## page was copied from UtopicUnicorn/Alpha1/Kubuntu ## page was copied from TrustyTahr/Beta2/Kubuntu ## page was copied from TrustyTahr/Beta1/Kubuntu ## page was copied from TrustyTahr/Alpha2/Kubuntu = Kubuntu 14.10 Alpha 2 = Kubuntu 14.10 Alpha 2 is available for testing. Try it out now if you want to help debug before our release in October 2014. || '''Upgrading from 14.04LTS''' || '''Download a Disk Image''' || || To upgrade to Kubuntu 14.10 pre-releases from 14.04LTS, run '''kubuntu-devel-release-upgrade''' from a command line.<
> [[https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UtopicUpgrades/Kubuntu|Full instructions to upgrade from 14.04 LTS]]. || Download a [[http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/kubuntu/releases/utopic|Bootable image]] and put it onto a [[https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BurningIsoHowto|DVD]] or [[https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick|USB Drive]] || = Choose Stable Plasma 4 or Work in Progress Plasma 5 = ||'''Plasma 4 is our recommended stable offering''' and what you get from the default download, but is now in maintenance mode. It runs the software you are familiar with and will be getting updates and bugfixes but not new features from now on. || {{https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UtopicUpgrades/Kubuntu?action=AttachFile&do=get&target=raring11.png}} || || {{http://kde.org/announcements/plasma5.0-beta2/plasma50b2-main-wee.png}} || '''Plasma 5''' a work in progress. The next generation of KDE Software is still a work in progress. You can test it and install it from the [[http://download.kubuntu.co.uk/kubuntu-plasma5/|Kubuntu Plasma 5 image]] but beware it will remove your stable software. || == KDE Applications and Platform 4.14 Beta == || {{http://kde.org/announcements/4.13/screenshots/thumbs/applications.png||width=300}} || The [[http://kde.org/announcements/announce-4.14-beta3.php|KDE Applications and Platform 4.14 Beta]] includes a bunch of bugfixes. || = Known Problems = [[http://goo.gl/RmgXgX|Bugs tagged Kubuntu 14.10]] * (Bug:1182784) Install with non English language fails * (Bug:1334189) syslinux offers no OEM mode on Kubuntu Utopic Alpha 1 = Feedback = Development of Kubuntu 14.10, the Utopic Unicorn, is ongoing and bugs are fixed every day. Before reporting bugs, please ensure your system is up to date. For verifying installation related bugs, updated disk images are available from [[http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/kubuntu/daily-live/current/|Daily bootable images for standard PCs/laptops/netbooks]]. You can give us feedback on [[https://plus.google.com/u/0/107577785796696065138/posts|Google +]][[https://plus.google.com/u/0/107577785796696065138/posts|{{attachment:googleplus.png}}]] or [[https://www.facebook.com/kubuntu.org|Facebook]][[https://www.facebook.com/kubuntu.org|{{attachment:facebook_icon_30x30.gif}}]] or [[https://twitter.com/kubuntu|Twitter]][[https://twitter.com/kubuntu|{{attachment:icon-twitter.png}}]].