||<>|| = Meeting opened by jledbetter at 17:00 = <'''<>'''> Hello everyone :) Welcome to the Virginia team meeting. Please speak into the bot's microphone that you're here. (saying "here" is fine) <'''<>'''> +0 <'''<>'''> Well I know Jagged and BrumleyGap are here <'''<>'''> ummm. sorry, but how to I "talk in to the bot's microphone?" <'''<>'''> Just type whatever you like like that. I think that's how it takes attendance by if someone said something after "#startmeeting" <'''<>'''> #topic Release parties <'''<>'''> [topic] Release parties == Release parties == <'''<>'''> * whistle * <'''<>'''> So, looks like Tarvid had a release party April 30. Was anyone able to get to that or have one of your own? <'''<>'''> Hi sheridan. We just started :) <'''<>'''> Good evening <'''<>'''> cool <'''<>'''> Well, sounds like no release parties. Totally understandable. Busy time of year. Has anyone upgraded to Natty? <'''<>'''> jledbetter: I wanted to but I was out of town :( <'''<>'''> was hoping you'd host one in newport news <'''<>'''> jtatum, Thought about it but didn't have time to make natty cupcakes <'''<>'''> I upgraded... <'''<>'''> sheridan, How'd it go? <'''<>'''> very smooth...I also made the decision to get rid of my windows partition on this laptop and am solely ubuntu <'''<>'''> I updated, but Unity 3D didn't run on my old Fujitsu netbook. Using 2D <'''<>'''> Runs slower. There have been a few crashes, but nothing major <'''<>'''> Yeah, my hardware didn't like the 3D stuff either. <'''<>'''> Haven't upgraded my dev box yet since I'm in the middle of a few projects. <'''<>'''> yeah, I'm on 10.04 for all my other machines <'''<>'''> i have the isos downloaded <'''<>'''> I left my desktop in the basement on windows 7 since I have all my favorite games there...found out that the graphics chip in my laptop does not have a linux driver so no opengl for me....:-( <'''<>'''> Aw <'''<>'''> Oh, and speaking of natty, we have Open Week that started today: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuOpenWeek <'''<>'''> I saw that, but don't know what server to go to...found the channel... <'''<>'''> This server, freenode. <'''<>'''> cool will add the channel then for future reference <'''<>'''> Great. They usually do weeks of education around releases for users. Then there are sessions for developers and such too. <'''<>'''> yeah, freenode is the channel for all ubuntu related stuff.. and a lot of not ubuntu related stuff too <'''<>'''> s/channel/server/ <'''<>'''> Looks like lexvegas wanted to talk about CD distribution but isn't here. So I'm going to table that for when he's here. <'''<>'''> jtatum, True <'''<>'''> Sorry I missed the "Getting involved via the Beginners Team" session <'''<>'''> BrumleyGap, That's tomorrow :) So you haven't yet! <'''<>'''> ah, thanks! <'''<>'''> I'll be working on that after this meeting actually. Hopefully get more folks using the team and joining it. Lots of great projects out there and sometimes hard to find them. <'''<>'''> I forget, what is the offset for EST vs UST? (UCT? <'''<>'''> I forget too so use the timeanddate site. http://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/fixedtime.html?month=5&day=4&year=2011&hour=16&min=0&sec=0&p1=0 <'''<>'''> -4 hours for DST? <'''<>'''> Since we have that daylight time stuff and whatnot. <'''<>'''> ya... <'''<>'''> [topic] New business == New business == <'''<>'''> Did anyone else have anything to add? <'''<>'''> nope <'''<>'''> Ubuntu Developer Summit is May 9-13: http://uds.ubuntu.com/ You can attend remotely if you want. Covers all sorts of topics from design to community (us) to development. <'''<>'''> :) <'''<>'''> uds is great <'''<>'''> Yep. Hopefully will go next cycle in Orlando. <'''<>'''> Well, if there's nothing else, let's close up and I'll update the report for council. :) <'''<>'''> #endmeeting ---- = Meeting closed at 17:24 = == People Present == * jledbetter * jtatum * BrumleyGap * sheridan == Actions Recorded ==