Table of Contents

We’re preparing Lubuntu 15.04, Vivid Vervet, for distribution in April 2015. With this Beta pre-release, we are now at the stage of being semi stable. However pre-releases are not suitable for a production environment.

NOTE: This is an beta pre-release. Lubuntu Pre-releases are NOT recommended for:

Lubuntu Pre-releases ARE recommended for:

Getting Lubuntu 15.04 Beta 2

Download a Disk Image

Instructions for burning the image to a DVD or USB flash drive can be found on the Burning ISO Howto.

We recommend you learn how to check your image file so your pre-release is as it’s supposed to be. Compare your MD5 checksum with the correct ones found alongside the images.

Beta 2 Highlights

Software Updates


Linux Kernel

The Beta 2 Vivid Vervet snapshot includes the 3.19.0-10.9 Ubuntu Linux kernel which is based on the the upstream v3.19 Linux kernel. More available here.

Known Problems

Lubuntu Desktop Installer

Lubuntu Alternate Installer


Development of Lubuntu 15.04, the Vivid Vervet is ongoing and bugs are fixed every day. Before reporting bugs, please ensure your system is up to date. For verifying installation related bugs, updated disk images are available from Daily bootable images for standard PCs/laptops/netbooks. To install an i686 image for this milestone please use the alternate installer.

Please feel free to contact us with feedback.

VividVervet/Beta2/Lubuntu (last edited 2015-03-27 02:23:00 by host-92-10-71-63)