<> <> The Code of Conduct forms the basics of the pleasant atmosphere in Ubuntu. Being nice to each other, being cooperative, and respecting each other is a must. = IRC = [[https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat|Internet Relay Chat]] is used as a way of real-time communication. We can talk about things in much greater depth (and sometimes faster) than through email. IRC is a fairly standard medium in many FOSS (Free and Open Source Software) communities, and as such, there's a wealth of customs associated with it. Want to talk with members of the Washington LoCo Team right now? '''We have our own IRC channel.''' It's #ubuntu-us-wa on Freenode. Sound confusing? It's not, really. '''Dont have an IRC Client? [[http://webchat.freenode.net/?channels=ubuntu-us-wa|just click here]].''' No worries - just enter your nickname and you can join. * #ubuntu-us-wa is often quiet for hours at a time, and people may not respond immediately. They could be away from their computers, or busy in another window. * Check out the [[https://help.ubuntu.com/community|Ubuntu Community]] help page. '''Here are several common questions - '''[[https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CommonQuestions|Common Questions]] that get asked time and again on IRC. They may save you frustration and time if you check them out. [[http://ohio.ubuntu-us.org/node/22 |Here is a Screencast]] courtesy of Ubuntu's Ohio Team. Step by step instructions walk you through the process. == Channel Guidelines == Ubuntu channels follow the [[IrcGuidelines|Ubuntu IRC Guidelines]] These guidelines do not cover every single aspect of the Ubuntu channels' etiquette. Specific practices are encouraged and discouraged, according to these guidelines' intent as well as to practical channel needs. Recommendations from channel operators, including those stored in the channel bots, should be followed. '''The [[http://www.ubuntu.com/community/conduct|Code of Conduct]] should always be obeyed''' '''Don't flood the channel''' Flooding the channel disrupts all conversations. Please don't do it. If you want to show large texts, such as errors, use [[http://paste.ubuntu.com| pastebin]]. '''Don't use public away messages''' '''How to ask for help in the channel''' This how-to explains the best way to ask for help [[http://www.sabi.co.uk/Notes/linuxHelpAsk.html|this link is not on the Ubuntu site]]. '''Don't repeat your question if it is not answered immediately''' '''Language and Subject''' All the #ubuntu channels are visited by people whose ages vary, and whose tolerances of language and subject choice vary equally as much. Please be considerate of everyone and keep all the #ubuntu channels family friendly. Please be aware that there are limits to behaviour and subjects. When using any #ubuntu channel, please avoid the use of swearing and take touchy subject choices such as war, race, religion, politics (unless related to software licensing), gender, sexuality, drugs, questionable legal activities, removing of ones self from the planet are taken to other channels such as #off-topic or ##politics. (Note [[http://freenode.net/policy.shtml#offtopic|Freenode Policy]] when you join those channels.) '''Don't be annoying - REALLY!''' == Disputes == If you disagree with the decision of an operator, then talk to that operator about it in a polite manner. Cursing and swearing will not help, so please don't do that. If talking to the operator personally does not give you a solution you like, you are more than welcome to join the operators channel. To get a list of current ops for the Lo``Co's channel use this command in your IRC Client "/msg chanserv access #ubuntu-us-wa list" Please also be aware that ''some'' Ubuntu channels are logged, many officially and all of them unofficially by individual users, and the contents of all channels are considered to be in the public domain. Keeping a pleasant atmosphere in #ubuntu-us-wa is important for both new and experienced users in the state of Washington. The users of the channel should do their best to keep the channel friendly so that we can attract users of all kinds from the state. The original page is from [[https://wiki.ubuntu.com/OklahomaTeam/IRC | OK]]''