== Glossary of Terms == The following Glossary of Terms is meant to be an information resource and reference of commonly and uncommonly used terms, formatted for use in the [[#uwn|UWN]], and arranged alphabetically. This is a work in progress. === General help === === The List === {{{ WORK IN PROGRESS }}} 1. <>ACK - Acknowledgment. 1. <>acpid - Advanced Configuration and Power Interface Daemon. 1. <>AGPLv3 - Affero General Public License, see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Affero_General_Public_License. 1. <>API - Application Programming Interface. 1. <>ARM - Acorn RISC Machine 1. <>BOF - Birds of a Feather - An informal discussion group, based on a shared interest, discussing without a pre-planned agenda 1. <>BTRFS - B-Tree File System 1. <>BTS - Debian Bug Tracking System - http://bugs.debian.org/ 1. <>CC - Community Council - https://discourse.ubuntu.com/t/what-is-the-ubuntu-community-council/706 1. <>CC - Creative Commons. 1. <>CLI - Command Line Interface. 1. <>CMS - Content Management System. 1. <>CoC - Code of Conduct - http://www.ubuntu.com/community/conduct 1. <>DD - Debian Developer 1. <>DFSG - Debian Free Software Guidelines 1. <>DHCP - Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol. 1. <>d-i - debian-installer 1. <>DIF - Debian Import Freeze - After this point, packages aren't automatically imported from Debian when updated. Time to focus on bugfixing & integration 1. <>DIT - Directory Information Tree, for implementations of LDAP. 1. <>DIY - Do It Yourself 1. <>DMB - Developer Membership Board. 1. <>DNS - Domain Name System. 1. <>DPMT - Debian Python Module Team - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ContributingToDebian/PythonModulesTeam 1. <>DRBD - a block device which is designed to build high availability clusters. 1. <>DRM - Direct Rendering Manager 1. <>EOL - End Of Life 1. <>EVDO - Evolution-Data Optimized wireless communication. 1. <>FF - Feature Freeze. 1. <>FFe - Feature Freeze exception. 1. <>FLOSS - Free Libre Open Source Software. 1. <>FOSS - Free Open Source Software. 1. <>FOSDEM - Free and Open Source Software Developers' European Meeting. 1. <>FTP - File Transfer Protocol. 1. <>FTBFS - Fails To Build From Source. - For example when building a package with debuild (http://qa.ubuntuwire.com/ftbfs/) 1. <>FUD - Fear, Uncertainty and Doubt. 1. <>GDM - GNOME Display Manager. 1. <>give-back - Give back to the builder - Retry a build. 1. <>GPG - GNU Privacy Guard - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GnuPrivacyGuardHowto http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gpg 1. <>GPL - General Public License. 1. <>GPU - Graphics Processing Unit. 1. <>GSMA - Groupe Speciale Mobile Association. 1. <>GUADEC - GNOME Users’ And Developers’ European Conference. 1. <>GUI - Graphical User Interface. 1. <>HA - High Availability. 1. <>HAL - Hardware Abstraction Layer 1. <>HDD - Hard Disk Drive 1. <>ICT - Information and Communitcation Technology. 1. <>IM - Instant Messaging. 1. <>IMAP - Internet Message Access Protocol. 1. <>IP - Intellectual Property. A term used as a blanket to cover Copyrights, Trademarks and Patents. 1. <>IPsec - Internet Protocol Security. 1. <>IRC - Internet Relay Chat. 1. <>ISO - International Organization for Standardization. Also, the suffix given to disk images that comply with the conventional Standards format. 1. <>ISV - Independent Software Vendors. 1. <>ITA - Intent To Adopt - http://people.debian.org/~mpalmer/debian-mentors_FAQ.html 1. <>ITP - Intent To Package - http://people.debian.org/~mpalmer/debian-mentors_FAQ.html 1. <>JDK - (OpenJDK) Java Developer's Kit. 1. <>KML - Keyhole Markup Language: an XML-based language schema for expressing geographic annotation and visualization. 1. <>KVM - Kernel based Virtual Machine. 1. <>LAMP - Linux, Apache, My``SQL, Perl (or some say PHP). 1. <>LAPP - Linux, Apache, Postgre``SQL, Perl (or some say PHP). 1. <>LCD - Liquid Crystal Display. 1. <>LD - Local Directory. 1. <>LDAP - Lightweight Directory Access Protocol. 1. <>LGPL - Lesser General Public License. 1. <>LP - Launch``Pad - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LaunchPad https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/ 1. <>LKML - Linux Kernel Mailing List. 1. <>Lo``Co - Local Community 1. <>LPI - Launchpad Integration. 1. <>lrm - linux-restricted-modules 1. <>LTS - Long Term Support. - Said of a release that will receive support for 3-years/5-years rather than the typical 18 months 1. <>LTSP - Linux Terminal Server Project. 1. <>LUG - Linux User's Group. 1. <>LVM - Logical Volume Manager. 1. <>MC - MOTU Council - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MOTU/Council 1. <>MIA - Missing In Action. 1. <>MID - Mobile Internet Device. 1. <>MIR - Main Inclusion Report - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MainInclusionProcess 1. <>MoM - Merge-o-Matic - The official Ubuntu merge system, which lists outstanding packages where there has been a Debian upload since the last Ubuntu upload. http://merges.ubuntu.com/ 1. <>MOTU - Master Of The Universe - Developers responsible for the Universe and Multiverse repositories. https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MOTU 1. <>MOTU SWAT - MOTU Special Weapons And Tactics - Handles Universe Security 1. <>NAS - Network-attached storage. 1. <>NBS - Not Built from Source - Packages no longer built from source, and therefore candidates for removal from the archives. https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment/NBS 1. <>NGO - Non-governmental Organization. 1. <>NMU - Non-maintainer upload - Term from the Debian world. When someone other than the formal maintainer uploads a package, f.ex. containing a bug fix 1. <>NTFS - the standard file system of Windows NT. 1. <>NTP - Network Time Protocol. 1. <>NTR - Nonprofit Technology Resources. 1. <>ODF - Open Document Format. 1. <>OEM - Original Equipment Manufacturer. 1. <>OP - Original Poster. 1. <>OS - Operating System. 1. <>OSCON - The O'Reilly Open Source Convention. 1. <>OSD - On Screen Display. 1. <>OSS - Open Source Software. 1. <>OTFC - Open and Free Technology Community - #debian-python is on the OFTC IRC network (for example irc.debian.org to get a nearby server). #ubuntu-motu is on the freenode IRC network (for example irc.ubuntu.com to get a nearby server) http://www.oftc.net 1. <>PAM - Pluggable Authentication Module. 1. <>PAPT - Python Applications Packaging Team - Debian packaging team of python programs which don't provide public modules http://python-apps.alioth.debian.org/policy.html 1. <>PDA - Personal Digital Assistant. 1. <>POP3 - Post Office Protocol version 3. 1. <>PPA - Personal Package Archive - http://help.launchpad.net/PPA 1. <>PPA - Personal Project Archive. 1. <>Q&A - Question And Answer. 1. <>QA - Quality Assurance. 1. <>RC - Release Candidate. 1. <>RC - Release Critical 1. <>REVU - ??? - A community developed package review site http://revu.ubuntuwire.com 1. <>RFP - Request For Package - http://people.debian.org/~mpalmer/debian-mentors_FAQ.html 1. <>RISC - Reduced Instruction Set Computer 1. <>RMB - Regional Membership Board. 1. <>RNG - Random Number Generator 1. <>ROCK - Recognized Of Considerable Knowledge - Used as a compliment 1. <>SaaS - Software as a Service. 1. <>sabdfl - Self Appointed Benevolent Dictator For Life - Mark Shuttleworth. 1. <>SASL - Simple Authentication and Security Layer: a framework for authentication and data security in Internet protocols. 1. <>SFD - Software Freedom Day. 1. <>So``C - System on a Chip. 1. <>So``Ho - Small Office, Home Office. 1. <>SMB - Small, Medium sized Business 1. <>SMTP - Simple Mail Transfer Protocol. 1. <>SRU - Search/Retrieve via URL. 1. <>SRU - Stable release updates. - http://wiki.ubuntu.com/StableReleaseUpdates 1. <>SSD - Solid State Drive. 1. <>SSH - Secure SHell - a network protocol that allows data to be exchanged using a secure channel between two networked devices. 1. <>SSL - Secure Sockets Layer. 1. <>svm - Support Vector Machine. 1. <>SWAT - Samba Web Administration Tool. 1. <>TB - Technical Board - http://www.ubuntu.com/community/processes/techboard 1. <>TCK - Technology Compatibility Kit. 1. <>TIL - Touched-It-Last - The last person who uploaded a package. He's responsible for syncing or merging it when a new development cycle starts. 1. <>Tls - Transport Layer Security, successor to Secure Sockets Layer (SSL). 1. <>UEC - Ubuntu Enterprise Cloud. 1. <>UF - Ubuntu Forums. 1. <>UDS - Ubuntu Developer Summit. 1. <>UEC - Ubuntu Enterprise Cloud. 1. <>UEHS - Ubuntu External Health Status - http://qa.ubuntuwire.com/uehs/ 1. <>UME - Ubuntu Mobile and Embedded. 1. <>u-m-s - ubuntu-main-sponsors - Sponsor list for packages that are in main or restricted https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-main-sponsors 1. <>unmetdeps - UNMET DEPendencieS - Packages that cannot be installed as the dependencies cannot be satisfied 1. <>UNE - Ubuntu Netbook Edition. 1. <>Unity - Ubuntu's New Desktop Shell 1. <>UNR - Ubuntu Netbook Remix. 1. <>USB - Universal Serial Bus. 1. <>UTC - Coordinated Universal Time: UTC replaced GMT as the basis for the main reference time scale or civil time in various regions on January 1, 1972. 1. <>u-u-s - ubuntu-universe-sponsors - Sponsor list for packages that are in universe or multiverse https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-universe-sponsors 1. <>VCS - Version Control Systems 1. <>UVF - Upstream Version Freeze 1. <>UWN - Ubuntu Weekly News 1. <>VGA - Video Graphics Array. 1. <>VM - Virtual Machine 1. <>VNC - Virtual Network Computing. 1. <>VPN - Virtual Private Network. 1. <>WNPP - Work-Needing and Prospective Packages - List of packages in need of new maintainers and prospective packages in Debian http://www.debian.org/devel/wnpp/ 1. <>WPA - Wi-Fi Protected Access. 1. <>WS-Security - Web Service Security. ---- CategoryDocumentation