<> <> = Books - for members of the group = == O'Reilly == O'Reilly is very supportive of local user groups. We should put in a request for some books. Lets get our learn on. * http://ug.oreilly.com/register.csp Suggestions- * The Book of Audacity http://oreilly.com/catalog/9781593272708/ (For audio editing and podcasting) * bash Pocket Reference http://oreilly.com/catalog/0636920010166/ * The Linux Programming Interface http://oreilly.com/catalog/9781593272203/ * Asterisk: The Definitive Guide (v3) == Apress == * http://www.apress.com/user-group-program == Packt == * http://www.packtpub.com/user-groups == Art of Community by Jono Bacon == This is free to download- so have at it; http://www.artofcommunityonline.org/get/ - it would not hurt if anyone felt like buying it either. == Other suggestions? == * ideas?