
Добро пожаловать на страницы еженедельника Ubuntu (UWN), Выпуск 91 за неделю с 11 по 17 мая, 2008. В этом выпуске рассказывается о:

Переводы UWN

  • Вниманию переводчиков и наших читателей: Мы испытываем новый способ связывания страниц с переводами. За более подробной информацией проследуйте по ссылке ниже.

В этом выпуске

  • Уязвимость OpenSSL/OpenSSH
  • FOSSCamp 2008, Прага
  • The Art of Release(Mark Shuttleworth)
  • Making 5-a-day happen in "Your Loco team"
  • Статистика
  • Новости Launchpad
  • Новости форума Ubuntu
  • В прессе и блогосфере
  • В других новостях
  • Предстоящие встречи и события
  • Обновления и безопасность

Основные новости сообщества

Уязвимость OpenSSL/Openssh

Из-за уязвимости, найденной в изначально используемых пакетах Debian, всем пользователям users необходимо изготовить ssl- и ssh-ключи. Благодаря предсказываемым ключам, возможна атака на удаленные хосты. Исправление в Ubuntu проверяет текущие ключи, созданные для ssl и ssh, на предсказуемость и заносит их в черный список. Все пользователи Ubuntu и производных от него дистрибутивов должны незамедлительно обновить свои ключи.

В случае, если ключи, созданные на Ubuntu были скопированы на другой компьютер с другой ОС, они все же уязвимы и должны быть немедленно заменены.

Образы ISO, ранее доступные на, зеркалах, и доставляемые почтой не будут включать обновления, однако можно получить и установить обновления безопасности с помощью Менеджера обновлений. После этого, пользователям нужно создать новые ключи.

Ожидаемый к выпуску в июле релиз 8.04.1, будет содержать обновления.

FOSSCamp 2008, Прага

Со значительным успехом вновь прошел FOSSCamp в виде сессий, ориентированных на работу с различными дистрибутивами и проектами. Некоторые сессии раскрывали взаимоотношения между Ubuntu и Debian, а также вопросы улучшения связей между дистрибутивами.

Вместе для обсуждения путей для обмена кодом, данными и API собирались члены команд Gnome и KDE. Дэн Шерер (Dan Shearer) подготовил обзор ближайшего выпуска Samba 4. Samba работает над проектом Open Change, который реализует функционал и протокол Microsoft Exchange Server. Ожидается, что возможность компиляции Open Changeпоявится к следующей конференции Samba XP.

На других сессиях Sun показывал свой стек Net Beans, Glass Fish и OpenJDK. Одна из сессий была посвящена вопросу мозгового штурма: как можно улучшить Brain Storm. Было рассмотрено, работа MOTU.

Другие статьи о FOSSCamp с некоторыми иллюстрациями:

Искусство Релиза(Марк Шаттлворт (Mark Shuttleworth))

Hardy Heron 8.04 LTS представляет собой очень значительный шаг вперед в нашем понимании процесса управления релизами. Он не только доказал, что мы можем выпускать LTS-релиз (релиз с долговременной поддержкой) в течении стандартного 6-месячного периода, но и продемонстрировал, что мы можем планировать подобный цикл заранее. Как результат, мы можем заявить, что следующий LTS-релиз Ubuntu 10.04 LTS будет выпущен в апреле 2010. Мы также заявляем, что первое время, будут выходить промежуточные релизы для 8.04 LTS. Начнутся они спустя 3 месяца после LTS, и станут повторяться каждые 6 месяцев до тех пор, пока не выйдет следующий LTS. Данные промежуточные релизы будут обеспечивать поддержку нового оборудования, а также включать обновления ПО, вышедшие с течением времени.

Существует лишь одна вещь, способная убедить меня изменить дату выхода следующего Ubuntu LTS: перспектива организации координированного совместного с другим крупным дистрибутивом цикла выпусков. Если двое из тройки Red Hat (RHEL), Novell (SLES) и Debian согласятся определиться с датой и совокупностью версий ядра, компилятора, GNOME/KDE, X и OpenOffice в ближайший месяц, и согласятся с шестимесячным циклом разработки и 2-3 летним циклом поддержки, тогда я буду счастлив подогнать циклы выпуска и поддержки Ubuntu под эти планы. Я считаю, что выигрыш от подобного рода изменений для пользователей, поставщиков ПО и самих дистрибутивов будет грандиозен.

Making 5-a-day happen in "Your Loco team"!

The idea behind it is simple one: everybody does 5 bugs a day. Every day. Everybody participates according to their abilities and interests. explains how to set it up for your Loco Team and as you can see at: there are a number of teams that have already accepted the challenge. Get involved and help wipe out those pesky bugs. Everyone will benefit from your help.

Статистика Ubuntu

Статистика ошибок

  • Открыто (46290) +918 # за прошлую неделю
  • Критических (32) +1 # за прошлую неделю
  • Неподтвержденных (22858) +583 # за прошлую неделю
  • Нераспределенных (36724) +819 # за прошлую неделю
  • Всего сообщено (183688) +2177 # за прошлую неделю

Как обычно, команде по борьбе с ошибками требуется помощь. Если вы хотите присоединиться, пожалуйста прочтите

Infamous Bugs

Состояние перевода Hardy

Данный top-5 может меняться от недели к неделе

  • Испанский (14769)
  • Французский (44748)
  • Английский (Великобритания) (55067)
  • Шведский (58340)
  • Португальский (Бразилия) (68176)

Чтобы узнать, что еще нуждается в переводе в Ubuntu 8.04 "Hardy Heron," смотрите на:

LoCo News

New in Hardy Heron

Новости Launchpad

Launchpad Logo Contest Winner Announced

Launchpad is delighted to announce that the winner is Eugene Tretyak! You can view his design here: The center of the design represents how Launchpad makes it easy for people to collaborate and connect with one another, while the surrounding facets represent the different services that Launchpad provides. Above all, it shows that all projects are themselves a gem and, when combined with other gems, can turn into something brilliant.

Новости форумов Ubuntu

Ubuntu Forums Interview

p_quarles got in the UF Staff team last time we were looking for new moderators. He has a Literature background (completing his PhD.) and like many others who accepted to be interviewed, his journey with computers started with the Commodore 64 when he was a kid. Please read the whole interview here:

Учебник недели

This week, we highlight a contribution by one of the biggest proponents of 64-bit Ubuntu on the forums: Kilz, who wrote the impressive "Howto Install 32 bit Firefox with Flash w/sound and Java for AMD64."

It's a thread that began almost two years ago, has received updates through four releases and has even been recently adjusted. It's unusual to see a tutorial receive so much attention, but when you read through it, it's clear that this is a labor of love. If you use 64-bit Ubuntu and want to get a fully functional Firefox, Kilz has made it easy for you.

See you in a week!

В прессе

  • Why we love Ubuntu Linux (or maybe we don't) - David M Williams of itwire did a lot of research and posed the question to readers and LUG members. Predictably, he got pros and cons on both sides of the kernel. In a nutshell: Ubuntu is loved because it works out of the box on a wide range of hardware, because Canonical has been smart and push out regular updates on a reliable fixed schedule. The community support is considered a major draw card, it's both friendly and helpful. The fact it comes from Debian is also good sign. Yet, we don’t love Ubuntu because it doesn’t work with all hardware, because it doesn’t default to the KDE window system and because it comes from Debian but is published under its own name.

  • Ubuntu Linux 8.10 - While Hardy Heron was designed to be stable enough to be a long-term support release, Intrepid Ibex promises to be packed with more exciting features. Among those changes are likely to be a number of mobility improvements as well as more flexible Internet connectivity. On the desktop there is also likely to be a refreshed desktop theme which has been in the pipeline for the past two releases.

  • Running a business on desktop Linux - Small business owner are on their own, and without IT support. They depend on computers, and just want to be able to do their jobs without computer headaches. What do the self-employed require of their computers? The list varies by the person and the kind of work they do. Here are the essentials: ease of use, readily available help, reliability, office application compatibility, financial management, low cost, and performance. How does Linux rate? According to Howard Fosdick of desktoplinux: "Linux empowers you to run your business on low-cost computers that are deemed worthless within the distorted perspective of the Windows world."

  • From newbie to 100 with Ubuntu Linux 8.04 - Your friends want you to try out Ubuntu; forget the Microsoft and liberate your computer. Yet, it's not such smooth sailing. Sure, you can download the Ubuntu CD, but once you're sitting at a login prompt, what then? What can you actually do with this thing? Actually lots, but unless a newcomer to Linux can begin achieving some of the things they use a computer for – surfing the internet, checking e-mail, viewing photographs – it will be a disappointing experience. If there’s no incentive to persevere – like a knowledgeable friend hanging around giving encouragement and advice – it’s possible the user will simply return to that which they know already and not come back.

  • Ubuntu 8.04 KVM Benchmarks - the Kernel-based Virtual Machine premiered with the Linux 2.6.20 kernel, and it has matured quite a bit over the past year and a half since its christening. With that said, phoronix is in the process of conducting new Linux virtualization benchmarks to see how these various implementations compare today. While the full comparison isn't yet ready, due to much interest surrounding Linux virtualization on desktops and servers, they are publishing some initial benchmarks from the Phoronix Test Suite when running Ubuntu 8.04 LTS as the host OS, and then running it as the guest operating system with hardware-based acceleration through KVM.

  • 'Major' Flash Player beta released - The "first major" Flash Player update since Adobe Systems completed its 2005 acquisition of Macromedia is due to be made available today as a beta. The Flash Player 10 beta features a brand-new Just In Time (JIT) engine to load pixel bytecode into the Flash Player engine.

В блогосфере

  • Ubuntu 8.04: Not quite there, yet - michuk decided to wait for the final Hardy Heron release this time. After installation, he reviews many of the new features of the release. His conclusion: "Ubuntu 8.04 shows progress in comparison to 7.10. Many errors have been fixed, and hardware is better supported. It is a pity that developers, instead of concentrating on fixing bugs and improving stability, decided to add many new features, introducing new bugs as a result. The most important question is — do I recommend Ubuntu 8.04? If I were to answer simply yes or no, the answer would be negative. If you need a good system that just works, wait a few months before installing Hardy Heron, until it becomes a really stable LTS."

  • Go green: go Ubuntu - reddragdiva's laptop(HP Compaq 6710b, 2.2GHz Core 2 Duo, 1GB memory), gets three hours in Ubuntu Hardy versus two hours in Windows XP, doing the same work. She believes this is mostly due to the Linux kernels "tickless idle", which has eliminated the periodic timer tick when the CPU is idle. She is also using "powertop", a Linux tool that finds the software component(s) that are making your laptop use more power than necessary while it is idle. It then makes suggestions on how to control these components to achieve longer battery life on your laptop.

  • Linux Distro Smack Down - the Podcast - Barton looks after Sun's relationships with the various GNU/Linux communities as well as their relationship with the FSF. Recently he managed to bring together the community leaders of three of the top GNU/Linux distros (Zonker Brockmeier, OpenSUSE; Jono Bacon, Ubuntu; Karsten Wade, Fedora), threw in Glynn Foster of Open Solaris, and moderated a no-holds-barred panel. The panel itself wasn't recorded, but immediately after it concluded, the five of them headed off to a make-shift podcast studio, and recorded this discussion. Their suggest: "Listen at your peril"

  • How did Ubuntu end up so popular? - No one has hard numbers, of course, but based on how much it’s talked about on the web, Ubuntu appears to be the most popular Linux distribution for the home desktop market. Every tech news article about Linux mentions Ubuntu and often recommends Ubuntu for new users. The amazing thing is that even back when Ubuntu was barely functional (no easy-codec-installation or restricted-drivers-manager or Ubiquity installer) it was getting buzz. What got it off the ground? As far as Ubuntu Cat can tell, here is what Ubuntu had going for it: Canonical targets home users, Ubuntu had the backing of some serious money from Mark Shuttleworth, free CDs, the Ubuntu Forums, it's “Humanity Towards Others” philosophy, the lack of confusing options, and the Ubuntu documentation.

В других новостях

Metalinks, what are those?

The Ubuntu 8.04 release had official metalinks posted, and they are used by Wubi(Ubuntu installer for Windows). Elliot Murphy met Anthony Bryan of at Bar Camp Miami, and he taught Elliot about metalinks:

  • Metalinks were designed for describing the locations of large files that are multi-located (shared via many mirrors and with P2P) to increase usability, reliability, speed, and availability. If a server goes down during a download, download programs can automatically switch to another mirror. Or segments can be downloaded from different places at the same time, automatically, which can make downloads much faster. Besides location, it also describes content. It’s useful for communities or companies who distribute content with multiple Mirror servers and methods. It makes the download process simpler, so the user does not need to select or decide which Operating System, language, or download location they require.

Ubuntu landed on Berlin metro system

“Berliner Fenster”, the company responsible for the content of the television system installed inside underground vehicles, (more than 3.700 displays), were so kind, (thank you!), to provide a free spot for our release party. Timed with the release on April 24th, there were small spots viewable by an audience of about 1.5 million people per day, about the release party. This kind of advertising can't be bought and everyone should visit the link to see pics of the spots that were run.

Ubuntu in Vermist spotted the Ubuntu operating system in the Belgian movie "Vermist", where police detectives apparently use Ubuntu as their operating system of choice. Follow the link below and you can see a screenshot from the movie. His review of the movie: "it was pretty crap, so don’t bother with it."

Meeting Summaries

Предстоящие встречи и события

Среда, 21 мая 2008

Platform Team Meeting

  • Начало: 06:00 UTC
  • Окончание: 07:00 UTC
  • Место: IRC channel #ubuntu-meeting
  • Расписание: Not Listed as of Publication

LoCo Council Meeting

Server Team Meeting

Thursday, May 22, 2008

Desktop Team Meeting

Community Spotlight

Updates and Security for 6.06, 7.04, 7.10, and 8.04

Security Updates

Ubuntu 6.06 Updates

  • None Reported

Ubuntu 7.04 Updates

Ubuntu 7.10 Updates

Ubuntu 8.04 Updates

UWN #: A sneak peek

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Ubuntu Weekly Newsletter для вас подготовили:

  • Nick Ali
  • Craig A. Eddy
  • John Crawford
  • Isabelle Duchatelle
  • А также многие другие


Обратная связь

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