||<>|| = Meeting opened by jtatum at 17:06 = <'''<>'''> #TOPIC Leadership options/elections <'''<>'''> [TOPIC] Leadership options/elections == Leadership options/elections == <'''<>'''> Well, this is jledbetter's items but essentially the gist is that there weren't any nominees for leadership of the Virginia team <'''<>'''> I don't think that will work out <'''<>'''> We made a bunch of plans for how to handle elections and changing various team settings but none of it really came in to play <'''<>'''> party <'''<>'''> jtatum, Yep, sorry. :) <'''<>'''> evenin <'''<>'''> Hey! <'''<>'''> Howdy :) <'''<>'''> Great, hi everyone! :) <'''<>'''> We're all just 10 minutes behind :D <'''<>'''> So, what do we do with no nominees? We can continue with some admins, try another round of nomination/elections, or ....? * '''<>''' nominates jledbetter <'''<>'''> I second that, Jagged <'''<>'''> The open source way: sounds like someone's getting voluntold :) <'''<>'''> lol <'''<>'''> For how long? <'''<>'''> for...ev...er! <'''<>'''> I know the reason I didn't nominate in the first round was that I felt that I didnt know who wanted to be elected/who would be a good choice, and im wondering if that was the cause for no nominations <'''<>'''> lexvegas, Could be. <'''<>'''> Jagged, Good movie, but heck no. <'''<>'''> How about 1 year <'''<>'''> Ok. Much better than forever. <'''<>'''> Maybe 1a bit less, so we could have elections in January, the OCD in me would like that. <'''<>'''> How about after holiday craziness <'''<>'''> Jagged, Is that January? <'''<>'''> yeah, i didnt think about that aspect of it. <'''<>'''> Interesting :) Sounds like we have consensus on a candidate, but not a duration. <'''<>'''> Options 4/4/2011 - 1/1/2011 or 4/4/2011 - 4/4/2012. I'm more a cycle person so would sync it up with the releases of Ubuntu personally. <'''<>'''> which would make 4-4 a good choice <'''<>'''> jtatum: I like lining it up with the releases <'''<>'''> Ok, let's make the bot do some work. Well, let's see if it does it. I'll do two options. +1 the one you dig. <'''<>'''> I started the meeting so i have to & hm <'''<>'''> VOTE Term is 4/4/2011 - 12.04 (April 2012 release) <'''<>'''> oh, copy past then? Or maybe it's [blah] <'''<>'''> [VOTE] Term is 4/4/2011 - 12.04 (April 2012 release) ||<#55FF55>''Motion: Term is 4/4/2011 - 12.04 (April 2012 release)''|| <'''<>'''> +1 <'''<>'''> +1 <'''<>'''> +1 <'''<>'''> +1 <'''<>'''> [ENDVOTE] ||<#55FF55>Results: 4 in favour, 0 against, 0 abstained.|| ||<#55FF55>Overall: 4|| ||<#55FF55>Motion Carried: Term is 4/4/2011 - 12.04 (April 2012 release)|| <'''<>'''> And the other option was 4/4/2011 - 1/1/2011 <'''<>'''> [VOTE] Term is 4/4/2011 - 1/1/2012 ||<#55FF55>''Motion: Term is 4/4/2011 - 1/1/2012''|| <'''<>'''> +0 <'''<>'''> +0 <'''<>'''> +0 <'''<>'''> +0 <'''<>'''> If everyone abstains... <'''<>'''> Then the other choice wins :) <'''<>'''> I guess <'''<>'''> +0 <'''<>'''> [ENDVOTE] ||<#55FF55>Results: 0 in favour, 0 against, 5 abstained.|| ||<#55FF55>Overall: 0|| ||<#55FF55>Deadlock: Term is 4/4/2011 - 1/1/2012|| ||<#55FF55>Casting Vote: || <'''<>'''> [AGREED] Leadership term shall be until 12.04 release ||<#FF5555>'' Leadership term shall be until 12.04 release''|| <'''<>'''> Any other nominations from the floor? <'''<>'''> I'm not an expert in this, but if there's only one nominee, do we still hold an election? <'''<>'''> Or& grats jledbetter :) <'''<>'''> i notimate jledbetter's kitty kat <'''<>'''> Depends on if you're following Robert's Rules, etc. <'''<>'''> dasnipa|arpy, He said "no" <'''<>'''> Right-o. No other nominations, and we're not Robert's Rules types overall so grats me. Raar. <'''<>'''> Thank you, everyone :) <'''<>'''> grats jledbetter :) <'''<>'''> congrats! <'''<>'''> [TOPIC] Global Jam/Release Party <'''<>'''> jtatum, Now you do it ;) <'''<>'''> [TOPIC] Global Jam/Release Party == Global Jam/Release Party == <'''<>'''> Thanks :) <'''<>'''> Did anyone attend or have a global jam? <'''<>'''> I wish. Couldn't make it. It was just a bad weekend for me <'''<>'''> I had to play my car-less student card <'''<>'''> There were a couple of online things, weren't there? I saw something on Friday. There's no way I could have done that <'''<>'''> didn't see anything about that. :/ oh well <'''<>'''> Not sure if there were. I just know of the ones that were in person. <'''<>'''> um& were there any in Virginia? <'''<>'''> Not that I know of. I thought about it but the timing stunk for me too. <'''<>'''> Well, there's next cycle so probably August-ish. <'''<>'''> I see why this is called global jam/release party. We're going to take the lesson learned of having no global jam and moving forward, plan something for a release party, right? :) <'''<>'''> jtatum, Exactly! <'''<>'''> Though I will be the first to admit that planning something in person is not always the easiest for me :) Y'know. So uh. Anyone doing a release party? :) <'''<>'''> well, considering that we're basically all spread out, maybe we should do it online <'''<>'''> like, synchronize beer! <'''<>'''> now everyone eat a bit of cake! <'''<>'''> +1 <'''<>'''> or pie if that's your custom <'''<>'''> I think I pitched this before and the idea was pretty hated, and it's possibly terrible. <'''<>'''> Well, I'll probably be online anyway. Looks like it's April 21-May 5 timeframe. End of the semester and such. Hard. <'''<>'''> Well, let me check some stuff and maybe I'll have a small gathering near May 1. I'll let the list know of course if anyone's in town :) (Southeast Virginia) <'''<>'''> Before we close out the meeting, was there anything else anyone needed to bring up for discussion? <'''<>'''> Alright, then thank you all for coming and voting for me! I hope I do ya proud. <'''<>'''> #endmeeting ---- = Meeting closed at 17:46 = == People Present == * jtatum * lexvegas * dasnipa|arpy * jledbetter * Jagged == Actions Recorded ==