
Welcome to the Ubuntu Weekly Newsletter, Issue 584 for the week of June 16 - 22, 2019.

In this Issue

General Community News

i386 architecture will be dropped starting with eoan (Ubuntu 19.10)

Steve Langasek announces the resulting decision that from the 19.10 release forward, the i386 (32 bit) architecture will no longer be supported. Steve gives some background information, and links to mitigations for those affected by the removal of i386 packaging in the archives.

The decision is widely covered in the media. Here are some selections of the coverage from our editors:

Rumour: Ubuntu NOT Dropping 32-bit App Support After All?

Latest developments:

Joey Sneddon writes on a clarification of intent by Canonical’s Steve Langasek, Steve relates that rather than dropping 32 bit support in the 19.10 release, 32 bit libraries are to be frozen at the 18.04 LTS versions. Meaning that 32 bit libraries will continue to work on Ubuntu 19.10. A link to the Discourse discussion is given; Further information of how i386 applications "can be run on versions of Ubuntu later than 19.10” is pending.

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Ubuntu Stats

Bug Stats

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LoCo Events

The following LoCo team events are currently scheduled in the next two weeks:

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The Planet

Building a PPA for s390x

Elizabeth Krumbach Joseph relates some background on porting linux code to the mainframes with s390x architecture. Now we are advised that with the porting of the code we have access to an IBM Z server; this access allows the building of PPAs as well! Elizabeth produces a test and documents her procedure, pointing out there are IBM "mainframe-driven security products” in the cloud. Elizabeth concludes that those interested in a Ubuntu-based development platform on s390x can contact her via her email.

Canonical News

In the Press

New vulnerabilities may let hackers remotely SACK Linux and FreeBSD systems

Dan Goodin writes of the Netflix's newly discovered vulnerabilities allowing hackers to remotely crash servers and disrupt communications. Dan explains the nature of the exploits and advises to update systems immediately as patches are available. Source links are provided as well as links for additional information.

In the Blogosphere

Developers Devising Plan To Ship Newer NVIDIA Drivers On Ubuntu Stable Releases

Michael Larabel reports that there is a new stable release update (SRU) policy/exception for Nvidia drivers to land on existing Ubuntu stable releases. Though the new drivers will not be available immediately due to porting and testing; the PPA and OEM installs remain as an option for those seeking the latest drivers quicker. A link is provided to the developer's NVidiaUpdates WIKI for additional details.

Canonical Outs Important Linux Kernel Security Update for All Ubuntu Releases

Marius Nestor recounts the recent security vulnerabilities (CVE-2019-11477 and CVE-2019-11478). All users are urged to update systems as patched Linux kernel versions are available for all supported architectures. A link to Canonical's update instructions is provided.

Ubuntu Linux Gets Intel MDS Mitigations for Intel Sandy Bridge CPUs, Update Now

Marius Nestor writes of the recent Microarchitectural Data Sampling (MDS) vulnerabilities in Intel Microcode; this latest patch mitigates for the Intel Sandy Bridge processor family. We are advised to make sure we have the latest Linux kernel for your Ubuntu Linux release installed when installing the updated intel-microcode firmware, available in the official software repositories. A link to Canonical's update instructions is provided.

Wine Developers Appear Quite Apprehensive About Ubuntu's Plans To Drop 32-Bit Support

Michael Larabel makes us aware of some of the impact of Canonical dropping 32-bit packages/libraries (19.10) , causing apprehension to continue an ubuntu affiliation. Of particular note is the reaction of the Wine and Steam developers for the gaming environments. Some possible alleviations are offered as we await what works out in the near future.

Ubuntu Security Podcast: Episode 36

"Security updates for DBus, vim, elfutils, GLib and more, plus Joe and Alex look at another npm package hijack as well as some wider discussions around the big vim RCE of this week."

43 unique CVEs addressed

Ubuntu Podcast from the UK LoCo: S12E11 – 1942

"This week we’ve been to FOSS Talk Live and created games in Bash. We have a little LXD love in and discuss 32-bit Intel being dropped from Ubuntu 19.10. OggCamp tickets are on sale and we round up some tech news."

Meeting Reports

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Updates and Security for 16.04, 18.04, 18.10, and 19.04

Security Updates

Ubuntu 16.04 Updates

End of Life: April 2021

Ubuntu 18.04 Updates

End of Life: April 2023

Ubuntu 18.10 Updates

End of Life: July 2019

Ubuntu 19.04 Updates

End of Life: January 2020


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Further News

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Thank you for reading the Ubuntu Weekly Newsletter.

See you next week!


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UbuntuWeeklyNewsletter/Issue584 (last edited 2019-06-24 21:54:32 by bashing-om)