
Welcome to the Ubuntu Weekly Newsletter, Issue 604 for the week of November 3 - 9, 2019.

In this Issue

Welcome New Members and Developers

Election of the 2019 November IRC Council ended, results available

C de-Avillez (hggdh) advises of the results of the vote wherein elky retains the seat and dax will take seat on 2019-11-29.

Congratulations to these contributors!

Ubuntu Stats

Bug Stats

As always, the Bug Squad needs more help. If you want to get started, please see:


Hot in Support

Ask Ubuntu Top 5 Questions

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Ubuntu Forums Top 5 Threads

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LoCo News

Ubuntu at Kubecon Americas 2019, San Diego

Thibaut Rouffineau tells us the Kubecon world tour is coming to its end at Kubecon Americas in San Diego, November 18-21, 2019. With a link to arrange a meeting at the event, we are reminded of the leanness of MicroK8s, and Canonical's multi-cloud portfolio options available with Ubuntu Advantage.

LoCo Events

The following LoCo team events are currently scheduled in the next two weeks:

Looking beyond the next two weeks? Visit the LoCo Team Portal to browse upcoming events around the world:

The Hub

Cloud-init 19.3 Release

Chad Smith (chad.smith) reports of the Cloud-init 19.3 release that concludes a three and a half month development with 66 contributors fixing 102 issues. Highlights of the release are provided as well as the change log.

Canonical News

In the Press

This Ubuntu Bug Reveals Your Media Files To Others Without Warning

Charanjeet Singh makes us aware of a new bug that shares media files with users on the same network that affects Ubuntu 19.10. Charanjeet shares the nature of the flaw, and that developers are working towards a fix. A temporary workaround is reported as uninstalling the Rygel package. We are advised that "Users who are running Ubuntu 19.10 and use GNOME Shell are not affected by the error."

Some additional detail:

In the Blogosphere

NVIDIA 440.31 Linux Driver Adds HDMI 2.1 VRR Support, VP9 Decode, DXVK Fixes

Michael Larabel reports of the first update to the 440.31 Linux driver's branch. Noted changes are HDMI 2.1 VRR support, GLSL shader linking, support for multi-GPU/SLI OpenGL extensions, support for EGL PRIME render offloading, VP9 decode support for VDPAU, DXVK fixes for the Saints Row games, and HardDPMS enablement. In addition to the changes, the new driver supports the GeForce GTX 1660 SUPER. A link is provided to Nvidia to download.

ZFS/Zsys Improvements Are Already Underway For Ubuntu 20.04 LTS

Michael Larabel advises of the feature work in the ZFS changes that are destined for Ubuntu 20.04 LTS and Ubuntu's Zsys daemon. In the Ubuntu 20.04 LTS cycle under consideration are expanded install options, changes to Grub's install, dynamic /boot sizing, and as well are improvements to the documentation. Links are provided to the project work pages on GitHub for additional information.

The Linux Kernel Seeing Backport Progress Finally For The "$1.5 Million Dollar Bug"

Michael Larabel reminds us of a fixed performance issue in kernel 5.4 impacting highly-threaded CFS quota environments which was detected late 2017. Greg Kroah-Hartman announced the fix has now been back-ported to Linux 5.3 so end-users using that kernel should see fixes soon, with fixes for older LTS releases still to be done.

Ubuntu Touch Is Now Finally Available as 64-Bit ARM Images for Ubuntu Phones

Marius Nestor informs us that Ubuntu Touch in 64-bit ARM image formats are available for the Sony Xperia X, OnePlus 3 and 3T phones. Previously running in 32-bit mode, this will improve speed though apps need to be recompiled for 64bit mode to benefit. The Unity 8 UI and Mir 1.x display server have arrived in the development version of Ubuntu Touch, which will roll out to other users when the OTA-12 release occurs later this year. Also announced is TELEports 0.6.0 Telegram client for Ubuntu Touch.

Ubuntu Security Podcast: Episode 52

"This week we look at security updates for FreeTDS, HAProxy, Nokogiri, plus some regressions in Whoopsie, Apport and Firefox, and Joe and Alex discuss the release of 14.04 ESM for personal use under the Ubuntu Advantage program."

Ubuntu Podcast from the UK LoCo: S12E31 – Ikari Warriors

"This week we’ve been moonlighting on all the podcasts and live streaming to share Ubuntu bug reporting skills. We discuss Ubuntu on Raspberry Pi 4, Debian’s new homepage, elementary updates and Fedora 31. We also round up some events and our picks from the tech news."

Ubuntu Portugal Podcast: S01E63 - Vivinho da Silva

"Directamente do cobre e das fibras ópticas para o éter, contem com mais 1 episódio do Podcast Ubuntu Portugal desta vez também para o público da Rádio Zero. Voltou à agenda o fantástico trabalho da Fundação UBPorts e ainda uma viagem pelas viagens do Diogo."

Meeting Reports

Upcoming Meetings and Events

For more details and farther dates please visit:

Updates and Security for 16.04, 18.04, 19.04 and 19.10

Security Updates

Ubuntu 16.04 Updates

End of Life: April 2021

Ubuntu 18.04 Updates

End of Life: April 2023

Ubuntu 19.04 Updates

End of Life: January 2020

Ubuntu 19.10 Updates

End of Life: July 2020


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Further News

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Thank you for reading the Ubuntu Weekly Newsletter.

See you next week!


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UbuntuWeeklyNewsletter/Issue604 (last edited 2019-11-11 20:14:17 by bashing-om)