuntu Client Platform, who explains how snaps work and that “security and reliability are key points of emphasis.” The article continues by talking about ResinOS and explores some thoughts on the future.

Ubuntu Podcast from the UK LoCo: S09E37 - Raspberry Uber

It’s Episode Thirty-Seven of Season-Nine of the Ubuntu Podcast! Alan Pope, Mark Johnson, Martin Wimpress and Jon Spriggs are connected and speaking to your brain.

We are four once more, but who is Jon?

In this week’s show:

We discuss the news:

We discuss the community news:

Full Circle Weekly News #42 is out

Just a quick message to let you know that Full Circle Weekly News #42 is out: and, Full Circle Magazine #114 came out a couple of weeks ago:

The show is also available via: RSS: Stitcher Radio: TuneIn Radio: and PlayerFM:

Upcoming Meetings and Events

For upcoming meetings and events please visit the calendars at

Updates and Security for 12.04, 14.04, 16.04 and 16.10

Security Updates

Ubuntu 12.04 Updates

End of Life - April 2017

Ubuntu 14.04 Updates

End of Life - April 2019

Ubuntu 16.04 Updates

End of Life - April 2021

Ubuntu 16.10 Updates

End of Life - July 2017


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Additional Ubuntu News

As always you can find more news and announcements at:



Thank you for reading the Ubuntu Weekly Newsletter.

See you next week!


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UbuntuWeeklyNewsletter/Issue487 (last edited 2016-11-14 23:19:22 by lyz)