= Ubuntu Youth Meeting Log from January 29'th, 2011 = == Topics of Discussion == ||Who || What || || [[zkriesse]] || Start of meeting, and such || || [[zkriesse]] || Welcoming message || || [[zkriesse]] || Topic 1 - Project(s) Status & Completion Dates || || [[zkriesse]] || Topic 2 - New Members of the Council || || [[zkriesse]] || Topic 3 - New Membership Process Discussion || || [[zkriesse]] || Topic 4 - Slightly New Team Process/Ideas || || All Participants || Topic 5 - Any concerns, questions, or ideas? Please, bring them up! || === Meeting Log === {{{#!IRC Started logging meeting in #ubuntu-meeting [11:04:25] * arch_is_awesome is Laughing [11:04:45] can i get a headcount to see who is here then please [11:04:54] o/ [11:04:57] * phillw here [11:04:57] o/ [11:05:08] arch_is_awesome, ? [11:05:09] o/ [11:05:09] * arch_is_awesome is ponging [11:05:13] cool [11:05:19] ok, first topic [11:05:19] arch_is_awesome: Say "o/" [11:05:25] o/ [11:05:32] o/ [11:05:33] Oops, I just usually use ping pong okay [11:05:36] o/ [11:05:42] [TOPIC]Project(s) Status & Completion Dates [11:06:02] now, i dont know who is actually doing projects, anyone? [11:06:13] i'll be in and out of this channel .... so just ping me if you want something from me :P [11:06:23] shadeslayer, ok [11:06:35] o/ [11:06:36] wait i will be back [11:06:44] I can do a few projects [11:06:50] Just need the ideas :) [11:06:54] serfus, do you know? [11:07:01] I might reboot my computer at some point, I am having problems with peripherals [11:07:01] I can work on that youth.ubnut.com [11:07:01] i think AndrewMC was about to start mentoring [11:07:09] was he [11:07:10] ok [11:07:18] serfus: Its okay [11:07:26] nisshh: I have a project about getting planet stable and not to break every day, estimated completion date: never [11:07:30] nisshh: the guy who was going to do the website has had to resign, there is a replacement available, but the council would need to discuss that as it does them access to my server. [11:07:46] skfin, ok [11:07:59] phillw, yep, we can talk about that later in -council then [11:08:00] phillw: Can we pijng in -council after meeting? :) [11:08:37] ok, shall we move on then? [11:08:44] nisshh: Yup [11:08:48] ok [11:08:49] of course, the agreement last meeting is that I only give root access to one person. [11:09:15] [TOPIC]New Members of the Council [11:09:18] ok [11:09:27] as far as i know, the only changes here [11:09:34] are two new members [11:09:36] I have never gone to a meeting before. [11:09:47] arch_is_awesome: Stay cool :) [11:09:48] me and MH0 [11:09:57] :) [11:09:59] MH0, michaelh? [11:10:12] nisshh: Yeah Im michealH [11:10:15] ok [11:10:24] i'm quite new as well [11:10:34] and jasono also got op in -youth [11:10:39] ok, and serfus :) [11:10:53] Quick Question - Does launchpad keep track of members? [11:10:54] So If you need me or ryan I have no issues with people PMing me [11:10:58] arch_is_awesome: Yes [11:11:07] arch_is_awesome: Verified members are added [11:11:21] ok, moving along [11:11:33] One sec. what is the launchpad page? [11:11:49] https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-youth [11:11:49] http://launchpad.net/ubuntu-youth [11:11:51] i think [11:11:52] https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-youth ? [11:11:58] Ahh. [11:11:58] thats the one yes [11:12:03] forgot the tilde [11:12:25] arch_is_awesome, seems like you are already a part of the team [11:12:29] For some reason I am on the list.... [11:12:42] That is what I meant. [11:12:57] arch_is_awesome, i think i accidently approved you the other day, before we got a chance to vote you in :) [11:13:05] Member since: 2010-02-16 [11:13:09] so lets vote now [11:13:14] oh ok [11:13:54] ok [11:14:09] Is AndrewMC around? [11:14:13] [VOTE] Membership of arch_is_awesome [11:14:23] skfin, no he isn't [11:14:26] +1 [11:14:28] +1 [11:14:29] +1 [11:14:30] +1 [11:14:33] +1 [11:14:35] +1 [11:14:37] +0 [11:14:56] [ENDVOTE] [11:14:59] ok [11:15:06] welcome to the team arch_is_awesome [11:15:08] arch_is_awesome, welcome aboard! [11:15:10] I dont know enough about him to vote for :) [11:15:15] Welcome anyways! [11:15:15] Welcome!!! [11:15:18] Thanks. [11:15:37] arch_is_awesome, maybe you could tell us a bit about yourself then> [11:15:38] ? [11:15:49] Okay then, [11:15:54] just quickly [11:16:12] I usually use chakra or ubuntu linux, I know python and pyqt [11:16:23] +1 :) [11:16:24] Also I am 12, live in jacksonville, FL USA [11:16:28] arch_is_awesome: having a wiki page is always handy :) [11:16:31] nice [11:16:39] +1 to what phillw said [11:16:42] I am in 6th Grade [11:16:54] Okay, all done (for now) [11:17:00] arch_is_awesome: you have a launchpad page don't you? [11:17:09] https://launchpad.net/~stephenmac7 [11:17:19] ^link to arch_is_awesome [11:17:21] phillw, do you know anything about the new team process/etc? (the next topic) [11:18:20] phillw, ? [11:18:23] nisshh: we are recruiting council members, that way there should always be enough around for meetings. [11:18:35] i want to be 1 [11:18:35] ok [11:18:54] hakimsheriff, we offer, not the other way around :) [11:19:19] okay, sorry [11:19:20] ok, do we have any other new members that need voting on? [11:19:22] they must have signed the CoC and have a wiki page for them to be considered. [11:20:00] I have seen Zach's wiki page, I am not so sure I can write that much about myself [11:20:14] arch_is_awesome, i will help you, don't worry :) [11:20:18] arch_is_awesome, it doesnt need to be that extensive [11:20:31] ok, moving along [11:20:34] arch_is_awesome: My wikipage is better example. It's so small. http://wiki.ubuntu.com/mkaysi [11:20:41] * pedro3005 appears [11:20:46] I'll take a look, [11:20:56] [TOPIC]Slightly New Team Process/Ideas [11:21:00] ok [11:21:07] arch_is_awesome: you ought to try https://wiki.ubuntu.com/phillw [11:21:10] lol [11:21:12] so apart from the council recruiting new members [11:21:24] does anyone have any idea's for the team? [11:21:54] https://wiki.ubuntu.com/phillw is quite extensive :) [11:21:56] Mkaysi, arch_is_awesome, phillw, serfus, ? [11:22:02] helping people getting more involved with ubuntu teams [11:22:03] i know about the mentoring plan, tough not enough [11:22:12] yes [11:22:15] Oop.. Havent been watching [11:22:21] serfus, we must ask zach about that :) [11:22:24] well, if I may, I was discussing that in the channel recently. It seems that there's too much attention to the infrastructure of the team (i.e. bureaucracy) and not much attention to actually doing stuff [11:22:28] nisshh: Thinking... [11:22:39] I will be away now on, please ping me if you guys need me-> [11:22:56] pedro3005, I agree, that is what I was about to say... :) [11:22:59] pedro3005, yes, the mentoring system will change that soon, although ideas are welcome [11:23:08] I'm pretty full with padawans at the moment, I'd like jasono to get involved to further his knowledge. [11:23:33] thats cool [11:23:38] i just took arch_is_awesome as my "padawan" [11:23:48] About the mentoring system, how exactly is that going to work? Email, Jabber, or what? [11:24:11] arch_is_awesome, tbh, im not sure, its something zkreisse has been working on, i have yet to ask him about it [11:24:18] Email, Jabber or IRC. [11:24:22] i assume that IRC/email will be used [11:24:26] arch_is_awesome, i will catch you up after the meeting [11:24:26] Can i be your padawan serfus? [11:24:27] query? [11:24:42] or in some mentoring channel? [11:24:50] (If it is IRC) [11:24:53] not a channel i don't think so [11:24:54] arch_is_awesome, i would say, just in -youth [11:24:56] arch_is_awesome: I finally nagged the UBT council into submission and bioterror is the 1st mentor (I quickly sold his slave to him :P ) [11:25:22] anyone have anything else to say before we move on? [11:26:05] guess not :P [11:26:05] ok [11:26:06] Yes, the mentoring, what is the plan (meaning how is it going to work) [11:26:27] nisshh: can you post up the UBT link onto your wiki area? [11:26:31] arch_is_awesome, like i said before, i dont know the details, i will ask zach as soon as i see him though :) [11:26:44] phillw, what link? [11:26:46] Are the metors going to see what the users know and then build on that? [11:26:52] nisshh okay [11:27:01] there is no a complete plan [11:27:02] yet [11:27:10] Okay, moving on... [11:27:32] arch_is_awesome, basically, as most mentoring systems work, each mentor will be assigned one or more mentee's and then they can sort of guide them [11:27:36] thats all i know [11:27:48] righto [11:27:50] Okay then, that is enough. [11:28:09] [TOPIC]Any concerns, questions, or ideas? Please, bring them up! [11:28:20] ok, if anyone has any questions, go ahead [11:28:20] nisshh: Right [11:28:21] I know that padawans are called as slaves, but they are only joking (but I think that they aren't). [11:28:31] I want to say something [11:28:37] MH0, go ahead [11:28:47] nisshh: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BeginnersTeam/ [11:28:56] phillw, what about it? [11:29:05] Earlier there was a spam attack outside UY, and I think us (the council) needs to defibne what to do as being as some spam links may not be nice to see [11:29:38] We need to think of a policy to deine such a thing [11:29:48] I agree [11:29:49] I think AndrewMC, had one, thoguh [11:29:55] but if this attack happened in channels outside of the youth teams, i dont see it as our issue? [11:29:56] MH0: evilMichealH +1 supybot with badwords (with URLs) +2 [11:30:05] zkriesse, hey [11:30:09] you late [11:30:12] your* [11:30:12] I know [11:30:17] Internet troubles [11:30:19] zkriesse, we are on the last topic :) [11:30:23] nisshh: #ubuntu-stack was attacked by spamming. [11:30:40] nisshh: Who's chairing [11:30:41] zkriesse: Can you +Vv arch_is_awesome In UY [11:30:46] Mkaysi, right, which is not our channel, so i fail to see what it has to do with us [11:30:48] zkriesse: nisshh [11:30:52] MH0: there has been a discussion on the doc email list about spam attacks, the best way is for those who know wiki to subscribe to the pages, that way they get alerted for every change and can see the changes. [11:30:54] hey zkriesse [11:30:57] i don't think we should involve bans with other channels [11:31:21] agreed [11:31:24] serfus: But spam links may not be very Touth freindly esp. from spambots [11:31:29] *youth [11:31:44] MH0, we only need to moderate spam in the youth channels [11:31:48] agreed [11:31:50] MH0: there are so many of us admin to go around! [11:31:59] If spambots are attacking #ubuntu-stack why they couldn't attack #ubuntu-youth ? [11:32:02] sure, but we have no sign that he will attack our channel [11:32:04] outside of that, its not something the youth team can really control [11:32:13] They haven't, it's not our channel, if they do we'll do something [11:32:24] exactly [11:32:28] Okies [11:32:29] But until they do we have our own channel to maintain...plus we haven't been ASKED to help that channel [11:32:32] Just a idea :) [11:32:54] i agree with zkriesse [11:33:01] IDEA: Setup supybot with BadWords and add spam URL:s as badwords. [11:33:02] I was talking about a poliy for spams outside UY to be banned inslide UY incase spambots had bad links [11:33:33] Mkaysi, we arent putting your bot in -youth, its way too spammy [11:33:37] i too agree with zkriesse and nisshh [11:33:53] I agree with serfus [11:33:59] ok [11:34:01] nisshh: My bot would cause problems, and I am not talking about it. [11:34:15] heh [11:34:17] ok [11:34:23] anyone have any other questions? [11:34:43] nisshh: Ubot4 is supybot? Couldn't it do that? (BadWords is comes by default in supybot) [11:34:46] zkriesse, im charing btw [11:34:47] Ok, while a team opinion is good on such a matter on spambots in other channels, ultimately somthing of that nature would be a council decision [11:34:53] chairing* [11:35:02] nisshh: So i've noticed...I appreciate you taking charge [11:35:05] Mkaysi, im not familiar with the bots [11:35:20] zkriesse, yeah, it was either me or serfus really [11:35:35] nisshh: And me? :P [11:35:46] MH0, you were not here as well [11:35:48] oh, or MH0 :) [11:35:59] when we have started [11:36:03] MH0, but you werent her at the time :) [11:36:09] Really who chairs the meeting for UY is council members [11:36:12] Not just anyone [11:36:21] yeah [11:36:29] anyhows let's continue [11:36:53] ok, so if no one else has anything to add, i will end the meeting? [11:37:06] Hold on [11:37:28] So all topics have been covered? [11:37:31] zkriesse: Yes [11:37:50] i have nothiing to add [11:37:53] Ok then [11:37:55] zkriesse, well, as much as could be without you here, yes [11:38:04] Well then let's go through it a bit [11:38:08] We've still got half an hour [11:38:21] sure [11:38:24] okay [11:38:34] Ok, back to first topic if you please nisshh [11:38:35] Need to leave for a sec. [11:38:42] ok [11:39:04] #project status(s) [11:39:06] [TOPIC]Project(s) Status & Completion Dates [11:39:09] zkriesse, we didn't have much to say about topic 1 and 2 [11:39:21] what serfus said [11:39:23] Well, I kinda wanted to know...how are they progressing [11:39:37] Ok then, Topic 3 is one I do need to talk about [11:39:39] i dont even remember who had projects last meeting [11:39:44] zkriesse: I have a new proposition for a project [11:39:54] MH0: We'll take care of that in UY [11:40:03] maybe we need a projects page on the wiki zkriesse? [11:40:07] In UYC? Its concerning the Website [11:40:18] nisshh: Indeed you're very right on that [11:40:23] ok [11:40:44] nisshh: Topic 3 if you please [11:40:47] [ACTION] nisshh to setup a project summary page on the wiki [11:40:51] sure [11:41:06] [TOPIC]New Membership Process Discussion [11:41:21] zkriesse, go ahead [11:41:32] Ok, due to the UY Council growing in size, we will be having a slightly different membership process [11:41:56] Mentorship at last? :) [11:42:11] Mkaysi, serfus, arch_is_awesome, you all listening? [11:42:20] For a while it was simply, "Apply, check the users lp and wiki page(s) if applicable, and then choose an experienced mentor to lead said applicant" [11:42:26] sure [11:42:28] Well, skip last part [11:42:38] Just find em, get them a wiki page, they're in [11:42:47] yep [11:42:54] so whats changing? [11:42:59] dats good [11:43:06] * Mkaysi is listening. [11:43:25] But, since we are getting a sizable council, we should be able to find a few more good experienced folks who are willing to help lead/mentor the inexperienced or those who wish to be mentored in a particular subject [11:43:59] Not necissarily will it be the Council doing the leading but us and a few others who ask/and are approved to do so [11:44:22] That make any sense? [11:44:24] so we will get the mentoring project more sorted out [11:44:26] that's good [11:44:31] Yes indeed serfus [11:44:45] * hakimsheriff agree with zkriesse completly [11:44:55] zkriesse, i think once the process gets worked out, a mentoring page in the wiki would be good [11:45:05] Google just sent a new computer here, I forgot about it. [11:45:18] I will come to the next meeting. [11:45:27] nisshh: I was gonna work on that..if you'd like to collaborate with me on that and the project page that'd be awesome [11:45:35] sure [11:45:37] Just need to get this to work, curiosity is killing me, [11:45:54] arch_is_awesome, sure, i'll update you [11:46:05] zkriesse, have anything else to add? [11:46:06] arch_is_awesome: Don't worry, there will be logs [11:46:21] nisshh: For that topic? Nadah [11:46:25] ok [11:46:30] any other topic? [11:46:37] And that somewhat merges into topic four so we're good! [11:46:42] ok [11:46:50] If nobody has anything else to add feel free to end the meeting nisshh [11:46:50] ill end the meeting then [11:46:54] yep [11:46:59] #endmeeting Meeting ended. }}}