
  1. In this Issue
  2. General Community News
    1. Ubuntu 23.10 (Mantic Minotaur) Beta released
  3. Ubuntu Stats
    1. Bug Stats
    2. Translations
  4. Hot in Support
    1. Ask Ubuntu Top 5 Questions
    2. Ubuntu Forums Top 5 Threads
  5. LoCo Events
  6. The Hub
    1. Ubuntu Meetup/Workshop in Africa!
    2. Announcing remote registration for the 2023 Ubuntu Summit
    3. PyCon CZ 23 - came for the talks, stayed for the community
    4. Ubuntu 23.10 Beta Testing
  7. The Planet
    1. Thanks, Mastodon contributors
  8. Other Community News
    1. So let’s talk about this Wayland thing
    2. Southern California Linux Expo 2024 (SCaLE 21x): Call For Presenters
  9. Ubuntu Cloud News
  10. Canonical News
  11. In the Press
    1. Ubuntu's 'Mantic Minotaur' peeks out of the labyrinth
  12. In the Blogosphere
    1. Wine-Staging 8.16 Fixes A 16 Year Old Bug For Games Crashing
    2. Linux Patches To Begin Removing ReiserFS From Default Kernel Builds
    3. Intel To Further Collaborate With Red Hat, Canonical & SUSE For Intel-Optimized Linux Distros
    4. GNOME 45 “Riga” Desktop Environment Officially Released, This Is What’s New
    5. Ubuntu 23.10 Adds a New Package to Restore Old Classic Font
    6. GNOME 44.5 Arrives with Improvements for GNOME Software, Epiphany, and More
  13. In Other News
    1. Windows Subsystem for Linux September 2023 update
  14. Featured Audio and Video
    1. ubuntuonair: UbuConLA 2023: 28-29 September 2023
    2. Ubuntu Security Podcast: Episode 210
    3. Ubuntu Portugal Podcast: Episode 265 - Baderna na Caserna I
    4. Destination Linux: Episode 339 - There’s No Place Like GNOME
  15. Meeting Reports
  16. Upcoming Meetings and Events
  17. Updates and Security for 20.04, 22.04, and 23.04
    1. Security Updates
    2. Ubuntu 20.04 Updates
    3. Ubuntu 22.04 Updates
    4. Ubuntu 23.04 Updates
  18. Subscribe
  19. Archive
  20. Further News
  21. Conclusion
  22. Credits
  23. Glossary of Terms
  24. Get Involved
  25. Feedback


Welcome to the Ubuntu Weekly Newsletter, Issue 806 for the week of September 17 - 23, 2023.

In this Issue


General Community News

Ubuntu 23.10 (Mantic Minotaur) Beta released

Utkarsh Gupta on behalf of the Ubuntu Release team announces the release of Ubuntu 23.10 (mantic minotaur) beta. The various products and flavors involved in the beta release are mentioned, with many links so we can download and test those we wish.

This release is widely covered, the following is a collection of articles selected by our editors:

Interested in the flavors? Release announcements as follows:

Ubuntu Stats

Bug Stats

As always, the Bug Squad needs more help. If you want to get started, please see:


Hot in Support

Ask Ubuntu Top 5 Questions

Ask (and answer!) questions at:

Ubuntu Forums Top 5 Threads

Find more support at:

LoCo Events

The following LoCo team events are currently scheduled in the next two weeks:

Looking beyond the next two weeks? Visit the respective LoCo Team calendar to browse upcoming events.

Please see: Ubuntu Arizona LoCo:

The Hub

Ubuntu Meetup/Workshop in Africa!

Bright Adams announces the "first-ever Ubuntu Meetup/Workshop in Africa". We're given dates, location, and details of the event.

Announcing remote registration for the 2023 Ubuntu Summit

Jason Nucciarone informs us that remote registration is open if we can't physically get to the Ubuntu Summit in Riga this year. We're given a few details, plus a link to register now (it's free). Registrants will be sent an email with more details in due course, and this post includes an email should you need extra details.

PyCon CZ 23 - came for the talks, stayed for the community

Jürgen Gmach writes about PyCon CZ 23 which he attended, and gave a talk at. We're shown numerous photographs, as well as walked through some of what occurred over the days as seen through Jürgen's eyes.

Ubuntu 23.10 Beta Testing

Aaron Prisk reminds us Ubuntu 23.10 beta has "just landed", and invites us to take it "for a test drive". This post outlines some of the new features of Ubuntu Desktop, the improved ubuntu-desktop-installer, and contains links to download flavors too. We're given details on how and where we can speak with others doing testing, or links to further our QA knowledge.

The Planet

Thanks, Mastodon contributors

Alan Pope writes about his running a Mastodon instance for Ubuntu Members and related projects. This post talks briefly about running this, and the Mastodon upgrades on occasion, including how smoothly they go. Alan thanks the Mastodon developers, and community of testers that ensure the smoothness he enjoys.

Other Community News

So let’s talk about this Wayland thing

Nate Graham talks about Wayland in this post, in hopes it'll remove uncertainty. We're reminded what Wayland is, why it exists (and the problems of X11/Xorg), and why Wayland is better. The post continues with why adoption has taken so long, before the final conclusion that Wayland is the replacement for the 'dead' X11.

Southern California Linux Expo 2024 (SCaLE 21x): Call For Presenters

This post announces the Southern California Linux Expo 2024 (SCaLE 21x), giving dates and location. The post then moves to the call for presenters, giving key dates, a description of the various tracks, co-located events, details on submitting a proposal, notes for speakers, along with many links for further specifics.

Ubuntu Cloud News

Canonical News

In the Press

Ubuntu's 'Mantic Minotaur' peeks out of the labyrinth

Liam Proven explores Ubuntu 23.10, the next release of Ubuntu. Liam notes the switch in firefox to using Wayland by default, ZFS installs, experimental TPM-backed full disk encryption, and more.

In the Blogosphere

Wine-Staging 8.16 Fixes A 16 Year Old Bug For Games Crashing

Michael Larabel reminds us that Wine 8.16 was recently released, and now is Wine-Staging 8.16 that blends in 500 additional testing patches and a new functionality that fixes the old crashing bug. We're briefly reminded what Wine-Staging is, given some details, a screenshot, and a link for more details.

Linux Patches To Begin Removing ReiserFS From Default Kernel Builds

Michael Larabel reminds us ReiserFS was deprecated back in March 2022, and that starting with Linux 6.6 it'll be marked as "obsolete". We're told of a new kernel patch series that will remove the file-system from default kernel configurations, which will allow the code removal in 2025.

Intel To Further Collaborate With Red Hat, Canonical & SUSE For Intel-Optimized Linux Distros

Michael Larabel writes that Intel has announced they are collaborating with vendors in providing Intel-optimized Linux distributions. We're reminded of Clear Linux that Intel maintains, some baseline requirements, and more.

GNOME 45 “Riga” Desktop Environment Officially Released, This Is What’s New

Marius Nestor reports on the release of GNOME 45 by the GNOME Project. We're told it's dubbed "Riga after the host city of the GUADEC 2023", and given some of its key features. A few screenshots are provided, along with a link to the release notes.

Ubuntu 23.10 Adds a New Package to Restore Old Classic Font

Ji m reminds us that Ubuntu 23.04 introduced a "new slim font for the text in system menus, documents, and app windows". This post tells us we can return our Ubuntu 23.10 systems to the older fonts in a simpler way than was required with Ubuntu 23.04. If we revert to the classic fonts and don't like it, we're also told how to return to the modern slimmer version.

GNOME 44.5 Arrives with Improvements for GNOME Software, Epiphany, and More

Marius Nestor tells us the GNOME Project also released an updated GNOME 44.5 as a maintenance update. Some details of the enclosed fixes are provided for the updated apps, and we are told to update when we can if we're using GNOME 44.

In Other News

Windows Subsystem for Linux September 2023 update

Craig Loewen tells us of a new release of the Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL) with new features and bug fixes. Including an embedded video, the post goes through experimental features, and other fixes. Links are provided, including the command to update to it, and a link to where it's stored on the WSL Github repository. Where to report problems, or ask questions is given.

ubuntuonair: UbuConLA 2023: 28-29 September 2023

Schedule/ 14 Speakers of UbuConLA2023 - Medellín:


Ubuntu Security Podcast: Episode 210

"It’s the Linux Security Summit in Bilbao this week and we bring you some highlights from our favourite talks, plus we cover the 25 most stubborn software weaknesses, and we look at security updates for Open VM Tools, libwebp, Django, binutils, Indent, the Linux kernel and more."

Ubuntu Portugal Podcast: Episode 265 - Baderna na Caserna I

"Num ambiente sórdido de folies-bérgeres , deboche, álcool e perfume barato, um pirata, um motoqueiro e uma artista de variedades Lili, La Bardageuse juntam-se para entrevistar convidados que vieram arrastados da Festa do Software Livre. A atmosfera decadente, apimentada com público ao vivo, visivelmente intoxicado, ultrapassou todos os limites da decência e bons costumes, chocando todos quantos assistiram. É um não mais acabar de poucas-vergonhas, que muito desonra o país!"

Destination Linux: Episode 339 - There’s No Place Like GNOME

"On this episode of Destination Linux (338), we discuss GNOME’s changes for Extensions and the challenges facing users and developers. We also check out news from Intel for support of Linux and their entry into the graphics card market and the potential of Intel GPUs. ..."

Meeting Reports

Upcoming Meetings and Events

Times shown are UTC. For more details and farther dates please visit:

Updates and Security for 20.04, 22.04, and 23.04

Security Updates

Ubuntu 20.04 Updates

End of Standard Support: April 2025

Ubuntu 22.04 Updates

End of Standard Support: April 2027

Ubuntu 23.04 Updates

End of Standard Support: January 2024


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Further News

As always you can find more Ubuntu news and announcements at:


Thank you for reading the Ubuntu Weekly Newsletter.

See you next week!


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Glossary of Terms

Other acronyms can be found at:

Get Involved

The Ubuntu community consists of individuals and teams, working on different aspects of the distribution, giving advice and technical support, and helping to promote Ubuntu to a wider audience. No contribution is too small, and anyone can help. It's your chance to get in on all the community fun associated with developing and promoting Ubuntu. More on this at:

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Except where otherwise noted, this issue of the Ubuntu Weekly Newsletter is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution ShareAlike 3.0 License CCL.png

UbuntuWeeklyNewsletter/Issue806 (last edited 2023-09-25 20:36:47 by bashing-om)