= Ubuntu News Team - Discussion and Planning of NEW WordPress Fridge = == RoadMap == * '''Objective''' - Migrate Fridge to Word``Press * '''Success Criteria''' - Fridge will utilize Word``Press rather than Drupal * '''Actions''' - Canonical (Joey) * to migrate earlier Fridge content to new Word``Press Fridge * New Fridge Theme Based on New Ubuntu "light" Theme * Current Fridge Editors trained on Imput procedures for new Word``Press Fridge * Fridge Content to be adjusted based on "Information Radiator" model * http://c2.com/cgi/wiki?InformationRadiator * http://theagileexecutive.com/2010/03/15/how-to-construct-a-great-information-radiator/ * '''Blueprint (optional)''' - https://blueprints.launchpad.net/fridge/+spec/community-m-fridge-and-news-team * '''Driver (optional)''' - Joey Stanford ----- * '''Objective''' - Re-Design of Content on Fridge * '''Success Criteria''' - Implementation accepted ideas * '''Actions''' - Review Ideas for Content Restructure and implement accepted ideas * Ubuntu Community at a Glance - community form...what the dev teams are doing, loco teams...etc....toward the release - semi-graphic showing a title, a status indicator, and holding a link for more information * to be able to embed images and video * link to the forum is a pita - better/faster way to get information to the Forums * a way for non-team members to post to the Fridge for approval Fridge Team - suggestion to have x number of news team members review and ack or nack it for a successful peer review model so community material written specifically for the Fridge. * Separate Links to Various Calendars * Calendar for Meetings held in -Meetings (If Lo``Ca, Classroom, and FOSS``Events Calenders/Links are added the we will need to leave wording for what the Fridge Calendar is for or change wording based on implementation or non-implementation of suggested Calendars/Links added to Fridge) * Calendar for Lo``Co Team IRC meetings and events Calendar * Lo``Co Calendar would need to be created (short term) * If possible this Calendar could be linked or Pull information from/to Lo``Co Directory (Long Term Goal) * Lo``Co Team leaders/contacts as well as Newsletter and Fridge Editors * Calendar for Sessions held in -classroom * Link to FOSSEvents.com Calendar * '''Blueprint (optional)''' - https://blueprints.launchpad.net/fridge/+spec/community-m-fridge-and-news-team * '''Driver (optional)''' - TBD ----- * '''Objective''' - Health check of UWN content & categories * '''Success Criteria''' - Lucid-ize the UWN * '''Actions''' - roundtable ----- * '''Objective''' - Optimization of the '''multiple''' Launchpad news teams * '''Success Criteria''' - streamlining the duplicate and unused LP news teams * '''Actions''' - roundtable