## page was renamed from DesktopTeam/Unity <> = Unity Installation Guide = This page documents how you can try out Unity 3.0 on your Ubuntu system. ||Note: This software is pre-alpha. You should be comfortable with being able to downgrade multiple packages if you want to go back to a stable desktop, otherwise we recommend not trying this on a production machine. Alpha 1 will have a more stable version. || == Limitations and Tips == * This version of Unity does NOT have Places or the Dash, these will come back for Alpha 2. * It's normal that clicking on the Ubuntu button does nothing. * The session to log in in GDM is now "Ubuntu Desktop" * For now, be sure to use Humanity or Humanity-Dark icon themes. Others will cause Unity 3.0 alpha to crash. == Natty == Unity is available in Natty . {{{ sudo apt-get install unity }}} Then restart Compiz or log out and log back into your desktop session. Finally start CompizConfig Settings Manager (/usr/bin/ccsm) and then search for and enable the Unity plugin! * [[https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Unity/InstallationGuideFromSource|Building Unity from Source]] - For developers == What to do when it Crashes == As this is prealpha code it can crash sometimes, unchecking the Unity plugin in CCSM will stop unity from running. [[attachment:ccsm.png]] == Where to file bugs == Please follow [[UnityFilingBugs|this guide]] for filing bugs. == How to Contribute to Unity == http://unity.ubuntu.com/getinvolved/ has instructions on how to get the code and hack on it.