
Welcome to the Ubuntu Weekly Newsletter, Issue 543 for the week of August 27 - September 2, 2018.

In this Issue

Ubuntu Stats

Bug Stats

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LoCo Events

The following LoCo team events are currently scheduled in the next two weeks:

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The Hub

Mir News: 31th August 2018

Chris Halse Rogers (raof) gives the report this week. He gives a status on the static display configuration file format, infrastructure improvements, documentation efforts, UBports works to get Unity8 on the phone, the work that continues on the logind integration and also the eglstream-kms platform for the NVIDIA binary drivers.

Display Configuration for mir-kiosk

Alan Griffiths (alan_g) gives a brief tutorial on display configuration that is available via the “edge” channel. Work is in progress to provide the file “/var/snap/mir-kiosk/common/miral-kiosk.display” at startup, in the meantime a workaround is provided to create the file.

Google Code-In 2018

Alan Pope (popey) makes us aware of the project for youths to make contributions to open-source projects. He provides the timeline and criteria and makes a call to the community for submissions of tasks for the students to complete.

The Planet

Lubuntu Development Newsletter #10

Simon Quigley's lengthy weekly update contains more than "A lot of the polish changes". He goes into the changes in the Desktop Experience, what's been happening in Calamares, and Infrastructure and Project Changes. He cites the flavor's presence in the social media, with a request for user support and help in administration, and that the support and off-topic Telegram channels are now open to the public. Simon again addresses questions in respect to Wayland and in the Roadmap provides links to all relevant info.

Canonical News

In the Press

Minimal Ubuntu for the cloud delivers some maximum benefits

In a glowing review of the Ubuntu ecosystem, Twain Taylor debuts Minimal Ubuntu. The new variant is designed for automated deployment at scale that is available across a wide range of cloud substrates. Twain goes into detail of the difference and proponents of this minimal install and notes that it contains all the tools of the standard Ubuntu and remains fully compatible with the Ubuntu archive. He points out the huge cloud market and remarks that Ubuntu Minimal, for many seeking a fast lightweight alternative, will hit that sweet spot.

How Canonical Is Improving Ubuntu Linux Security

Sean Michael Kerner tells us of his interview with Mark Shuttleworth on the subject of security issues where the focus is on the Snaps cryptocurrency mining incursion and recent Meltdown/Spectre CPU security vulnerabilities. We are assured the technologies in place mitigate the risks. A short primer is given of the measures employed.

In the Blogosphere

KDE Picks Up New Screen Layout Switcher Plasmoid, Other Enhancements

Michael Larabel relates the contents of Nate Graham's weekly update, featuring various usability and productivity enhancements. Michael links to the blog post for more details. These updates will land in Plasma 5.14 or Frameworks 5.50.

UBports Releases Ubuntu Touch OTA-4 for Ubuntu Phones, Based on Ubuntu 16.04 LTS

Marius Nestor reports on the release of Ubuntu Touch OTA-4 by the UBports team. Now based on Ubuntu 16.04 LTS and Qt 5.9 LTS, the update is a big step forward. It includes up-to-date firmware, new power saving features, a new upgrade wizard and more. Marius provides a list of supported devices and instructions on how to download and install the update.

Linus Torvalds kicks Off Development of Linux Kernel 4.19, First RC Is Out Now

Marius Nestor lets us know that the first release candidate for testing the Linux kernel 4.19 is out. The version will ship with Terminal Fault (L1TF aka Foreshadow) fixes, as well as the usual updated drivers for graphics, networking and other improvements. Linux 4.19 is expected to arrive mid-October 2018, with links provided to download.

NVIDIA 390.87 Linux Driver Backports That Important Performance Fix

Michael Larabel reports that the performance fix implemented in the 396.54 version driver is now available for those using the 390 version. A link is provided to download the updated driver.

Ubuntu 18.10 Will (Once Again) Ship with an Older Version of Nautilus

Joey Sneddon, in giving a bit of background, reports that Ubuntu will continue with version 3.26 of the file manager in GNOME 3.30's desktop because 3.26 still supports desktop icons. Though 18.10 will ship without the enhanced Nautilus 3.30, Joey tells of a possible Flatpak alternative.

Canonical Outs Intel Microcode Security Update for All Supported Ubuntu Releases

Marius Nestor informs us that Canonical has published a security advisory letting us know of an Intel microcode update that helps mitigate the L1 Terminal Fault vulnerability (L1TF, CVE-2018-3646). The update also fixes Spectre Variant 4 (CVE-2018-3639) and Rogue System Register Read (RSRE, CVE-2018-3640). If you are using Ubuntu 14.04 LTS, 16.04 LTS, or 18.04 LTS you are advised to update, with links to announcements.

Ubuntu Podcast: S11E25 – The Wrong Side of Twenty-Five

“This week we’ve been upgrading a Steam box. We discuss Steam Play beta and Proton, Google’s salty disclosure of security issue in the Android installer for Fortnite, and Windows 95 being available for all the things. We also round up the community news.”

Featuring: Alan Pope, Mark Johnson, and Martin Wimpress.

Ubuntu Security Podcast: Episode 2

Alex Murray, Ubuntu Security Tech Lead at Canonical, tells us about this week's security updates and fixes, which include 83 unique CVEs addressed, plus other updates across all supported Ubuntu releases.

Meeting Reports

Upcoming Meetings and Events

For more details and farther dates please visit:

Updates and Security for 14.04, 16.04, and 18.04

Security Updates

Ubuntu 14.04 Updates

End of Life: April 2019

Ubuntu 16.04 Updates

End of Life: April 2021

Ubuntu 18.04 Updates

End of Life: April 2023


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Further News

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Thank you for reading the Ubuntu Weekly Newsletter.

See you next week!


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UbuntuWeeklyNewsletter/Issue543 (last edited 2018-09-03 00:52:08 by bashing-om)