=== New features, applications and packages === Xubuntu now uses Xfce 4.12, which was released on February 28 2015. The new release has brought both some new features and many bug fixes over the old 4.10/4.11 components. For a complete changelog for '''Xfce 4.12''', see the 4.12 changelog on [[http://xfce.org/download/changelogs/4.12 |Xfce.org. ]] === Highlights === *New/Updated Xubuntu Light/Dark colorschemes in Mousepad, Terminal *Mousepad colorscheme set to Xubuntu Light by default *Better appearance for QT applications out of the box (default to GTK theme) *Redundant File Manager (Settings) menu entry removed === Updated Packages === *abiword 3.0.1 *apt-offline 1.6 *blueman 1.99 *exo (Xfce support library) 0.10.4 *firefox 37.0 *garcon (Xfce menu library) 0.4.0 *gnumeric 1.12.18 *inxi 2.2.16 *light-locker 1.6 *lightdm-gtk-greeter 2.0 *lightdm-gtk-greeter-settings 1.1.0 (NEW in vivid) *mousepad 0.4.0 *parole 0.8.0 *pavucontrol 2.0.3 *ristretto 0.8.0 *thunar 1.6.6 *thunderbird 31.6 *tumbler (Xfce thumbnailer) 0.1.31 *xfce4-appfinder 4.12.0 *xfce4-dev-tools 4.12.0 *xfce4-indicator-plugin 2.3.3 *xfce4-netload-plugin 1.2.4 *xfce4-panel 4.12.0 *xfce4-places-plugin 1.7.0 *xfce4-power-manager 1.4.3 *xfce4-screenshooter 1.8.2 *xfce4-session 4.12.1 *xfce4-settings 4.12.0 *xfce4-systemload-plugin 1.1.2 *xfce4-taskmanager 1.1.0 *xfce4-weather-plugin 0.8.5 *xfce4-whiskermenu-plugin 1.4.3 *xfce4-xkb-plugin 0.7.1 *xfconf 4.12.0 *xfdesktop4 4.12.0 *xfwm4 4.12.1 === Possible Known issues === * (Bug:1395720) authentication in livesession accepts any value as password * (Bug:1397095) dragging applications in the task bar causes repaint errors * (Bug:1446598) When upgrading, the notes plugin is removed from the panel * To work around this, simply add the notes plugin back to the panel. Your data is kept intact. * (Bug:1446605) Power indicator icons are incorrect after upgrade * (Bug:1447038) 15.04: Shutdown/Restart of live session guest does not work in Virtualbox or VMWare * This Virtual Machine bug doesn't stop the install proceeding, but you will need to power off, ensure the image is removed from the virtual machine and then start it. === Common Known Issues === For common issues relating to the 15.04 release, please refer to the [[https://wiki.ubuntu.com/VividVervet/ReleaseNotes#Known_issues|Ubuntu Release Notes ]]