Uganda and Tanzania In Runyakitara which is the collection of dialects spoken by the Banyankore, Banyoro, Batooro and Bakiga of Western Uganda and also the Bahaya, Banyambo and others of Northern Tanzania, "obuntu" refers to the human characteristics of generosity, consideration and humane-ness towards others in the community. In Luganda, the language of the Baganda in Central Uganda "obuntu" means being humane and refers to the same characteristics.
This is the wiki page of the Uganda Local Community Team. We aim to provide free community support to users of the various flavours of Ubuntu as well as advocating the use of Ubuntu to individuals and organisations alike. We keep in touch via our active email list and IRC chatroom. This group is for anyone in the Uganda (but we welcome non-Uganda residents) who uses or is interested in some flavour of Ubuntu, whether it's Ubuntu, Kubuntu or any others. This group is for people of all technical abilities from I've-never-heard-of-linux all the way to I'm-an-Ubuntu-Master.
How do I join?
There is no official process to join, however if you join the launchpad team you are then able to vote in polls organised by the group. Discussion happens on the mailing list which you are free to join. There is also an active group of members who chat in real time on IRC in the #ubuntu-ug channel on
It would be nice if you could update the LUG Members Page if you are indeed a member of a LUG or Other Groups Members Page if you are a member of any other Linux or Free Software related groups.
News and Media
Here we will post links to projects and articles in the press supporting Ubuntu UgandaTeam/NewsMedia
The next meeting agenda is located on UgandaTeamMeetingAgenda. Please feel free to read this before the meeting, or add your own agenda items.
Minutes of the last meeting can be found at UgandaTeam/LastMeeting, and previous meetings are documented on UgandaTeam/MeetingNotes.
Team Point of Contact: Simon Vass
Mailing list: ubuntu-Uganda
Internet Relay Chat (IRC): #ubuntu-ug on
Ubuntu Forums:
For a more detailed list of contacts and responsibilities you can review the UgandaTeam/Contact page
In addition the UgandaTeam have an Ideas Pool where members can easily suggest things that the UgandaTeam should be doing.
Once the project starts details can be found under On-going Projects
Completed projects can be found on the Completed Projects page.
There is a whole load of documentation at but feel free to ask a question on the mailing list or in IRC if you need help with anything. Support is also available from the global Ubuntu community
If you intend to help support new users, please consider adopting the Support Guidelines
Additional Links
Logo - Our official logo (approved by Ubuntu) is here.
Gallery - A gallery of various general UgandaTeam related pictures can be found here and Ubuntu-ug members here.
Venues - Venues where the Uganda team can host events.
CategoryLoCoTeams CategoryMarketing CategoryUbuntuTeams CategoryUgandaTeam