
This is a documentation detailing the way to install Firebird2.1-classic, Apache2, PHP5, and PEAR on the Ubuntu 9.04 Jaunty Desktop system. This how-to will NOT work on Windows and neither am I sure if it will work on earlier versions of Ubuntu as the programs are all updated for using with Ubuntu 9.04 Jaunty. Most of the steps listed here will require the use of the terminal. All terminal commands are valid. (NOTE: If you're required to enter your password in the terminal menu you won't see it. This is normal, enter it correctly then hit enter.) Also NOTE, you will be required to have ACCESS to the ROOT user of the pc. To enable logging in as the ROOT user do this. Under System/Administration, pick Users and Groups. Choose root and then click unlock, enter your password then click properties. Choose to set root use password to whatever you want and then close. That's it for now...

Installing Apache2

Source Accreditation Apache2

First you'll need to install Apache2. Open your terminal through Applications/Accessories/Terminal. In your terminal type the following.

sudo apt-get install apache2

After that installs you will get an "error" stating that the server name couldn't be reliably determined. Don't worry! For that can be fixed. Open your terminal again (your gonna do this alot!) and enter the following.

gksudo gedit /etc/apache2/httpd.conf

Enter your password in the window that pops up and then in the window enter without the quotes, "ServerName localhost". Click save and then close the window. Restart the Apache2 server with this command.

sudo /etc/init.d/apache2 restart 

After you restart, you should see this output. Restarting web server apache2...waiting. If that's all it displays then the servername has been fully resolved! Now to test if the Apache2 server has been configured correctly. Browse in your http url bar to this address. It should display It Works. If it does then Apache2 has been configured correctly.

Installing PHP5

Source Accreditation PHP5

Once again, open that terminal! I told you it was going to be used the terminal type,

sudo apt-get install php5 libapache2-mod-php5

Restart the Apache2 server again with,

sudo /etc/init.d/apache2 restart

(NOTE: When I have you restart Apache you will always use the above command)

Once again, restart the Apache2 server. Now enter the following in the terminal.

gksudo gedit /var/www/phpinfo.php

That will proceed to open a blank file. In that file paste the following.


Save the file and exit it. Now in your http url bar go to It should display alot of info pertaining to PHP. If so, PHP5 has been installed correctly. Now restart the server...and on to FIREBIRD!

Firebird and Flamerobin

Source Accreditation Firebird2.1

After you've done that once again, restart the Apache2 server. Now for the infamous Firebird! Take a deep breath...this will all be over before you know it. NOTE: Open your Synaptic Package Manager, which can be opened via System/Administration/Synaptic Package Manager. In that you will have a search box, in which you type, without the quotes of course! "Firebird" It will display a list of packages dealing with Firebird. I'm going to have you install several. You will choose the packages by clicking the checkboxes on the left next to each package. When you click the box, for this install process, always choose Mark For Installation and when it asks for permission to install needed extra packages concerned with the selection, choose Ok. Now for the proper packages. Choose the following packages. Firebird2.1-classic, (It will ask if the required packages needed for Firebird2.1-classic can be accepted. Click Yes.) Then choose Apply. Click yes and then wait. When it's done choose the following packages. Firebird2.1-examples, PHP5-interbase, flamerobin, and libfbclient2. That should be it. Click apply and subsequently Yes. After that's done close Synaptic. Now we need to configure Firebird. In your terminal type,

sudo dpkg-reconfigure firebird2.1-classic

That command will bring up a window that asks to configure the Firebird, choose yes, hit enter, then enter a password, then enter. Ok, next terminal command.

sudo apt-get install firebird2.1-examples firebird2.1-dev

Choose yes to install those packages then when it's finished(it will display you@you-pc:~$)then enter the following into the terminal.

cd /usr/share/doc/firebird2.1-examples/examples/empbuild/
sudo gunzip employee.fdb.gz
sudo chown firebird.firebird employee.fdb
sudo mv employee.fdb /var/lib/firebird/2.1/data/

sudo apt-get install php5-cli


Third Section

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See Also

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External Links

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UbuntuwithFirebirdDatabase (last edited 2009-10-02 00:24:37 by 117)