01 y 02 - 5CNSL CarĂºpano: there was stand as such but we were giving information, providing records and making POP material (in software).
09 - FLISOL Punto Fijo: The Ubuntu-ve booth was in it, with the charge to Santiago Zarate, deliver disks 8.10 and 9.04, were plants (marked with stickers machines) are provided POP materials (in physical and logical)...
09 - FLISOL Maracaibo: It gave the workshop "Installing OS Ubuntu Jaunty Jackalope" (Speaker: Edgar Figueroa and assistant CesarSevilla), installed the OS Ubuntu 9.04 on several machines in both desktop and laptop, the community gave him support in the case of some laptops that had problems after they are installed the OS Ubuntu. Stand not installed any more but if you gave information diptych OS Ubuntu. Cd is not distributed because there was no virgin pulp, as with the stickers were not available to distribute at the event.
15 y 16 - 5CNSL San Juan de los Morros: CarĂºpano the same case, there was no stand but give POP material, facilities were made (labeled with stickers), some discs were delivered ...
23 - Ubuntazo, tras la pista de Ubuntu:The first Ubuntazo is performed worldwide, there were talks, copied from CD ISOs Ubuntu on USB Drives and pastes CDs and DVDs brought by the attendees. We registered attendees, raffle original disks of Ubuntu, we support and install a couple of computers. At the end we also sing.