
Here's a egrep -wir 'FIXME|TODO' * result of the Unity-2D source code, I'll update this ~weekly. Feel free to dive in. If there's no bug report feel free to make one as a placeholder for your work.

launcher/LauncherList.qml:    /* FIXME: We need this only to workaround a problem in QT's MouseArea
launcher/LauncherList.qml:            // FIXME: The extra 2 pixels are needed to center the menu arrow with
launcher/LauncherList.qml:                   See FIXME in LauncherContextualMenu::show(…). */
launcher/LauncherList.qml:                   See FIXME in LauncherContextualMenu::show(…). */
launcher/ListViewDragAndDrop.qml:// FIXME: flicking the list fast exhibits unpleasant visual artifacts:
launcher/ListViewDragAndDrop.qml:        /* FIXME: the coordinates of the mouse event forwarded are
launcher/LauncherItem.qml:                /* FIXME: It seems that when the image is created (or re-used) by the Repeater
launcher/AutoScrollingListView.qml:    /* FIXME: We forward the click but the coordinates will be wrong since they are expressed in the
launcher/app/gesturehandler.cpp:/* FIXME: zooming in/out in the spread should have 3 levels:
launcher/app/gesturehandler.cpp:        /* FIXME: only supports the launcher positioned on the left edge of the screen */
launcher/app/gesturehandler.cpp:        /* FIXME: only supports the launcher positioned on the left edge of the screen */
libunity-2d-private/Unity2d/plugin.cpp:/* FIXME: This should be done more properly, it's just an hack this way.
libunity-2d-private/Unity2d/GnomeBackground.qml:            /* FIXME: Because /usr/share/backgrounds/warty-final-ubuntu.png is
libunity-2d-private/src/workspacesinfo.cpp:/* FIXME: this will not work with wm using large desktops and viewports
libunity-2d-private/src/screeninfo.cpp:/* FIXME: This should be removed when we find a cleaner way to bypass the
libunity-2d-private/src/launcherapplicationslist.cpp:    /* FIXME: libunity will send out the Update signal for LauncherEntries
libunity-2d-private/src/launcherapplicationslist.cpp:        /* FIXME: this case has not been implemented yet but it has not been
libunity-2d-private/src/launcherapplicationslist.cpp:        /* FIXME: this deletion blocks for a long time (around 100ms here) and
libunity-2d-private/src/iconimageprovider.h:    /* FIXME: values are set to be of type void* in order to avoid importing
libunity-2d-private/src/giodefaultapplication.cpp:    /* FIXME: wait for 10 seconds before updating the desktop file because
libunity-2d-private/src/unity2ddeclarativeview.cpp:        /* TODO: possibly faster, to be tested, only works with non transparent windows */
libunity-2d-private/src/launchermenu.cpp:    /* FIXME: adjust the position of the menu if it goes offscreen,
libunity-2d-private/src/launchermenu.cpp:    /* FIXME: for some reason, invoking QMenu::activateWindow() directly here
libunity-2d-private/src/placeentry.h:    /* FIXME: all setters of type QString should be optimized
libunity-2d-private/src/iconutilities.cpp:    // FIXME: we should find a way to avoid reloading the icon
libunity-2d-private/src/launcherapplication.cpp:    /* FIXME: a number of members are not copied over */
libunity-2d-private/src/launcherapplication.cpp:        /* FIXME: deleting a QFileSystemWatcher can be quite slow (sometimes
libunity-2d-private/src/launcherapplication.cpp:    /* FIXME: a bug somewhere makes connecting to the Closed() signal not work even though
libunity-2d-private/src/launcherapplication.cpp:        /* FIXME: the menu is only partially updated while visible: stale
libunity-2d-private/src/windowslist.h:/* FIXME: this should be update dynamically whenever new windows are opened
libunity-2d-private/src/windowinfo.h:/* FIXME: position, size, z, title and icon values are not updated real time */
libunity-2d-private/src/place.cpp:    // TODO: may require some sanity checks.
libunity-2d-private/src/place.cpp:    UQ_WARNING << "FIXME: Possibly no handler for scheme: " << url.scheme();
libunity-2d-private/tests/qsortfilterproxymodeltest.cpp:        /* FIXME: failing case due to QSortFilterProxyModel emitting
panel/applets/legacytray/fdoselectionmanager.cpp:        // FIXME: Hmmm... Reading the docs on XSetSelectionOwner,
panel/applets/legacytray/fdoselectionmanager.cpp:    //FIXME: who is the source in this case?
panel/applets/legacytray/fdoselectionmanager.cpp:        //FIXME: find a way to pass icons trough here
panel/applets/legacytray/x11embedcontainer.cpp:    // FIXME: This checks that the client is still valid. Qt won't pick it up
panel/applets/appname/menubarwidget.cpp:            // FIXME: Empty menu
panel/applets/appname/menubarwidget.cpp:    // FIXME: Empty menu
panel/applets/indicator/indicatorapplet.cpp:    // FIXME: Using Qt plugins
panel/applets/indicator/indicatorservicemanager.cpp:        // FIXME: Respawn
places/RendererGrid.qml:    /* FIXME: using results_layout.anchors.topMargin in the following expression
places/AbstractButton.qml:        /* FIXME: workaround double click bug
places/HomeShortcuts.qml:    /* FIXME: dummy icons need to be replaced by design's */
places/HomeShortcuts.qml:    /* FIXME: use user's preferred applications instead of hardcoding them */
places/dash.qml:                /* FIXME: currentPage needs to stop pointing to pageLoader.item
places/dash.qml:        /* FIXME: PlaceEntry.SetActiveSection needs to be called after
places/dash.qml:        /* FIXME: deactivated because it makes the user lose the focus very often */
places/dash.qml:            /* FIXME: check on visible necessary; fixed in Qt Quick 1.1
places/dash.qml:            /* FIXME: check on visible necessary; fixed in Qt Quick 1.1
places/Home.qml:            /* FIXME: wrong colors */
places/ListViewWithHeaders.qml:    /* FIXME: Should be read-only but it is not possible to define a read-only property from QML.
places/ListViewWithHeaders.qml:            /* FIXME: this workarounds the fact that list.focus is set to false
spread/Workspaces.qml:       FIXME: this seems to be broken in the case of 10 workspaces and 4x4 layout.
spread/Workspaces.qml:            /* FIXME: This is ok right now since we ignore screen.orientation and
spread/Workspaces.qml:    /* FIXME: bad naming. Ideas: screenModeActivated, initialState */
spread/Windows.qml:                    /* FIXME: do not work if windowInfo is destroyed */
spread/app/spreadview.cpp:/* FIXME: copied from places/app/dashdeclarativeview.cpp */
spread/app/spreadview.h:    /* FIXME: copied from places/app/dashdeclarativeview.h */
spread/app/spread.cpp:    /* FIXME: the SpreadControl class should be exposed to QML by a plugin and
TODO: * FIXME: Determine if everything being installed to /usr/bin should actually be there

Unity-2D/Bitesize/Opportunities (last edited 2011-08-05 16:02:37 by host44-56-dynamic)