
  1. In this Issue
  2. General Community News
    1. The Ubuntu 20.04 LTS Pre-release Survey
  3. Welcome New Members and Developers
    1. New Kernel Uploaders
  4. Ubuntu Stats
    1. Bug Stats
    2. Translations
  5. Hot in Support
    1. Ask Ubuntu Top 5 Questions
    2. Ubuntu Forums Top 5 Threads
  6. LoCo Events
  7. The Hub
    1. Mir in 2019
    2. Server installer plans for 20.04 LTS
    3. Subiquity 19.12.1 has been released to stable
  8. The Planet
    1. Discussion on running X11 applications from within LXD system containers
    2. The New
  9. Canonical News
  10. In the Blogosphere
    1. Canonical's Multipass 0.9 Released For Easily Spinning Up Ubuntu VMs
    2. Radeon OpenGL Linux Driver Gets Fix For Corruption Issues
    3. Mesa 19.3 Is Introducing A Lot Of Open-Source OpenGL + Vulkan Driver Improvements
    4. Canonical to Sponsor Microsoft's First Windows Subsystem for Linux Conference
    5. Microsoft Teams for Linux Officially Released, Available to Download Now
    6. KDE Applications 19.12 Released With Big Improvements To Kdenlive + Other KDE Programs
  11. In Other News
    1. Canonical makes Ubuntu for Windows SubSystem for Linux a priority
  12. Featured Audio and Video
    1. Ubuntu Security Podcast: Episode 55
    2. Ubuntu Security Podcast: Episode 56
    3. Ubuntu Podcast from the UK LoCo: S12E36 – Desert Strike
    4. Ubuntu Portugal Podcast: S01E68 - Salvem a Amazónia
  13. Meeting Reports
  14. Upcoming Meetings and Events
  15. Updates and Security for 16.04, 18.04, 19.04 and 19.10
    1. Security Updates
    2. Ubuntu 16.04 Updates
    3. Ubuntu 18.04 Updates
    4. Ubuntu 19.04 Updates
    5. Ubuntu 19.10 Updates
  16. Subscribe
  17. Archive
  18. Further News
  19. Conclusion
  20. Credits
  21. Glossary of Terms
  22. Get Involved
  23. Feedback


Welcome to the Ubuntu Weekly Newsletter, Issue 609 for the week of December 8 - 14, 2019.

In this Issue

General Community News

The Ubuntu 20.04 LTS Pre-release Survey

Rhys Davies informs us that the Ubuntu 20.04 LTS Pre-release Survey request for feedback is out. Directed to all users in all supported Ubuntu platforms; The survey seeks user guidance for the future of Ubuntu. The short survey is broad and the spectrum is comprehensive to encompass the communities' thoughts. The survey is open until January 10th at which time the results will be analysed and then posted.

See too:

Welcome New Members and Developers

New Kernel Uploaders

Tyler Hicks records the events at an ad-hoc Kernel Uploaders Team meeting. We are told that Connor Kuehl (~connork) has been awarded Kernel Upload rights, with thanks for the hard work and welcome to the team.

Congratulations to this contributor!

Ubuntu Stats

Bug Stats

As always, the Bug Squad needs more help. If you want to get started, please see:


Hot in Support

Ask Ubuntu Top 5 Questions

Ask (and answer!) questions at:

Ubuntu Forums Top 5 Threads

Find more support at:

LoCo Events

The following LoCo team events are currently scheduled in the next two weeks:

Looking beyond the next two weeks? Visit the LoCo Team Portal to browse upcoming events around the world:

The Hub

Mir in 2019

Alan Griffiths (alan_g) gives the past year's synopsis of accomplishments with four major highlights.

Server installer plans for 20.04 LTS

Michael Hudson Doyle (mwhudson) advises that the 20.04 release will use only the subiquity installer, the classic server installer based on debian-installer is now depreciated. The new installer "brings the comfortable live session and speedy install of Ubuntu Desktop to server users". The list of feature sets to be completed are given, as well as those features that have landed. Michael advises that any use cases not covered should be disclosed to the developers by early January to allow incorporation in the plans for the 20.04 LTS development cycle. Links are provided to the Daily Build and to the current releases.

Subiquity 19.12.1 has been released to stable

Michael Hudson Doyle (mwhudson) reports the release of Subiquity 19.12.1 to the stable channel, where the main highlight is "a UI for viewing and submitting error reports". A link is provided for additional details. Michael advises his next goal is to work on the implementation of autoinstall.

The Planet

Discussion on running X11 applications from within LXD system containers

Simos Xenitellis contrasts a system container to a conventional VM and gives details, within links, of running X11 applications from within a LXD system container.

The New

Sean Davis advises that has been migrated from Wordpress to Ghost. Sean tells us that the site is faster, uses Ghost themes that supports dark themes, and that pages are standardized. He welcomes comments for the new site as he goes back to work on Ubuntu 20.04 LTS "Focal Fossa".

Canonical News

In the Blogosphere

Canonical's Multipass 0.9 Released For Easily Spinning Up Ubuntu VMs

Michael Larabel informs us that Multipass version 0.9 has been released, with chances 1.0 may be ready for Ubuntu 20.04 LTS. We are reminded of what Multipass is, and what it can do for us, and Michael provides links for more details.

Radeon OpenGL Linux Driver Gets Fix For Corruption Issues

Michael Larabel writes about issues some users have experienced with Radeon graphics over the last four months on newer (5.2+) kernels, that should now be fixed. We are provided a link to the merge request that provides the fix which will go into Mesa 20.0, and be back-ported.

Mesa 19.3 Is Introducing A Lot Of Open-Source OpenGL + Vulkan Driver Improvements

Michael Larabel tells us that Mesa 19.3 is approaching release with blocker bugs almost fixed. Michael mentions and lists some of the key items into this quarterly release, providing links should you want more detail.

Canonical to Sponsor Microsoft's First Windows Subsystem for Linux Conference

Marius Nestor reports that Canonical will sponsor the first Microsoft Linux Conference for WSL (Windows Subsystem for Linux), to be held March 10th to 11th at the Microsoft Redmond campus in Washington, US. Marius notes that WSL evolved from Bash in 2016, and now Canonical is hiring software engineers for the WSL implementation. No registration is required to attend the event that will also feature Microsoft's WSL team, and the creators of Pengwin.

Microsoft Teams for Linux Officially Released, Available to Download Now

Marius Nestor reports that Microsoft Teams, a unified communications platform for team collaboration, is now available for Linux via Microsoft's portal. The linux release is a "public preview" and feedback is welcome to aid improvements in future releases. Marius expresses a belief that Microsoft will port additional apps to the Linux platform, possibly next is the Chromium-based Microsoft Edge web browser.

KDE Applications 19.12 Released With Big Improvements To Kdenlive + Other KDE Programs

Michael Larabel informs us of the release of KDE Applications 19.12. We are provided with a list of many key changes as seen by Michael, plus given a link to the release announcement on

In Other News

Canonical makes Ubuntu for Windows SubSystem for Linux a priority

Suzanne Larosa writes about Windows SubSystem for Linux (WSL). Suzanne relays Canonical's announcement for an opening of an Ubuntu desktop software engineer position, that emphasizes the commitment of Canonical to place Ubuntu on the desktop on all platforms.

Ubuntu Security Podcast: Episode 55

"This week we cover security updates for NSS, SQLite, the Linux kernel and more, plus Joe and Alex discuss a recent FBI advisory warning about possible dangers of Smart TVs."

Ubuntu Security Podcast: Episode 56

"In the second to last episode for 2019, we look at security updates for Samba, Squid, Git, HAProxy and more, plus Alex and Joe discuss Evil Corp hacker indictments, unsecured AWS S3 buckets and more."

Ubuntu Podcast from the UK LoCo: S12E36 – Desert Strike

"This week we’ve been making a low latency point-to-point game streaming application, discuss what it takes to create each Ubuntu distro release, bring you some command line love and go over the last of your feedback for 2019."

Ubuntu Portugal Podcast: S01E68 - Salvem a Amazónia

"Uma viagem alucinante pelos recantos desse grande manto verde da América do Sul, com breves explicações sobre espécies e costumas dos nativos. Nada disso! Falámos sobre Ubuntu, AWS, Canonical, kernel e muito mais."

Meeting Reports

Upcoming Meetings and Events

For more details and farther dates please visit:

Updates and Security for 16.04, 18.04, 19.04 and 19.10

Security Updates

Ubuntu 16.04 Updates

End of Life: April 2021

Ubuntu 18.04 Updates

End of Life: April 2023

Ubuntu 19.04 Updates

End of Life: January 2020

Ubuntu 19.10 Updates

End of Life: July 2020


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Further News

As always you can find more Ubuntu news and announcements at:


Thank you for reading the Ubuntu Weekly Newsletter.

See you next week!


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Glossary of Terms

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Get Involved

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UbuntuWeeklyNewsletter/Issue609 (last edited 2019-12-16 20:13:53 by bashing-om)