## page was copied from UbuntuKylin/1310-alpha-1-ReleaseNote ||<>|| [[https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UtopicUnicorn/Kylin/FinalBetaChinese|中文版]] = What is Ubuntu Kylin? = The objective of the Ubuntu Kylin project is to create a variant of Ubuntu that is more suitable for Chinese users. We are committed to provide you with a delicate, thoughtful and fully customized Chinese user experience out-of-the-box. For instance, by providing a desktop user interface localized in Chinese and installing common software that Chinese users commonly use by default. Ubuntu Kylin has been a formal member of the Ubuntu family, since UbuntuKylin 13.04. Now, we are working on 14.10. = Announcement = We are glad to announce the release of Ubuntu Kylin 14.10 Final Beta. In this last pre-release, we enhance the sytem stability and add or improve more features. The sytem kernel is 3.16.0-17.23 based on Linux 3.16.3 upstream and Unity is 7.3.1 with 14.10.20140915 version. We aslo upgrade Ubuntu Kylin software center to 1.1.0, Youker Assistant to 1.3.0, Sogou IM to 1.1.0, Youker Weather to 2.1.2, Youker Fcitx (fctix-qimpanel) to 1.0.0, Wiznote to 2.1.12. Meanwhile, we enhance the sytem and add new slideshow, wallpapers from 14.10 wallpaper contest. Detailed information will be published soon. '''Note That: '''This is an beta 2 pre-release, which is not suitable for normal users, but for Ubuntu Kylin developers and users who want to help us test by finding, reporting, and/or fixing bugs. We will release the 14.10 fianl version on Oct, 23 2014, coming soon.... == Desktop == {{attachment:desktop.jpg}} == Software Center == {{attachment:uksc.jpg}} == Youker Assitant == {{attachment:youker.jpg}} = Features (To Be Updated) = Selected features added or improved since 14.04 are as following: == Linux Kernel == == Desktop Environment == == System Enhancement == * Recommend commercial apps after system booting: our co-developed commercail software, such us Sogou IM, Kuaipan cloud client, WPS, could not be included into the default ISO due to lincense difference. These software are managed in Ubuntu Kylin archieve and will be recommended to users when they login into Ubuntu Kylin. Then, you could enjoy these apps after one-click. * Change to seed for freely system customization; * Support Zip files from both Windows and Linux; * Support Chinese when system booting; * Add Ubuntu Kylin docs for user guide; * Remove Wubi for better user experience. == System Managment == * Beautify UI by customize file mananger, luancher, dash, windows, fonts, themes; * Clean up garbage, Internet history, Cookies, Caches; * Display detailed sytem information such as Desktop, CPU, memeroy, drivers; * Manage task == Software Managment == == Input Method == * = Snapshot = = Support = * Website: http://www.ubuntukylin.com * Chinese QQ Group: 262012757 * IRC Channel: #ubuntukylin-devel * Business Email: contact@ubuntukylin.com = Download = The Release ISO can be downloaded from [[http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/ubuntukylin/releases/utopic/beta-2/ | here]]. = Known Issues = * In Ubuntu Kylin, default langauge in Ubiquity language chooser is not Simplified Chinese, isolinux/lang not honoured (bug #1330416) * Installing system by selecting different ways,the interface is different (bug #1365466) * XDG home and desktop are not localised in live Ubuntu Kylin session (bug #1306509) * gnome-calculator menu is not translated under Kylin live session (bug #1306513) * The label in the panel menu doesn't match the /etc/os-release NAME (bug #1329584) * During the system installing, the "skip" button displays abnormal after expanded the detail installing information.(bug #1362076) * The Add account function doesn't work in the Online Accounts page (bug #1362147) * After installation,the system prompts no translation (bug #1365363) * when I turn off online search option, it still display search results in Dash. (bug #1370353) = Thanks = Thanks to everyone involving in the development of Ubuntu Kylin, the success of Ubuntu Kylin 14.10 would the result of our joint efforts. If you want to be a contributor of Ubuntu Kylin,see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuKylin/NewContributorGuide